Chapter 60 - The Evil Aura and Crystals

Huang Jin determined that Qiao Bei was already nine years old from the accumulated lines that scratch on the wall. The parents abandoned the child when he was seven; he stayed and experienced the cruelty of his parents for almost two years.

Nevertheless, it was surprising that the child, even though he was left alone and abandoned. He did not fall and turned into a child that hates people. He struggled to survive and tried to look for the only person who was kind to him. However, Huang Jin did not want to break the child's only hoped for the uncle that showed him care and love. It is better to investigate before the flue happens, and resources are still available.

If the so-called uncle did look for him, Huang Jin would let them reunite. However, if the uncle colluded with the parents and only showed fake concern and love with the child's parents and uncle. Huang Jin will let them suffer.

Helping the child this way, Huang Jin wanted to let the child live a life that will only know real happiness and care.

Parents being cruel just because the child is always sick and abandoned like a puppy. Huang Jin wanted to strangle them and kill them personally. The shadow of being left will affect and bring sequela to the child. He did not know why that some parent's do this, Huang Jin was thankful that he found Ahbao before his sister died and saved him from his father who does not care if he starved and die of hunger. He is also grateful that he found Qiao Bei before the apocalypse. He cannot imagine if the child was taken captive by the scientists and experienced the bitter life of being tortured.

A significant weight that he did not know slowly removed and Huang Jin exhaled in relief. Being able to help and add security to the children made him feel that the coming apocalypse was not wrong at all to experience because the event triggered him meeting Xun Wei and the kids early.

Xun Wei called the children's name and told them to close their eyes. Moreover, he said Ahbao to take care of his new brother after transferring them to the dimensional space. Ahbao's little head nodded with a serious and solemn attitude and treating his Dad's order as an important mission and carefully hold his brother's hand tightly reassuring him and then closed his eyes. With the have of hand Xun Wei place the children inside the dimensional space and turned his head towards Huang Jin holding his hand.

Xun Wei's crimson eyes turned into slits and glowed, and dragon scales slowly emerged from the sides of his eyes and the tattoo that was invisible appeared. His momentum from a caring father and lover turned into an oppressive aura in seconds. They were spreading towards the location of the owner of the evil aura.

When the owner of the evil aura saw someone enter the cave with his prey, he was pleased, knowing that three other people will fall into his trapped. Be hypnotized and will live and die inside the cave.

The owner of the aura gleefully smiled and waited for them to arrived at the centre where it will start the planned of cultivating them as a food source. Saliva immediately overflowed from its mouth and fell down the ground, leaving traces of bubbles and smoke.

The owner of the evil aura was shocked when the man with long hair waved his hands, and it's prey disappeared. It was mad, and its eyes turned into slits and roared its anger. The whole cave vibrated because of the screamed, and bits and pieces of crystals fell down the ceiling.

Both the couple heard the roar and the power behind it. Huang Jin face turned serious and seeing crystals falling and breaking into pieces waved his hand, and a long sword appeared in his hand. He pulled the handle, and all the people inside the cave heard the sound like a bell ringing from the sword leaving its sheath, it flashed and shined like it was alive.

Huang Jin feels that the crystals will help with the promotion of abilities of the people of with psychic abilities, that is why he decided to cut the whole ceiling and walls and transfer them inside his dimensional space, build a cave and attached the crystals on it. By doing this, he can make sure that Qiao Bei's abilities will continue to upgrade and become a reliable and strong psychic that he should be.

He smiled despite the circumstances they were in, caring and providing for their son was already in his bones and made him very much happy. He can only shake his head and laughed and turned his head to the person beside him when he heard a chuckle.

Xun Wei cannot stop being enamoured seeing Huang Jin acting like a father that's very excited to give a gift for their children.

Huang Jin turned a white eye to his husband and snorted. " Stopped that something for me, before it damages the whole cave. I want to take all the crystals inside the space and leave them for Qiao Bei's use."

Waving the sword in his hand, Huang Jin ran towards the crystals on the wall and slashed the wall carefully to prevent damages from extracting the crystals.

The owner of the evil aura noticing the other person getting his crystal was furious, and immediately a long roar came from its mouth. It moved so fast that in a blink of an eye it already arrived five meters away from Huang Jin.

Its mouth roared again, and the whole cave vibrated, mouth opened in a big way that an entire person can be eaten. It was happy that it could already taste and bite the man, but it was too late. Xun Wei was even faster than him blinked and arrived at its tale.

Now the couple can see the face of the owner of the evil aura. It was a lizard, a giant lizard to be exact with its whole body made of stones and plants scattered all around its body. His long tail was long and ended with spikes on the end of its tail. Saliva was dripping from its mouth, burning and turning the ground black. The smell of the lizard spread all over the cave; it was six meters long and making the spacious cave seems small.

Huang Jin, who was very sensitive when it comes to smell, twitched his nose. He purposely complains in a louder voice, " Oh my God, What is that smell, it is disgusting! Wear gloves, dear, I do not want you to touch that lizard." His shoulder trembled, and goosebumps appeared.

Xun Wei does not know if he wanted to laugh or cry from his husband's sentence. Seeing the creature reacts, they can deduce that the lizard can understand human language.

Xun Wei was surprised and asked Huang Jin if it is a mutated animal. As if understanding the human's insults toward him. The lizard roared louder and immediately attacked the man, but a considerable pressure appeared from behind and locked on his whole body. The lizard can only hug and stay down the ground.

"I know baby, don't worry, I don't plan on touching this lizard." Xun Wei spread and locked his aura to the lizard to prevent it from moving and biting Huang Jin.

"Feeling Xun Wei's aura, Huang Jin was happy. "That's pretty impressive, even though your abilities not yet awaken, but your aura is powerful. It can also hold the creature of this size.

Strong Daddy" Huang Jin made a thumbs up and smiled toward Xun Wei.

Xun Wei smiled and shook his head while watching his husband digging the crystals while stopping the lizard.

The lizard struggled harder, but it was a waste, trying harder will only make the lizard consume its energy and can only roar its mouth.

The ears of Huang Jin's started to get hurt from the lizards shouting. He turned his attention to the creature and walked towards it. He hunkers down and the sword in his hand on his lap, the lizard, roared as the man in front of him.

Huang Jin started to beat and hits it's head, " You stop! You make my ears deaf." The cave was full of the sound of hammering and pounding.

Seeing Huang Jin's action, Xun Wei body shake and the sound of laughter escape from his lips.

The whole scene became funny; the crouching husband holding his sword use it as a hammer and continue beating the lizard made Xun Wei helpless.

The lizard was furious and can only roar, and it tried moving its entire body but found it difficult to move. The aura restraint the lizard tightly, even giving all it's strength. It can't beat the owner of the aura. The lizard's saliva started to fall from its mouth and burning the floor of the cave. The couple can hear the pop of the bubbles and hiss of the burning floor.

"I think it's very effective to use the saliva of this lizard in fighting zombies with higher levels and plants and the animal variants with thick bark and skins." Huang Jin said as he continued to pound the poor lizard.

Xun Wei's lips twitched and sighed, " Yes dear, then let us put him in a secure place far from the house. I know the perfect place." He can only agree to Huang Jin's request. Anyway, the lizard doesn't need any maintenance, give it meat from time to time. It's very inhumane but, the lizard deserves it the way it made Qiao Bei so thin that a simple cold may end his little life.

Huang Jin stopped bullying the lizard and stood up, went to the wall and continued to cut the crystals from the wall.

Xun Wei then told Ahjin not to be tired and went inside the dimensional space with the bound lizard.

Blink again and arrive inside the volcano, manipulate his aura to make a long chain and wrapped it around the lizard and its mouth. Dig a hole and place a container inside. Then aligned the lizard's mouth on the shaft, and then pulled open the lizard's mouth with the chains of Xun Wei's aura.

The lizard can only think that for all its life, it met dangerous people. The people insulted the lizard to the point that the people made it into a supplier of saliva to kill zombies and variants.

The lizard wanted to kill the two-man, but can only spit blood and suffer from anger.

"I know you can understand me, and you deserve to suffer this kind of treatment.

The way you treated my son... I will let you feel them a hundred times.

Struggle all you can, but you won't be able to escape from these chains.." Xun Wei's eyes turned back to normal, and his domineering aura became calm and peaceful.

The lizard can only blink its eyes full of hatred towards Xun Wei.

Xun Wei smiled, closed his eyes and check the kids and Cray. Seeing Ahbao leading Qiao Bei all over the places, carrying a small basket with Cray in between them and wagging his tail and barking happily.

Watching the kids picking fruits from the field, Xun Wei went back to Huang Jin to help in removing the crystals from the cave.

"It's done. Both kids are okay, and they are busy picking fruits and roaming the space."

Huang Jin smiled and tiptoed to kissed Xun Wei's lips as a reward for doing a good job. Then he turned back to continue to dig the crystals but before going, he was suddenly locked in Xun Wei's embraced and deepened the kissed.

Huang Jin can only tap Xun Wei's shoulder to let him go. With a husky voice, Huang Jin said," Enough, let's finish collecting the crystals so that we can get out of this place."

Xun Wei can only let go of Huang Jin and kissed his nose, "Okay baby" Xun Wei dotingly said.