Chapter 55 - Natural Disasters (2)

The viewers watching the news were shocked and afraid. They can feel the hopelessness. Watching them waiting and talking to their buried loved ones, giving them hope that rescue is coming. So close to their family but so far and can only watch them as they die in wait.

The people around can hear the cries for help and cries of pain and despair.

Huang Jin and Xun Wei were in the living room, sitting on the sofa and watching the television. The whole channels dominated by the news of disasters all over the country. Earthquakes from small to massive and tsunamis started happening.

The people panic and scream, people dying and buried inside their homes and work—a child crying with his teddy bear in his arms.

Huang Jin began to feel anxious. His hands firmly grip his husband's arms. Xun Wei can feel Huang Jin's tension after seeing the news on the television.

"Don't worry, and you chose this place because you know that there is no earthquake. I believe you."

"I'm just worried, what if it changes because of my rebirth? I don't want anything to happen to our family."

"I'm here, and I will make sure that there will nothing going to happen, I promise." Xun Wei kissed Huang Jin's temple and hugged him hard.

Huang Jin nodded and continued to watch the news.

The earthquakes and tsunamis, as well as typhoons, continued to destroy and change the whole map of the country. Natural disasters hit the cities one by one. Not only their country but other foreign countries experience the disasters that some wipe towns and destroyed buildings and homes.

The earthquakes continued to level the cities. The government can only help in evacuating and giving financial help to those affected citizens.

Without saying, people can feel pressure and anxiety. The uncertain future after the disasters stop. They are condemning the government from not giving warnings, blaming them for the lack of help.

The cities that were not affected much began to stay and locked their doors. People began to travel and go to the cities that were not devastated by earthquakes and tsunamis. The population increased, and cities became congested.

For months the natural disaster continued to kill and destroy people's lives and homes. Huang Jin and Xun Wei can only watch the news and continue to work inside the dimension.

The rest of the family in N county can feel the urgency of the disasters. So they told all the workers to move and worked fast the construction of the preserve. The family also hire more people to make sure that the preserve will be ready before the apocalypse comes.

The disasters that happen all over the country for almost six months took nearly four million people. The government started to mobilize to help those in need. From time to time, earthquakes still struck the country. The first few months, it took the people to realized that the disasters might never go away. They thought it would only last a day or two but after a series of disasters. Day by day became weeks then became months. They were desperate for any hope that things will go back to were it use to be.

The people were afraid, all kinds of speculation surfaces like its the end of the world. That God became angry and forsaken them.

But Huang Jin knew that this disaster is not the end yet.

The worst kind will end up devouring and killing whoever gets in its way.

The land and sea became a graveyard to all—the people who have swept away by the tsunamis and buried under the earth. The fishermen and ships who wanted to go out and earned some money found the floating bodies of people drowned by tsunamis. They were frightened and alerted the authorities, and they can only shake their heads for the misfortunes that befall the country.

The beautiful places that thousands and millions of people go to now became deserted and abandoned. Day by day, those people who had their love ones buried by the earthquakes still tried to look and save them.

The first stage of the apocalypse then entirely made itself known to human beings.

Huang Jin wasn't able to sleep last night, so early in the morning, he went out of the room and stayed on the balcony. When Xun Wei woke up, the sheet beside him was cold, his brows wrinkled, and he went outside to check. He saw Huang Jin sitting on the balcony, basking on the morning sun. The whole place smells of flowers and grass.

Feeling Xun Wei's breath, Huang Jin asked him,

"Do you think I'm selfish?"

"Why do you think that?" Xun Wei sits beside him and holds Huang Jin in his arms.

"Because I was reborn? I know the events that will lead to the apocalypse. I can give them the information?"

"Do you think they will believe you? I know that you want to help them. Your heart is right. But Ahjin, do you think even if you tell this to them, they will hear you? Did you see what happen? The government gave people enough time and warned them that earthquakes might occur. But they ignored the warnings, if only they believe, they can avoid the disaster and flee to a safer place.

They will only think that you are crazy and worst, they will imprison you, and I can't let that happen."

"I'm sorry." Huang Jin hugged his husband and laid his head on Xun Wei's shoulder.

"It's okay, and I know you feel guilty. But Ahjin, people make their own choices. Them not believing made their life short."

"Hmmm.." Huang Jin closes his eyes as he listened to Xun Wei's heart beating.

"Sleep" Xun Wei petted Huang Jin until he fell asleep. He stayed in that position, afraid of disturbing his lover's nap.

Huang Jin woke up from sleep when he felt someone caressing his cheeks then he heard a child's giggle and a deep chuckle. He blearily opened his eyes and searching where it came. He saw Xun Wei sitting on the end of the sofa, his feet on top of Xun Wei's lap. Ahbao was beside him, leaning on him and his little hand on his cheeks.

"Hi baby" Huang Jin smiled as he greets the little one.

"Hi, Papa, good morning!" Ahbao leaned down and kissed both his cheeks.

"Goodmorning to you to baby."

" Dad said to wake you up and eat breakfast, and I made the milk for you. " Ahbao happily said, boasting his achievement.

" Oh, wow.. good baby" Huang Jin can't help but dragged the child inside his arms and rain kisses all over his face.

"Papa, It tickles! No! Stop... Hahaha.."

"Let's eat guys; the food will get cold." Xun Wei told the two-person he loves the most.

The breakfast was a happy occasion for the family, after eating the three people with their dog went inside the dimensional space to get busy.

Xun Wei made a playground for Ahbao to play with Cray. The playground built with the help of the little guy. A sturdy life-size sandcastle was build, horizontal ladders, tube slides, etc. Ahbao was so excited after it was made. He begged his Dad and Papa to play with him.

The couple accompanied their baby playing and wandering around the dimensional space. They only stop for lunch and dinner. The whole day, the child was pleased. Being with his new family, Ahbao was fortunate to meet and be with his parents.

Although he was sad that he was not able to be with is birth father, he did not regret it. Choosing Huang Jin and Xun Wei was the best decision he did in his nine little years.

After playing Ahbao fell asleep in Xun Wei's arms. The little guy after feeling tired, he immediately went to play coquettishly with his dad until he slept in his arms.

Xun Wei can only shake his head with laughter.

"His happy" Huang Jin said.

"He is" Xun Wei replied with a smile on his lips.

"That's good, to give him happiness makes me feel happy too. I just hope it will last for a long time, but we can't wish for the impossible."

" If you're thinking about the apocalypse, it doesn't matter. We can still make him happy, even if he's exposed to a grim future. We will keep him safe from harm. You don't have to worry."

"Yes, we can." Huang Jin leaned on Xun Wei shoulders as he kissed the child's face.

As the family of three was busy inside the dimensional space, Xun Wei's parents and Huang Jin's dad was also busy making sure the preserve was ready before the apocalypse.

The Natural disasters that devastated the other cities was a huge thing to swallow. The family was in a state of giving their energy in constructing the base. They did not rest until everything was in order and all the things needed for their station to stand alone and be a stronghold for their family because the future of the family will eventually lay their foundation on the preserve.

In the darkness, Huang Jin can't see anything. Thick fog made the path difficult to walk; sometimes, he can hear whispers and laughter every time he walks his way to the road.

His brows wrinkled, and his face turned serious, and He knew that he was inside a dream. He can still remember the time he met his so-called 'mother'.

But every time he dreams this kind of scene, when he wakes up, he can't remember anything. He doesn't know what's wrong and why he's dream kept him from remembering.

That's why he was still in the stage of not trusting the person who introduced herself as his 'mother'.

After reaching the end of the path, the same scene keeps on playing the creatures roaming and dominating the earth. A garden, full of flowers and a chair with his so-called 'mother' sitting on it.

"You're back," His so-called 'mother' said.

"You dragged me in here" 'I don't even want to be here.'

" I just want to talk with you" She sighs feeling regretful that his son still doesn't believe him.

"Ahjin, I'm not going to do anything harmful to you. I promised, I only want to talk with you. I know you still don't believe me and considered not to trust me. I know talking to you cryptically won't help my case. But my son, I will not hurt you in any way especially your family."

"If you really don't want to harm me, then why every time I wake up I can't remember this dream?"

His so-called 'mother' was silent, she looked up to him from her seat. Huang Jin thought she won't answer his question but then when she opened her mouth she only said a word before he woke up again.

"Hey, are you alright?" Xun Wei feeling Huang Jin's restlessness asked the question.

"I don't know, I felt like I dream something but I always forgot every time I wake up." His lover explain, face bone-tired."

"Maybe you're just tired? We were inside the space all this week. Do you want to go for a hike tomorrow? What do you think?" Xun Wei suggested seeing the teen pale and sweating, he took a wet towel in the space and slowly wiped his lover's face.

"Okay, are we going to wake up early?" Huang Jin asked with worry. " I don't want," The teen said with a grievance holding Xun Wei's arms.

"We need to, it's a hike remember? Where hiking in a mountain, not in a park" Xun Wei don't know if he's going to laugh or not. His lover, day by day turned into a cute and spoiled kid just like his son.

"Change of scenery and just tomorrow okay? Sleep now." Xun Wei kissed Huang Jin's temple. After Huang Jin laid down, Xun Wei pulled him against his body and place his arms around his waist. Smelling Huang Jin's scent, Xun Wei felt happy. He taps his lover's arms from time to time and hummed a song until Huang Jin fell asleep.