Sadistic hero.

When a new spell was added. I got to an empty forest road. I was happy because it means that there are people somewhere nearby. The road looked like a used road, it is inferred from numerous traces of carts and people. Traces of human feet ran to the right. I recognized it by a fingerprint. So I went right down the road.

I was walking about an hour and a half. And I saw nothing but the forest.

During my internal complaints, like: "Far? , I have enough. And the like. I heard women screaming. They ran past the bushes through which I saw nothing. I decided to sneak there and see what was going on. I hid nearby in the bushes. Luckily they didn't see me.

I saw a lot of people there. Everyone was dressed in black armor. They had black hoods on their heads so I couldn't see their faces. There were six of them. They surrounded a group of eight kobeites dressed in light green Costumes with additional leather elements. [Author: You have the link here:] All were surrounded and armless.

(Leader of the Slave Traders) - Well, what do we have here. A bunch of elven whites. Ready for sale, but first we'll have fun. "He said in a strange, loveliest voice, then grabbed his hair and ran out of the group. Elfke with blond hair and blue eyes.

(Elf with Blod hair) - Auuu leave me? * Cheers of pain * After you pose.

Then the Bandit Leader tears it with a dagger. A piece of armor that covered her breasts. When he did this, his crowd cheered

(Leader of Slave Traders) - Don't fiddle bitch. You're just a dirty Elf. So feel honored. After all, the Elves are just God's mistake. - When the spat said it.

When he was about to molest Elf. He heard a loud sound.

A few minutes earlier.

Seeing how they treat these women. Something burst in me. I felt so far a feeling unknown to me. I just wanted to feel their blood. That sounds a little scary. But I wanted to kill them. My thoughts were biting my head. To kill them or not. In the end this will be my first breed. But I can't let them harass these women. Besides, I called that these women are Elves. It doesn't make much difference to me, even if they were Centaur Women or other. And I would save them. But there was something about them that attracted me. Certain ears and this beauty.

I couldn't let anything happen to them. So I used my assessment skills. Starting with their leader.

> Erhamir Wanko.

- [Level 11]

- [Class: Warrior]

- [Occupation: Thief] (At level 2, the Host also sees Klase and Occupation of the opponent)

Lewel Leaders was definitely huge. Compared to mine. I have no chance against him in an even fight. That's why he'll kill him first.

Except for the Leader, there were four warriors. Their levels ranged between the fifth and eighth level. They were dressed in black leather armor with a hood. Only the leader wore Metal black armor. One of the bandits caught my attention. He did not stand in the crowd with others. He just stood on his side leaning against a tree and admired what was happening.

When I checked it with a grade. my smile appeared on my face. [Sadistic smile activated]

> Reginart Stone

- [Level 7]

- [Class: Earth Mage]

- [Occupation: Thief]

(System) - New mission "Save a group of Elves"

Prize: - 100 XP, 250 SP, - Set of two swords (Random swords.

Condition of success: All women must survive. (0 /


At the moment, the new mission only made my Sadistic smile even bigger.

It only took me a moment to come up with an action plan. Perhaps, for helping the gun, he'll kill the leader with a headshot. Then try to hit the magician. It's a long distance but I'll have to do it. Then he will take care of the others. He will use magic if necessary.

When the plan was ready I took action.

Seeing that everyone's attention is directed at the leader who was now turned away from me, I drew the Pistol and held it in my hand. I only had two cartridges now. Because overloading is out of the question. They won't give me a chance. When I started taking positions to shoot.

One of the women called me. She was about to say something when I showed her the gesture. Which meant it was supposed to be quiet. Instead, she calmed down and waited for the situation to develop.

Considering all factors, I started the action. Fortunately, the bandit leader was holding the girl so that there is little chance that he will hit her. I was at a good angle. I had a clean boot.

When the Leader was to get even more elf. One pace came and then the next. The first missile flew. One of the bandits passed by. Literally a minimimeter, above the left Arm. The bullet went straight to the right temple of the bandit's head. The leader was killed instantly. Because of the distance that divided us. The head remained whole. Only there was a hole in the head from which blood began to flow. A big stream.

The second missile had an easier path. However, the distance was much greater. Because of this, the bullet changed some trajectories. And it hit the mage instead of his head in the right lung. The magician fell to the ground but was still breathing.

When the other Bandits saw that their more powerful followers were killed. They panicked. They saw a figure walking towards them. He looked like for about 20 years. He was dressed in a strange leather jacket. And some red clothes with a gold print. In their eyes he looked like a spoiled nobleman. Who plays the boachater. But given that their comrades had just died. They started off the attack.

Experts scattered at me, it looked something like this.


B B --> MC


Seeing the way they run at me. I first took care of the bandit who was running ahead. He was holding a long two-handed sword. And he was getting ready to shade. The bandit wanted to make a cut from the lands. He held the blade down slightly to the right and ran. When he decided that I was in the range of his attack, he made a swing. Luckily I managed to lean back. Avoiding in this way before the blow. Nestepnie stuck my sword in his head. I made a horizontal cut. Which got stuck to the nose.

I quickly took out my sword and the body fell. Then I wanted to distract the other three somehow. So I quickly flipped my sword from right to left. And I turned my right hand towards the bandits. Suddenly a shock wave burst from my hands. Which set them on fire simultaneously. They were dressed in leather equipment. And the hoods were of some material. Which, as you can see, is great for a rocker. When the enemies were busy trying to put out the fire on them. I ran to one of them and stuck his head in his head. Moving through.

I took the sword out of the bandit and then made a horizontal shadow from above. Thrusting his sword in his head. The view wasn't terrible. Therefore, because the Enemy was wearing a Hood and was turned upside down. The sword stuck halfway up his head. Then I took the sword out of the opponent's head and wanted to immediately strike the next one. However, the last one has already extinguished the fire on his body. And he covered himself with the sword. Then he kicked me in the stomach. And I flew a few meters back. I released the sword reluctantly. The bandit seeing that I am vulnerable. he walked towards me seeing that I was defenseless, raise my sword high above me wanting to make a horizontal cut. However, when he was about to make the cut. I put my right hand at his side. And I sent to his stream of fire. The fire was so powerful that the enemy immediately burst into flames. Seeing that he is on fire and cannot attack. I kept attacking him with a stream of fire.

[Skill level, 'Sadistic smile.' Increases to level four]

A sadistic smile appeared on my face again. Only now even more terrifying. The stream of fire was constantly attacking the bandit. After a while it turned into a charred form. She was lying on the ground now, her hands covering her face. It was created in this way. Statue of coal. Seeing the charred form of the bandit. I smiled terribly. And I kicked the posog, breaking it into pieces.

[Mission completed. awards have been allocated]

Women seeing the whole situation. They stood still. Not knowing how to react. At their head stood an elf with blonde hair who still had exposed breasts. But she was too busy admiring my struggle and stood and stared at me.

Seeing that it is safe now. I wanted to come over and ask if everything was right. So I went towards women. When I was already a few meters from the Elf with Blonde Hair. I stopped and covered my eyes with my right hand. And I said:

(Dante) - Forgive me, lady. Could you, you know?

The elf woke up at that moment. And then she blushed amazingly and then covered her breasts with a piece of cloth.

(Elf with Blonde Hair) -Why did you help us? You are one of them. Truth. You are human, "she said in a slightly aggressive tone.

(Dante) - Yes, I'm human. and ..- I said but Elf interrupted me.

(Elf with blonde hair) - So tell me why you helped us!? - She said to me in a slightly higher tone.

(Dante) - They've been like monsters with you. And I kill monsters. And I helped you because I wanted to.

(Elf with blond hair) - You are different. Than the people I've seen so far.

(Dante) - You can say I'm one of a kind.

(Elf with blond hair) - Really. After all, there are exceptions to each rule.

(Elf with Blonde Hair) - And now could you give me a moment.

(Dante) - Good- Then I left a few meters from them.

During this time the girls gathered together. And the discussions began. After several minutes. A blonde elf came to me.

(Elf with blond hair) - Listen. I and my companions would like to ask you to escort us to our village. We can't do it alone. We make you pay.

(Dante) - Well, I have nothing better to do anyway. Just give me moments I need to take something from them. -I pointed to a group of dead bandits.

(Elf with Blonde Hair) - Good, but hurry up.

I approached the bodies of dead enemies one by one, little terraces were suitable for acquisition, I obtained from helpers:

> Four one-handed swords [Class: Ordinary] [Level 6] [Performance: Masterly]

Nothing else could be acquired. They still had 30 silver coins in total. The rest was unassailable. The armor was pieces of burned leather. It was the turn of the leader. His body and equipment were virtually unaffected. Unpack the head but it is obvious. I quickly removed the armor from it, but it was heavy on me. There is no wonder. The guy was twice as big as me. I'm lucky I had my gun.

> Armor kit. Black steel armor. (These details will apply to each piece of armor. They are identical. Because this is a set)

[Level 10] [Class: Normal] [Size: Down to Host.]

> Long Steel Two-Sword. [Level 11] [Class: Ordinary]

I put all found items in the warehouse. And I went to the magician's body. The magician was already dead. Unfortunately, his robe had a hole in it and was useless now. I started searching it and found something interesting. He had a book on him with 20 silver coins. I didn't know what was written on it but it had a picture with a weird symbol on it. I bet that it is his book to seal. The book was relatively small. I quickly put her in the warehouse. And I went towards the group of girls. Night was approaching and I wanted to be in here as still from here. The bodies can attract some monsters.

(Dante) - Okay, let's get out of here as soon as possible. Monsters will come here soon. So better let's get out of here as far as possible.

(Elf with blond hair) - You're right. Choćmy.

After that I followed the Elf. Surprisingly, now we didn't go along the dorgi as I thought before. But deeper into the forest.