I'm alive? I thought i died, Did i just return back in time!?

"Ah, what... wait where am I?" said Richard as he looks around him.

"Hey, Richard you awake now? oh, you're fine okay I'm going first then grab some alcohol later on... you want some.

"Ah, yes... sure" staggered he look at the person in front of him in surprise but he returned normal.

"You still okay since previously you did bump your head before," said the person in front of Richard.

"Ah, now you mention it... Rommel, what year is it today?" said Richard.

"Did you forget?" asked Rommel.

"Yeah, I guess must have hit hard my head hard enough... because I forgot what year it is today" as he shows a wry smile.

"Eh? didn't you remember it's the year 1935, the Great leader has selected us to test the new tank the new engineer had developed," said Rommel as he just remembered the year?

"Oh, it's that time..." he went silent.

This is the first time I joined the newly created assault battalion before later changing to the tank division after a few months after that he met the General for the first time as he thought and remembered about it.

"Richard?" as Rommel was looking at him confused.

"Ah, yes... go then you said you want to buy the alcohol," said Richard as he quickly stands to give a kick on Rommel's back.

"Okay, okay jeez I'm leaving," said Rommel as he left the room.

Richard and Rommel were a veteran during this time because they were eager people to charge into the enemy rank when they first started as an Infantry recruit when they were given the chance to commandeer the new tank, they were eager enough to join in the fun.

"How am I still alive?! I thought I was dead and why did I return in time before the war... I where are the other, I hope they are still fine and I hope I could meet them again" said Richard with confusion.

"I would never thought return to this day which is quite eventful, truly the god must be telling me to change how the war should unfold, I must change the war in the favor of the German people and I must persuade the Great leader to change his mind to invade the soviet instead and if I failed I must prepare the defensive line against the Soviet on the Poland soil," said Richard as he slowly remembers the whole incident that caused the German army to lose slowly "I also need to keep his anger from the Jewish people then redirect it towards the Soviet army, I must stop him from signing the document allowing the eradication of the Jewish... but I doubt it can change the war entirely but it's worth the try" as he continues overlaying his entire past life.

"I must make sure the great tragedy should not occur ... I must make sure of it, holding the soviet back at the same time but I need someone to cover me on this one, someone I could trust my back with... I hope, Rommel could help on this one" As Richard has finished planning everything, he could sigh in hoping the plan would work.

Finished with everything he quickly stands before slowly walking to the door then look at the field outside as the place was a bit empty as few soldiers loiter around the field while other was discussing something while he was looking at them one of them noticed then talk with each other as they all looked at him before slowly walks toward him.

"What are you doing here? why not go to your mommy at home we don't need someone like you in here" said the bulky man as he laughed later.

"Yeah, why not try running to your mommy," said the slight thinner man as he also laughs.

"Don't do that, he might cry later on if you two tease him like that" the last man who later laughs.

Richard noticing the three of time laugh and talk, he remembered it was these clowns who later joined the SS group as they also sent a killer to his home which killed his wife to be who tried to protect him from harm.

Later on, he swore revenge as he managed to kill only two of them before the last one as he was protected by the high command because of his outstanding merit in war, which made him hard to retaliate against him as the person himself was later promoted to the commander of the SS group that should have assisted him during the Barbarossa operation.

Seeing them again made his anger almost resurfaced before he slowly calmed down then looking at the three of them in turn.

"How about you three return home, I doubt you three can do anything on your own. after looking at you three, you guys can't even take care of yourself so go back home," said Richard looking at them with a stern face.

Surprised first wanting to refute back at him but they stopped their mouth from talking as they noticed the man in front of them was not a simple person, they felt sudden lingering fear creeping as it tries to choke them to death.

"Ah, I... going to go... I think I just felt tired today" said the thin man.

"Yeah... now you mentioned it... I also felt sleepy I think I need going to go home later" said the last man who laughs dry.

"... You, want to humiliate... me in public?!" exclaimed the bulky man.

Richard who sees him laughed a bit before slowly walking closer to him as he whispered right at his ear so he would hear it perfectly well to heighten the fear of the bully.

"True I want to humiliate you in public but that depends on you, how do you want it... I could make your life worse if I ever see moreover if you try to make trouble for me, I'm not sure what would happen so what do you want?" as Richard smile widened but his face was grim enough to scare the three of them.

"Ah?! right... okay" said the bulky man as his shirt was slowly covered sweats.

"Okay, see you then," said Richard looking at the bulky man.

"ah, haha... see you," said the bulky man with an awkward laugh.

After turning their body away, they quickly sprint and run away from him as fast as they could afraid of what the man at their back going to do to them. Richard felt it was already good enough for him so he let them go, and by perchance he ever saw those three again, he would not know what will happen to them.

After Sighing once more Richard turned his head and looked at the open field, where he noticed there are a group of people who are standing in formation on it, where the one in the center of it was training the other as they are recently recruited not wanting to make the other aware of his ability he could only look at them from afar.

"All right, You all here today not as a man but a mere boy... I will make you all today into a man, a soldier worthy enough to serve his country and make his countryman proud enough, that you all could serve the nation as best as you could" said the instructor with pride.

"At the same time all of you shall serve the great leader and if well enough the great leader may even or would recognize your abilities," said the instructor as he looks at the recruit's eye directly.

"Yes, Commander," said the recruit as they held their heads high.

"For now, give me a hundred push up, and don't try to lie at me," said the instructor.

"Yes, commander," said the recruit.

Looking at the soldier he felt sudden and overwhelming sadness toward them as some of them would've volunteered to join an expedition on the Spain civil war on the west and died there where the other half would die on the eastern front during its early year of the war and few of the soldier died because of the Poland insurgent refusing to yield to the occupying soldier.

Noticing Richard looking at them the soldier glanced at him where the instructor turned his head in wonder who is the soldier is looking at before finding Richard was also staring at him.

"Eh, Richard you already here? well, can you come here and help me out with these recruits" said the instructors.

"Eh... okay sure," said Richard while he was looking at the recruits "and what's is it about the usual brief introduction or?" says he whispers at the instructor.

"If you can do all of it, it would be better," said the instructor.

"Okay," said Richard as he turns his head back to the recruit.

Among those recruits are people who are either a mixed Jewish, a pure German, and people that came from Austria and are disappointed with the losses who rather fight once more but under the new Wehrmacht fighting under a new leader to gain back their pride as part of Austria and German people.

Looking at how young the soldiers were he knew they would fight to the death Richard quickly told a brief about the training but he would tell some tips and advice on how to operate the tank more efficiently and the way he delivers it was surprisingly easily learned by the recruit and after some question and answer the instructor learned Richard's way is more efficient than his teaching and which shown no problem with the youngster as they operate a small nearby tank

"Richard, I don't know you could do that? no, where did you learn and knew that was the correct one?" asked the instructor.

"That's... I just know it, well I did experiment with how it works so... you know," said Richard a bit unconvincingly.

The instructor looked at him in the eye before shaking his head before nodding for a bit as he quickly turns and told the youngster the instruction is done for the day as they quickly saluted at the instructor before they leaving the place.

"Well next time, I will tell the higher up so you could instruct the recruit next time," said the instructor as he smiles.

"Well if there is next time for it... okay, I better leave I don't want Rommel to feel lonely later on," said Richard as he saluted.

"Okay, you better leave now," said the instructor as he also saluted and left.

"Understood I will be taking my leave sir," as Richard turn and leave the place.

Looking at Richard's back the instructor sighed as he is unwilling to let him go but after a few more consideration he let it off as he looks at his note but as he read the content that is opened he found there are some newly written tips and how to proceed if there is some difficulty and this surprised him more because when he looked at Richard he does not seems to have time to write something down.

Looking at where Richard left to he did not find him anymore before he slowly shakes his head not being able to stop him from leaving but he will tell the higher up about Richards's possible hidden talent but he would tell only little one as he noticed Richard has a plan of his own so he let him do however he wants while hoping for the best that would come out of it.

Richard who left walks to the hangar where the new tank being prepared for the next training session while the engineer who works on it was still tinkering on how the machine did not manage to start operating as intended before one of them caught sight of Richard on his side who is staring at the engine as he slowly glanced at the rank he is on before being surprised and saluting at him by reflex.

"Ah, Lieutenant... no vice-commander Richard, I hope sir," asked the engineer.

"Yes, I'm vice-commander Richard," proclaimed while also saluting back "Just return to whatever you are currently working on" as he continued.

Hearing his word all the engineers on the site slowly return to what they previously working on, Richard looking at the engineer are currently tinkering he looked at them seriously before slowly noticing that one of the engineers was gazing at him with curiosity. That very engineer looks away as if hiding from his gaze but he already knew it and let it pass as he returns looking at the machine being worked on, the engineer who is still checking if everything is ready to let out a sigh but with a bit disappointment before turning his head toward the other engineer.

"Try it once more," said the engineer A.

"Okay" answered engineer B.

The engineer who is near the machine started the engine where the loud sound was heard and at first, they succeeded in turning the engine before suddenly the engine turned off after a few minutes later which plummeted their celebration spirit in an instant.

Richard who was looking at the engine he noticed there some part that is still missing on the engine as he talked to one of the engineers where he was surely suspicious of as the man was watching the engine but he did not show any change of facial but when the engine turned off his face changed thus he walked close to the man in secret without him knowing then close to the man's ear from behind

"There is some part missing did you forgot it, try once more it should be able to start properly later," Richard whispered.

Hearing it suddenly the head engineer turned his head finding Richard was smiling but scarier than he ever saw before and from the look itself the man knew that if slighted the man in front of him then what he would have is not dead but much more terrifying and that was what he just felt at that instance.

"Ah, yes I forgot about that," said the person as he laughs a bit.

"Well, that's good," said Richard with a smile.

Richard who was still smiling quickly pulled a Walther pistol from its sheath as he quickly points its barrel on the man's chest where one of the guards who guards the place just as he looked at him before turning into a surprise but before the guard could do anything Richard motion the person to come over at him where the guard quickly run toward him.

"I have a suspicion with this guy take him in for custody as for the reason it's sabotage attempt" as he whispered.

"Ah?! you sure sir, I meant he is one of the vice researchers in here and is trusted by the great leader," said with a bit a shock.

No word coming out Richard just nodded which staggered the guard who was in the dilemma and trusting the man in front was a higher rank than him, he could only follow the order with no question asked, and knowing if something is wrong he could just tell that he just following orders, not because of any ill will not having his plan at the engineer.

"Understood sir, right away... come on follow me," said the guard to the engineer.

"But I didn't do anything," shouted the suspected engineer.

Surprised by the shout everyone in the entire room turned at the three people in the corner and planning to stop them but they noticed something is unusual with the person as he always stayed calm when facing any problem and difficulties but that was not shown today as he showed worried and terrified face which stupefied every person by the event.

"Sir under who's a charge you could detain him he is the person in command after the head of the project," said engineer A.

"You would change your mind after looking at this," said Richard as he shows the part.

"That's?! Alex... I'd never thought you would sabotage this project, here I thought we failed because we made miscalculation or mistake but for you to sabotage the project" said engineer B.

"We worked on it day and night, we have to work for it till we are so tired that most of us gone sick because of it... Alex, you traitor," said the engineer.

Knowing they were being played and slowly killed by the person they trust they cursed so well that the person turned pale instantaneously as he was being dragged away by the guard half-crying and in anger.

"I guess everything had been taken care of," said Richard as he prepared to leave the place.

"Wait who are you and how did you find out of it his treason?" said the head engineer as he looks at him with curiosity.

"Well at first it was odd when I took a look at him since when all of you were in anguish seeing the engine failed to start when I look at him he has a smiling face on him so I get close enough why is that but to find some missing part close to him, is indeed surprising," said Richard with a wry smile.

"Thank you, thank you... you don't know what It meant for us," said the head engineer.

The engineer smiled and even shook his hand in gratitude for how big help was but the contrary to them Richard learn the news in the past that the engineer who is arrested were caught and executed for the treasonous act against the nation so he knew right away with his face as he sees him once in the news.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Porsche, Ferdinand Porsche nice to meet you" as he gave a hand followed by a relieved smile.