Chapter 12 - Su Lin (Rev.)

After sharing a moment of intimacy, they decided to freshen up with a bath before visiting the preserve.

Xun Wei initially dressed in a suit, but Huang Jin suggested he wear something light and comfortable. Following his advice, Xun Wei changed into softer attire. Huang Jin also opted for similar clothing, but in different colors. Standing together in front of the mirror, they admired their reflections.

"We both look good," Huang Jin nodded, pleased with how they appeared together.

Xun Wei didn't need to respond with words; instead, he gently bowed his head and placed a tender kiss on Huang Jin's forehead. The affectionate gesture conveyed all the love and recognition needed, requiring no further explanation.

As they prepared to leave the room, the butler approached Xun Wei and informed him that the car was ready whenever they were prepared to depart.

Xun Wei held Huang Jin's hand as they walked through the corridor and descended the stairs. Huang Jin remained silent, not wanting to interrupt Xun Wei's conversation with the butler.

Suddenly, Huang Jin heard a woman's voice speaking. Turning his head towards the source, he noticed a tall and elegant woman searching for someone. The sound of her voice was familiar to him.

The woman appeared stunningly beautiful, exuding an aura of grace and kindness. She was dressed in a simple yet stylish ensemble of a white shirt and pants with a coat on top, and anyone who saw her would undoubtedly be captivated by her charm and warmth.

Huang Jin was taken aback, but he managed to hide his shock from anyone's notice, tightly holding onto Xun Wei's hand for reassurance.

Xun Wei, being attuned to Huang Jin's emotions, sensed the change and immediately turned to face him, holding his hand while gazing into his eyes. Despite only spending a few days together, Xun Wei could read every emotion that crossed Huang Jin's face. He understood that something or someone had upset him.

With his arm around Huang Jin's waist, Xun Wei pressed his lips against Huang Jin's ear and whispered soothingly, "Don't worry. I am here. Is she among the people who tormented you?" His caring and protective nature evident in the way he comforted Huang Jin.

Huang Jin chose not to respond verbally but simply nodded in acknowledgment, comforted by Xun Wei's presence.

Xun Wei continued to hold Huang Jin close, kissing his ear tenderly before shifting his focus to the woman standing in front of them.

The woman's name was Su Lin, and upon hearing that Xun Wei had returned from A City, she decided to visit him at his villa. Su Lin had a plan in mind—she wanted to manipulate the situation and force Xun Wei into marrying her. They had met three months ago at a party in A City, through a mutual friend of Su Lin's. Little did Xun Wei expect that he would encounter her again.

During that party, Su Lin had seized an opportunity to slip an aphrodisiac into Xun Wei's drink, ensuring a seemingly opportune moment for her manipulative intentions.

As the waiter passed by, she swiftly reached for a glass of wine from the tray and made her way to Xun Wei. While walking, she discreetly retrieved a small pill from her bag and skillfully placed it in the wine. The pill's tiny size allowed it to dissolve easily, leaving no trace and avoiding detection.

Xun Wei was viewed by others as superior, wise, handsome, and wealthy. Su Lin devised a plan to get close to him. Her intention was to use a drug to intoxicate Xun Wei and create a situation that would lead him to believe they had been intimate. Su Lin hoped that by doing so, Xun Wei would feel obligated to take responsibility for her and potentially start a family.

However, her plan was thwarted and then when she learned that Xun Wei had arrived in N City. Without wasting any time, she rushed to see him, determined to see him. "You can never escape, Xun Wei. I'll make sure you will be mine," she whispered to herself, clinging to her determination to make him hers.

As Xun Wei turned around and laid eyes on the girl, he immediately recognized her as Su Lin. It dawned on him that Su Lin was the sister of his friend's girlfriend, making her acquaintance less unexpected.

The memory of the party they attended three months ago resurfaced, and Xun Wei recalled how Su Lin had offered him a glass of wine. At the time, he dismissed it as a hotel mistake and didn't pay much attention to it. However, now with the context of the situation, he realized that Su Lin might have had ulterior motives that night.

Due to his upbringing in the military with K9 dogs, Xun Wei developed a keen sense of smell, particularly for chemicals and drugs. When Su Lin offered him the wine, he immediately detected the presence of drugs mixed with it. Despite accepting the glass of wine, he made sure not to drink it as he had to return to the base.

Xun Wei's relationship with Su Lin was not particularly close; instead, he was more familiar with her sister, who happened to be his friend's girlfriend. This connection meant he had minimal personal involvement with Su Lin.

Upon seeing Su Lin and recalling the past incident with the drugged wine, Xun Wei's suspicions grew stronger, and he began to consider the possibility that Su Lin might have been responsible. Observing Huang Jin's reaction to Su Lin, Xun Wei's protective instincts kicked in, and he resolved to confront the situation.

Determined to ensure Huang Jin's safety and happiness, Xun Wei made up his mind to deal with Su Lin and remove any potential obstacles that could harm him. Having Huang Jin confessed the hardship he endured during the apocalypse, Xun Wei was resolute in safeguarding him from any further harm. He was prepared to do whatever it takes to protect the one he loves from harm's way.

"Why are you here, Su Lin?" Xun Wei inquired, his tone neutral but carrying an underlying sense of coldness.

The smile on Su Lin's face vanished as she noticed Xun Wei's arm wrapped around the man beside him. Her gaze fell upon the young and innocent-looking boy, who exuded an air of grace with his jade-like skin, pink lips, and alluring phoenix eyes. Despite his hair being tied in a messy bun, his demeanor remained lazy yet captivating.

Seeing the boy beside Xun Wei seemed to provoke Su Lin, as if he was silently asserting that Xun Wei belonged to him. Her frustration grew, as it appeared that this boy held a special place in Xun Wei's heart, and she felt challenged by his presence.

"Why not? Can't I come here and visit you? Last time we met, we didn't talk much. I'd like to invite you out to eat," Su Lin spoke, trying to imply a close relationship with Xun Wei.

However, it was as if the boy next to Xun Wei didn't pay attention to her words. Instead, he moved closer to Xun Wei and planted a tender kiss on his cheek, whispering something in his ear. Su Lin observed Xun Wei's demeanor change, and it was evident that the boy held a special place in his heart. Xun Wei reciprocated the affection, kissing the boy on the forehead, displaying their strong bond.

Feeling slighted by Xun Wei's apparent disinterest in her, Su Lin decided to alter her approach in dealing with the situation.

"I'm sorry. Can I still invite you to eat outside?" Su Lin repeated her invitation to Xun Wei.

"No, I'm taking my fiancé out to eat, and we have a busy schedule today and in the coming days. So I won't have time to entertain you," Xun Wei replied, engrossed in his phone and paying little attention to Su Lin.

Upon hearing Xun Wei refer to the person beside him as his fiancé, Su Lin's expression immediately turned sour, indicating her displeasure.

"Is he? Are you sure? He's just a boy. And you are not gay," Su Lin exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief. She couldn't comprehend why Xun Wei would make such a statement.

"He is. I'm sure," Xun Wei responded calmly, firmly affirming the truth about his relationship with the boy.

Su Lin appeared incredulous and puzzled by Xun Wei's revelation. She couldn't comprehend why he would make such a statement. In her mind, there had been no previous indications or rumors about Xun Wei being gay. The news came as a shock to her, and she was struggling to understand the situation.

"He is my fiancé, and I am sure about it," Xun Wei replied firmly, not wavering in his response to Su Lin's disbelief. "As for my sexual orientation, it is none of your concern."

Su Lin was taken aback by Xun Wei's unwavering confidence in his relationship with the boy.

Xun Wei, however, was resolute in his declaration, standing firm in his love for Huang Jin and not allowing anyone to question or undermine their relationship.

Xun Wei then turned to the butler standing nearby and issued clear instructions, "Inform the security of the villa that no one should be allowed inside except for my parents, grandpa, and brother. Particularly, ensure that Huang Jin is well taken care of and allowed entry at all times. Do you understand?"

The butler nodded and signaled the guards to escort Su Lin away. However, before they could approach her, she insisted on leaving on her own.

As Su Lin prepared to leave the villa, her phone began to ring. Upon seeing the caller's name, her forehead creased with worry as she answered the call.

"Su Lin! What possessed you to do such a thing to Xun Wei? Are you out of your mind? Do you want me to send you abroad and cut all ties with you? Do you want to ruin yourself?!" the voice on the other end of the line scolded her furiously.

The caller's threats and anger overwhelmed Su Lin, leaving her stunned and remorseful. She had never imagined the consequences of her actions would lead to such severe repercussions. The person on the phone continued, expressing their disbelief in Su Lin's actions and expressing their disappointment in her desperation.

Feeling regretful and remorseful, Su Lin realized the gravity of her mistakes and the depths to which she had stooped. The harsh reality of her actions and the anger she had provoked made her reevaluate her choices, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of despair and shame.

As Su Lin prepared to leave the villa, her phone began to ring. Upon seeing the caller's name, her forehead creased with worry as she answered the call.

"Su Lin! What possessed you to do such a thing to Xun Wei? Are you out of your mind? Do you want me to send you abroad and cut all ties with you? Do you want to ruin yourself?! Do you want to die?" the voice on the other end of the line scolded her furiously.

"Next time you do that again, I'll be the one to let you drink the aphrodisiac and send people to rape you!

I didn't think you can do this, and I thought you were clean, but I didn't know you were this desperate!

Don't ruin my relationship with Zhang Kaige

I can't believe you tried to drug him! You're going to give me trouble!

If whatever you did to Xun Wei affect my relationship with Zhang Kaige you better believe that what ever connection we have before of us being family will cease to exist!

Get ready, I've already booked a plane ticket to F Country. Don't come home for five years. Su Lin if I find out that you had violated my order. You're dead. Do you understand ?! Shouted Su Fan.

Su Lin was speechless as Su Fan yelled at her. She didn't expect Xun Wei to act quickly to get rid of her. She couldn't stop hating and cursing Huang Jin, if it weren't for him, she wouldn't have any chance to accomplished her plans.

"Don't ruin my relationship with Zhang Kaige! I can't believe you tried to drug him! You're going to get me into serious trouble! If your actions towards Xun Wei negatively impact my relationship with Zhang Kaige, you better believe that any familial connection we had will be severed!

Prepare yourself, I've already booked a plane ticket to F Country. Don't even think about coming home for the next five years. Su Lin, if I find out that you've defied my orders, you'll be in big trouble. Do you understand?!" Su Fan shouted in anger.

Su Lin was left speechless as Su Fan berated her. She hadn't anticipated Xun Wei taking swift action to protect himself from her manipulative schemes. Frustration and resentment welled up inside her, and she couldn't help but direct her hatred and curses towards Huang Jin, blaming him for obstructing her plans and ruining her chances.

The caller's threats and anger overwhelmed Su Lin, leaving her stunned and remorseful. She had never imagined the consequences of her actions would lead to such severe repercussions. The person on the phone continued, expressing their disbelief in Su Lin's actions and expressing their disappointment in her desperation.

Feeling regretful and remorseful, Su Lin realized the gravity of her mistakes and the depths to which she had stooped. The harsh reality of her actions and the anger she had provoked made her reevaluate her choices, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of despair and shame.