Chapter 45 - The Wedding, The Vows and Honeymoon (2)

Huang Jun especially was smiling, but his eyes were hazy with tears. He was sad that Huang Jin's mother couldn't witness the growth and having Huang Jin's own family. But he only hoped that Huang Jin would be happy even with the Apocalypse hanging on their heads.

Hao Wen, who was beside him, only smiled, remembering the conversation that they have at the office at that time.

He was shocked but did not wonder because he was gay; he didn't pay attention to the fact that he has a handsome old boss to work.

That's why he tried not to be close at all because he wanted to be professional enough during his work.

As the couple walked in the aisle, their emotions were very naked to all the people present to see.

" Wow, did you see how Xun's eldest eyes were?"

" Yes, It was crimson. In Xun's family, they say that his eyes only came after the last two generations."

" I also heard that, after the eldest was born, their family became prosperous."

" And whoever marries him will have so much blessing."

As the people talked around her again, Li Jia's eyes turned more greedy and cemented her resolved to approached Xun Wei and seduced him.

When the couple reached the altar, Grandpa Zhou was standing there waiting for them. Huang Jin and Xun Wei chose Grandpa Zhou to officiate their wedding to feel more intimate as they want the memories to be more memorable.

When Huang Jin asked grandpa Zhou, He can see the older man was very emotional. His eyes turned red and hugged Huang Jin.

Xun Wei smiled because he knew how important a wedding to his Grandpa Zhou, especially his marriage.

He always remembered that every time he goes home from the army. Grandpa Zhou ever asked him if he found a potential man, and if not, Grandpa Zhou can help him.

But Xun Wei always declined that he was too young to find someone that can make him decide to marry early and settle down.

The people in the upper society know that the eldest of the Xun's entered the military as early as fourteen. He was young and started training after his Grandfather agreed.

During training in the military, he also decided to continue his studies and took up chemical engineering then pursue additional courses in defense and security. As a weapons engineer, he was the youngest to be able to graduate and proceed to have a master's and doctorate to widen his career path further.

Xun Wei hailed as a genius in his peers and his age, that's why he became the captain of his team when he was eighteen. His career from then on became successful. Some were greedy and envious.

There were many obstacles, but because he was known as a Xun and had a relationship with the Old Minister of Defense, which was his Grandfather Zhou, they stopped. Even with his grandpa retiring from the military, he still held strong influence inside and outside the military.

As time goes by, he was already twenty-five. He was successful in his career, but when it comes to relationships, it was too rigid.

Woman and man who wanted to approach him and desired to have a relationship with him will rather watch him from afar instead of getting close to him. They were afraid because his aura and appearance were too strong that they feel inadequate and not appropriate, and will only instigate the people's anger.

So that's why Grandpa Zhou was pleased and thrilled that finally, Xun Wei found the person he decided to love and marry.

Some of the relatives of the Xun's were envious, but those who are close to the family felt only happiness for Xun Wei. They can sense and feel, how Xun Wei gives importance to the man in front of him.

The wedding vows of the couple shown how much they love each other even though they only knew each other recently.

" In health, in sickness and trials that we will go through our life. I solemnly vow to be with you. To love you and honor you. To support when your sad and guide you, never to change and always remained true." Xun Wei's voice deep and became emotional. He had difficulty in saying his vows and continued with his promises.

" Huang Jin, the strongest bond that will hold this marriage known only to you. Will last forever until the end of our life and the rest of our next life."

Huang Jin was watching Xun Wei finished with his vows with seriousness. He smiled at his soon to be husband and swallowed before answering, " The fact that heaven gave me a (another) chance to meet you and be with you. The opportunity to experience life (again) and happiness made me realize how lucky and blessed I am.

My life before I met you, I thought I was happy. But what they say that half of your life will make your life complete. I don't want to feel the sadness (despair) after meeting you (seeing you again) and will treasure every second of this life to be happy and keep on loving you for the rest of my life."

As the couples vow reverberated to all the peoples present at their wedding, they felt compelled to listen. As if the words they utter was a declaration to heavens. The coldness of the weather with the Sun and clouds hanging on the sky witnessing their vow.

As the clouds move and cover the land, the butterflies with different colored wings appeared flying through all the guests as they watched the wedding of the couple.

The fireflies that came out with the butterflies made the venue more magical as they light the darkness of the clouds.

The people present felt amazed and surprised.

A person exclaimed, " So it's true that his wedding will be blessed, even the butterflies and fireflies emerge."

Mother Xun was so emotional that she cried, Father Xun with a handkerchief dried her eyes tenderly as they watch their son getting married.

Xun Wen was also happy, smiling from ear to ear as his best friend and brother exchanging their vows.

Some murmured and talked as the vow continued. Li Jia, on the other hand, she was in a trance. Her heart beating like a drum. She was envious and in a complicated mood. She witnessed how the mother nature made the wedding enchanted, and she was more in a hurry to attract Xun Wei's attention to her.

She already forgot her father's order to have a good relationship with the Xun's and only focused on how to obtain the man.

After the couple's vow, they thank all the people who came and witnessed their wedding. Xun Wei led Huang Jin to each table and accepted their blessing and congratulations.


" Great blessing to your marriage."

Each guest clapped their hands as to congratulations and gave their blessing to the couple.

Huang Jin and Xun Wei thank everyone with smiles and in a happy mood. Some were laughing with happiness, and Xun Wei's brother let out a long whistle.

A lady dressed in white, her long black hair scattered around her shoulders. The side of her hair pinned with a white ornament.

Her hair made her small face more distinct; her cheeks were blushing with the weather. Her lips and eyebrows were slender. Her hand carrying a glass of wine was thin and smooth like jade.

Lin Jian's simple make up made her beautiful face more gorgeous.

Li Jia walked gracefully and dignified, like a queen meeting her King. The people seeing this seen made them gossip and admiring her elegant appearance.

As she approached the couple, she heard the people talking and praising her. If the guests did not know that the other gender of the married couple was male, they would mistake the woman as the bride of the groom. The way the lady wears the dress and act at the wedding was like a bride who made the vow with Xun Wei.

Li Jian was carrying a glass of red wine as she stopped in front of the couple. Because of her aura, some of the guests made way for her to stand in front.

She raised her glass and salute the couple, her eyes not moving from Xun Wei. Her eyes focused on him and were full of ambiguous meaning. Li Jia immediately turned innocent as white lotus.

In a soft and sweet voice, " I am Li Jia, on behalf of the Lin Family, I would like to congratulate you on a beautiful wedding."

Her voice and words were like broken glass in Huang Jin's ears. His ears were hurting from hearing it. He doesn't know if he's too sensitive, but he felt like the woman was insinuating something.

Huang Jin's eyes turned sharped, and his piercing blue eyes flashed with ridicule.

Now from observing the girl, he can see that she was very proud of her face and appearance.

His lips twitched, and his eyes rolled before returning into his proper masked. He wanted to express his annoyance the way the woman was looking at his husband.

As if Xun Wei heard his complaint, " Who? I don't know any Li Jia from Li Family." said in an indifferent to her family name, his eyes cold and without emotion.

Huang Jin wanted to laugh as Xun Wei never forgets to make him laugh at the expense of someone's embarrassment.

Li Jia's face turned red rapidly from Xun Wei's lack of interest, the grip of her hand on the glass tightened.

She took a deep breath to control her emotions and then told Xun Wei, " I only came because of my cousin and your friend Li Song, he invited me.

I rarely attend occasions like this because I was in this country for my business. I talked to Li Song, that I wanted to meet the Xun's on behalf of my Li Family, specifically my father, Li Jiong." Li Jia made her intentions clear.

The guests around her when hearing her words made them see her from a different perspective.

Because the majority of the guest were Xun's relatives and friends, some of them were ridiculing her, and few of them were trying to restrain from laughing at Li Jia. They can only shake their heads from her attitude.

Maybe she thought that her beauty could stop and make Xun Wei looked at her differently, but she didn't know that Xun Wei was a cold and domineering man. His typical attitude to outsiders and strangers was aloof and reserve.

Xun Wei is especially to ladies who tend to like him and show affection and trying to be intimate with him. He disdains that kind of behavior, and he was always straightforward and blunt with them.

Li Jia wanted to talk more but hindered by someone and pushed away from Xun Wei.

" Big Brother, congratulations! Now you're married to my best friend, and all his attention will be on to you. I feel jealous." His arms slipped around and hooked Huang Jin's shoulder as he talks to the couple, drawing Huang Jin back against him.

Li Jia's neck flushed red and traveled to her face as she felt humiliated. She wanted to scold the guy, but when she heard his chat with Xun Wei and his husband, she stops. She gritted her teeth and forced a smile.

" If you have time, can I reach and talk with you? I wanted to talk business with you."

" Sorry, I don't have the time, and I already step down from the military. As for your Li Family, My Xun's only know Grandfather Li and my comrade in arms Li Song."

A gruff, cold voice coming from an Old man spit out the words, "And I know for a fact that he doesn't have any real relationship with the Li Family you're talking about."

"Grandpa Yang, I'm glad that you made to my wedding." Xun Wei's smiled, feeling his mood improved.

The voice came from Grandpa Yang, with his head full of white hair. His face was full of experience in life. His face was wrinkled, but you can see how handsome he was in his younger age. He was dressed in a Red Tang suit, standing there with his walking stick.

" I know, I told Yang Cai that I need to be here. He also wanted to come, but there was an emergency in the company that he can't delay. So I'm here with gifts from Xiaocai for you and your husband." His lips curved into a soft smile.

" When Xiaowei informed me that he wanted to resigned from the military, I thought there was an emergency, or something happened to him. But when he told me that he desired to marry someone and settle down, I was happy and asked him to let me see and meet you.

But I didn't know that the time to meet you is at your wedding. I'm shocked but thrilled for both of you. You always take care and have patience with Xun Wei, and he still knows how to make people mad."

Huang Jin seeing the older man was very fond of Xun Wei. He smiled, his eyes turned soft with affection.

" I know thank you for coming to our wedding despite the long travel."

The couple with Xun Wen and Grandpa Yang continued talking without minding Li Jia, who was still standing there. Her face turned ugly, and her hands balled into fists with anger and walked away.