Chapter 51 - Signs

"The majority of this Island is ice in form, but because of the weather. All year round, there is snow, and the sun does not shine. It was not supposed to be like this, but after the meteors pass by this world, this place completely changed."

"Wait a minute! What do you mean meteors?! How come we didn't see it?" Xun Wei was in disbelief.

"Because you were sleeping with your family. And from the hundreds of miles of my perception, all the people within my range fell asleep. They didn't wake up until morning. I doubt that any people outside of it was awake. So you didn't know."

"So how come the government didn't announce it on the news?"

"I don't know; maybe they thought that the passing meteors were nothing to be afraid, and they decided not to reveal it to the masses." Zijing nonchalantly said without emotions.

"This is so unbelievable! How come you told me that your prediction was always correct? Now the meteor came too early!" Xun Wei was so mad that he wanted to throttle the dragon.

"Did you ever thought of telling me or you forgot?" Xun Wei asked Zijing, His face was livid, the veins standing out on his neck.

The snow was falling hard, the wind blowing strongly.

" Not really?"

"Are you sure?" The whole place eerily became quiet, the howling of the wind and snow stop.

Zijing immediately stopped himself from answering and became severe. Because for a moment, he felt constricted by the aura coming from Xun Wei's body. It was the same cold and cynical character in the last life after becoming the only most active living person on earth.

Zijing was one of the dragons who was known for being authoritative for the last thousand years. It never occurred to him that after meeting this puny mortal will render his life unable to control his own and leaving him hopeless and mad.

After what Xun Wei did in his last life, taking revenge on those people who made Huang Jin's life miserable killed them and tortured them one by one until they begged for death. He was a monster in hell, scaring and punishing them. Xun Wei was trying all the options to resurrect Huang Jin and failing every time. He became numb, apathetic to his surroundings. Xun Wei was like a machine, emotionless. Every day he hunts and kills every zombie and all the aberrations until nothing left but mountains and mountains of corpses. Watch all human beings suffer and lose hope day by day.

The oceans and land turned black as the blood of living people and zombies combined and spread all over. It was the first time the dragon felt hopeless. He wanted to stop Xun Wei every time he kills, but he knew that his strength was not enough.

"Look at me!" Xun Wei shouted that made Zijing come back.

The dragon looked at Xun Wei's face inhaled deeply and opened his mouth, "I'm sorry, It won't happen again."

Xun Wei abruptly stops, and his anger wilted immediately.

"You don't need to apologize; I want you to tell and inform me of things that can help my family's survival.

I can feel your hatred on me, but If you can have enough patience with me.

The only thing I need is for you to try and communicate more with me. I want to understand you, especially because you're inside Huang Jin's dimensional space.

I can't let anything happened to Huang Jin; My instinct is telling me that if something happened with him, you know what will happen, right?"

Zijing was silent; for a moment, he just wanted to kill Xun Wei before he obtained his other memories. In reality, he was terrified that after Xun Wei absorbs all his memories from the cave. His past self will completely dominate his present body.

"I know" after saying this, Zijing didn't talk anymore and started to feel and pinpoint the little dragon on the Island.

All the way Xun Wei also kept silent, he felt that Zijing was keeping a secret from him. He doesn't know what it is, but his instinct tells him that it's vital.

Even though he and Huang Jin's very busy, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have enough time to get his memories. Xun Wei already started to accept some of his memories that were inside the cave. Every time Zijing drags him to find creatures all over, he began to realize that it was necessary to go and rescue the little ones. The process helped him claiming his memories faster.

With Huang Jin's help, he was able to raise his level allowing him to read and understand his past self. That's why when Zijing's attitude towards him was rude, he still understand because without Zijing telling him. He can feel that the dragon has a reason why he was very hostile towards him.

After retrieving the baby dragon, Zijing and Xun Wei both return to the hotel. The dragon waved his hand then Xun Wei replaced the clone. Hugging Huang Jin, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Two days before the Honeymoon comes to an end, Zijing who was busy watching over the little dragons deep inside the mountain, warned Xun Wei that the weather all over the country near him has started changing. Earthquakes began occurring, discoveries of mutated and new species began appearing.

Zijing's prediction came too early.


A CITY - Xun Residence

After two months of Honeymoon, Xun Wei, with Huang Jin and the little one, came home with their bodyguards. The Airport was in chaos, and the authorities canceled all the flights coming through and leaving the country. The select flight was only allowed by the higher employees of the government. For the Rich people who has a jet or plane can naturally enter and exit the country.

Xun Wei called his Grandfather and his parents with Xun Wen to have a meeting. The family of three immediately went straight home.

The sleeping Ahbao was put inside their bedroom while Huang Jin and Xun Wei went to the study room. Inside, the couple can see Grandfather Zhou, Xun Wei's parent's around the study table.

Huang Jin's father and Hao Wen were standing in the middle of the room when they heard a knock and saw Huang Jin and Xun Wei coming inside.

The family resumes the discussion of their plan of leaving A City and fly to N County ahead of schedule.

Because the signs of disasters and the flu started appearing, they wanted to take the opportunity to stay at N County before it's too late.

But Huang Jin and Xun Wei needed them to let them go first, and the couple will stay and wait after the mutations appear.

They wanted to travel from A City to N County, and take the risk and opportunity to collect and bring more supplies from the factories and malls before the place becomes ruins during the apocalypse.

They wanted to make sure that there are complete food and materials available for the haven.

Xun Wei and Huang Jin's parents wanted to object from their plan, but the couple made sure that there is no danger going to happen with them.

The couple reassured the rest of the family that they can still communicate with each other. Xun Wei obtained a high-grade satellite phone after going to an auction from a country where they went for their Honeymoon. Xun Wei and Huang Jin will make sure to call and update them every day so that they can be at ease.

So they comply to the couple's arrangement. After that, Grandfather Zhou wanted to recruit more people, that was with him during his days in the army, especially those under him — the trustworthy ones like the talented people and with management abilities.

Huang Jin didn't stop Grandpa Zhou because it was more productive and helpful when the apocalypse struck the country.

It will lessen their burden from managing the base and can focus on more resources and help the ordinary people. In this way, they can round up people with talents in farming and engineering.

Xun Wei let his men recruit more people to complete and make sure the building of the walls of the base was secure that will separate them from the zombies that will start appearing.

He decided not to cut all the trees, because Huang Jin said that even though there will be mutant plants, it will not affect the base.

The wall built around the preserve as what Huang Jin indicated in the map, the whole preserve will be covered with thick fog that will appear during the apocalypse. And zombies will have a hard time finding the base and smelling the people inside.

They will be isolated from the zombies and mutant animals and plants.

Huang Jin chose the place as their base because the fog will stop all zombies from approaching the preserve.

Xun Wei also said to his parents and Grandpa Zhou that his old team started filing for retirement after he resigns from the army.

Du Feng also called to notify him that they will go directly to the preserve after delivering the goods from his boyfriend, Zhang Gu.

After the meeting, the rest of the family quickly did their task. Huang Jun and Hao Wen went back to B City.

Huang Jun turned off his phone before leaving for F Country. After a while, his phone ring. The screen flashed with his wife's name. Huang Jun was watching the phone ring continuously. He didn't want to answer her call but change his mind for a minute.

" Honey, Why can't I contact your phone two months ago? Where are you now? I was beginning to get worried." The coquettish voice and questions of Chen Ai came fast.

Huang Jun sneered and answered coldly. "Because I'm busy, I already told you that, and the place was very remote. Any form of communication is not accessible.

I'm coming back, and I want you and the children to be present in the house when I come back. I want to discuss things with you."

"Okay, the children are here. They have holidays this couple of days. See you"

"I'm going to give the divorce paper to Chen Ai. I don't want to be entangled with her and her children anymore. I'm furious every time I remember what they did with my son. I can't forgive them. And I will take these opportunities to follow the Xun's to N County."

" I'll make sure your things are ready immediately."

Chen Ai called her children after her husband called. She informed them that their father is coming home, and he wanted them to be present.

"Did you asked why he didn't even call in those two months?"

"Yes, he said that the place was too inaccessible."

Chen Bin's raised both her pretty eyebrows and laughed, " Are you sure that's he's telling the truth? I don't believe that. I doubt that his son Huang Jin will stay in a place that's too removed from the city and its life. He's a teen like myself, and I can't even live without the internet. "

"That's what he said, let's wait for him, and I'll ask again. His voice was cold, and I don't know if it's my imagination or not."

After an hour, Chen's can hear a door opening and closing. They were in the living room waiting for the patriarch. They turned their heads as they saw Huang Jun's secretary opened the door and leading Huang Jun.

Huang Jun was clad in a sweater and jeans, making him younger than his usual age.

The Chen's immediately stood up and greeted Huang Jun with a smile.

Chen Bin wanted to run towards Huang Jun and hugged him. All the time when Chen Bin meets with Huang Jun, she always makes sure to act excited to see him. It was one of the reasons why Huang Jun was very fond of her. But for some reason, she felt nervous when she looked up to Huang Jun, his eyes. It was ice-cold, and he didn't even hug her back.

Chen Ai didn't notice her daughter's action and approached her husband and kissed his lips. But Huang Jun's head moved away, and her lips landed on his cheeks. She couldn't help raising her eyebrows at the move.

Huang Jun settled on the sofa in front of Chen Ai and her children. Instead of sitting beside his wife,

Chen Ai saw Huang Jun signal his secretary, putting the folder in front of her.

" What's this?" Chen Ai smiled. She was wondering what her husband gave her. At the thought of him meeting his son and lasted for more than two months, maybe he was busy changing his son's inheritance. She was excited as she opened the folder, and her beautiful face turned white. Chen Ai couldn't believe what she's seeing.