Meeting with the Second vice leader of the Party

Entering the room Richard seen about Six people are inside the room while the one he knew is about three of them since that last person is not someone, he knew in the previous world even though he was a bit surprised he didn't show his shocked expression in front of these people.

"So, this is the man who enlisted on the new Panzer project," said one person who is a mid-aged man as he was looking at Agus.

"Yes, he is... well actually he was chosen by the head of the group," said the youngest man of the group as he read the report he holds.

"I see..." as the person gazed at Richard more carefully.

"Indeed, he does look... capable I mean, he has something about him that made him trustable," said another man who looked to be refined.

"Trustable?! the last time you said trustable it almost took out the entire company of the special force during its training session before," said the mid-aged man with a mocking smile.

"Please don't remind me of that time... it was a mistake really" the man reply back.

"I hope it would be the last time," said the mid-aged man as he mocked the young man.

The two-person who talked back to back with each other seem to continue arguing with each other before someone in the room no longer tolerates it further and shouted at the two which staggered them so does Richard.

"SHUT UP!!! we are still discussing with him about his previous suggestion and here again you two arguing again about it!!!" shouted the old man who is currently glaring at them from one to another.

"Eh... I... sorry," said the youngest man as he hangs his head down.

"Yes... sir," said the mid-aged man as he also hangs his head down.

"Good, it's enough arguing I had enough with the two of you who always arguing since then," said the old man as he sat down the chair while holding his forehead with his left hand.

The old man gazed at the two one more time where they went silent while the young man sometimes looks at the middle man before looking downward while the middle-aged man looked away from the young man as he doesn't want to meet the young man's eye this even caused the old man to feel tired by it before slowly stand from where he was and walk close to Richard.

"I apologize about these two idiots," said the old man with a wry smile.

"No, it's fine it's also an honor to meet with the two of them and so are you sir" as he saluted at them.

"Ah... no, usually I would prefer being saluted like that but for today please, stop," said as he sighs tiredly before touching his forehead again.

"Understood... should I say informally? sir" said Richard while looking at the old man.

"Ah, yes my name is Gunther Adolf Ferdinand Von Klugen you might know I'm a noble but as we are both soldiers and you may call me Gunther in Private when but please refrain saying such when in Public," said the old man.

"As for these two people, that one is Maximilian" pointing to a middle-aged man "While that one is Willheim," said the Gunther as he also pointed to the other man.

"Nice to meet you, Richard," said Willheim with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too," said Richard returning the smile.

Richard who looked at the three of them knew that the three would partake in the three-war front during the Poland, French and lastly the Greece operation before he was sent to fight on Operation Barbarossa later on while not knowing the news on the other front before and after his death during his previous time.

"Haha, this guy is quite a handful," said Willheim as he smiles while pointing with his thumbs.

"Well, he was appointed by the head of the panzer project as the tester along with another tester," said Gunther as he looks at Willheim.

"Ah, yeah I remember you said that previously but being chosen by the head of the group is very surprising no it was the highest honor a soldier could get after meeting with the Great leader," said Gunther as he looked at Richard with excitement.

Richard remembers that Maximilian was a specialist in sabotage and infiltrator behind the enemy frontline staging one after another to confuse the enemy before the main army arrived making its final assault but sadly during the middle of the war, he died because the supplies that supposed to arrive never once came that led many of them died including him while the rest either deserted or surrender to the soviet union and Willheim was the one who leads the army that spearheaded the Russian soil as they successfully entered the land with ease before later being replaced by another Marshall general because of his failure to successfully reach the Soviet Union's inner area as they did not manage to penetrate any further due to the thick defensive line.

"That's... true sir but meeting with you all is also an honor for me," confessed Richard while lowering his head in admiration.

"How humble of you Richard and also well met," said someone from the far corner of the room.

"Eh? ah, I forgot to you introduce him," said Gunther as he turns his head to the man on the far corner then stand "But it seems you are also curious with him to correct?" as he continues while looking at the man.

"Indeed... welcome to the group Richard I'm Rudolf Hess the national leader after the great leader," said the person as he lowered his eyebrows at Richard.

"Ru...dolf," said Richard while looking at the person.

Richard once heard about him and he was the only person once called "Lunatic Benevolent" for how he flies to England just to discuss the peace treaty with England Politician.

"Sir," shouted so loudly it surprised everyone in the room.

"Why did you shout Richard? Rudolf, what happens with the lad?" said Gunther as he turns his head to Rudolf in confusion.

"I also want to ask why?" said Rudolf as he raises his eyebrows and both hands.

The person in front of Richard was the only person who understands the entire scenario of the war and even risks his life just to make sure Germany did not suffer two front but because the great leader denied his request going to England, he forces himself to leave there with or without permission I heard from the intelligence group that he survived but locked at the prison by them but... how come he also want to go here though?

"Richard Von... You were exiled by your family, you were trouble child when you are young," said Rudolf.

"Yes?!" said Richard as he quickly saluted.

"From your achievement unlike your friend Rommel, you came from a noble background and joined the army after graduating from officer academy and was recommended to it by your cousin who is close to you, correct?" said Rudolf as he read the document.

"Yes, sir as you said" by Richard.

"Your achievement is beyond from what I expected as you added a new correction to the manual which is easily adapted by the recruit, finding the culprit that would take us many months to be arrested added with evidence, and lastly your new proposal written with the possible loses after attacking the Soviet if we continue after Poland conquest, you also recommended that if Poland accepted our demand we should help bolster their defensive line near the strategic line near Warsaw, and lastly you even stated that we should continue contacting England for peace even if we attack Poland... this surprised me, it seems you also share my sentiment over them," said Rudolf as he read the report before lastly look at Richard in the eye with surprised before turning into a friendly look.

"I never thought would have guessed but if I may know why would you write such thing," said Rudolf as he is still curious of Richard "Because such statement would have you prisoned or worse executed," said Rudolf as he looks at him.

"..." as Richard looks at him with resolve.

"It because I want to serve and protect the fatherland, I knew what I going to do is nothing more but what a coward would do but I do believe if we were to continue it we would lose another war a war we could never win," said, Richard, braving himself in front of the vice leader and the head of the party.

"As I had foreseen, we would lose the war if we continue to fight against them," said Rudolf as he walks closer to Richard which made him a bit pale.

"... If we're to change it would be tough but still, it would be a good compromise with them" as Richard thought an idea before answering.

Hearing the word directly from Richard surprised everyone in the room as it went silent momentary before Rudolf breaks the silence.

"What kind of plan it is?" said Rudolf as he walks to a nearby chair then sat down on it before lastly turns to Richard as he was intrigued by it.

"The Plan... it would be something like this," said Richard as he explained the plan.

At first, the people who listened were silent but from time to time they show a surprising look while Rudolf was indifferent to it as Richard told if they do something like what he told then possibly the war would be won more efficiently.

Richard also once told even if all of them agreed to it the problem would be their great leader would he accept such a plan or not which is a bit problematic for Richard and the same people who think a person that would be able to agree to such proposal would be Rudolf who might perhaps have the chances to influence the great leader to accept such proposal with open-minded even if he was surrounded by many advisors the great leader would accept it regardless as he was a visionary person and wished the greatness for the German people.

"... Indeed that would be plausible should be applied able into the entire theatre plan," said Rudolf as he ponders while sometimes he glanced at the paper within his hand from time to time "Then without further ado, I will leave first as to discuss it with the great leader and best regard and please strive to make the country more prosperous" as looked at Richard before standing.

"Yes, sir as your wish," said Richard as he saluted by reflex.

Noticing Rudolf standing up all the people inside the room saluted toward Rudolf as he slowly walks out the room but when he was about to close the door, he stopped midway before turning his head back toward the people inside while smile a bit towards them.

"Carry on then," said Rudolf as he turns back outside before closing the door.

Knowing Rudolf who is the second in command after Hitler walks to the outside of the room as the people inside quickly stand and gave a salute toward the fleeting person furthermore the guard outside also gave a salute as they see him in front of them before the door was closed.

"Such Idea is new and fresh, never I would have thought a man such as you would be able to produce such thing so easily," said Gunther.

"Sir, it was an honor to produce such a plan in the name of the country sir," said Richard as he saluted with respect.

Gunther who heard of it went stiff for a moment before laughing loudly as he never thought the man in front of him was so humble that he would do it for the country as it was still a newly recreated country as a national socialist state which normally almost has no ties to the young as it was old but when he saw the person in front of him loyally serve the country which put him a bit in embarrassment but in a good way.

"Now I felt embarrassed as a veteran soldier, I serve the country longer than you but I still lack loyalty as you do," said Gunther as he laughs a bit before he glanced at Maximilian who is currently pointing his finger on his wristwatch " Ah, yes... it seems it's time, surely our time here is beneficial to the both of us, I hope the next time we meet would be where we would have some a good conversation as an equal soldier not as higher-up nor a soldier" as he continues.

Standing from his seat Gunther slowly walks away to the door as his two escorts follow up from behind while Maximilian lowered a bit of his head in respect to Richard before leaving the room with Gunther and Willheim, Richard also followed lowering his head in respect to all of them as the door was closed and knowing all of it had ended Richard loosened up his cloth as he opened the upper part of the cloth as he was tired for the first time speaking directly to the Rudolf in question which is nerve-wracking for him because he never once interacted with him directly not even once.

As Richard was taking a momentarily rest on the room and loosen his tie a bit before suddenly, he heard a knock at the other side of the room where he is currently at where Gunther and his second in command escort left from where he turns his heads towards the door.

"Sir Richard we are your escort sir, would like us to escort you to the indicated room sir?" said the voice behind the door.

"hm... wait for a moment, please," said Richard as tightens his tie once more rate same time he straightened his tie-up as he walks to the door.

Opening the door Richard finds two women who seem to be young enough to be mistaken them as teens if they were overlooked quickly with both of them stared back at him a bit more intense since one of them smiled at him with genuine looks written all over her face.

"Sir, we came as the mistress told us to escort you to the appointed room." said the young girl who seems to be new to the business and newly employed at the place with her youthful face.

"Yes sir, and is there something's would like to have for a drink?" said the other young girl as she looks at him with a bit of expectation.

"Hm... then I would like some beer please," said Richard with a smile before following the new girl.

"Understood, then Alice takes care of her until I'm back okay girl," said with a teasing smile at the girl named Alice.

"Just go Emmy, don't tease me just because I'm new," said Alice with angry looks at moving away Emmy.

"Okay and Alice please don't anything when I'm not there," said Emmy as she turns her head at Alice with another teasing look.

"Jeez, just leave already," said Alice as she was flustered by Emmy.

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving, I'm leaving," said Emmy with a smile as she covers her face with her left hand before leaving the both of them.

With Alice and Richard alone in the corridor and Richard smiling looking at Emmy leaving back, Alice coughed lightly to divert Richard's attention back at her where Richard looked back at Alice as she lowered her head while escorting him to the appointed room as she walks first ahead of Richard.

A few minutes following Alice's back Richard start to notice how petite her body seems from behind he also thought it looked fragile as he slowly stared from one side to another as the girl then noticed Richard's gaze at her back thinking he was looking at her lower back at the same time she started changed the way of how she walks as it shows more of her curve.

Thinking it would work she also showed an innocent look at the same time to make it a bit more oblivious to him that she could get away easily if someone were to report her trying to seduce him or other man and this kind of thing usually common in the night world. Richard, on the other hand, he was different than other men after noticing the odd movement made by the girl, he quickly turned his head away while sometimes glancing back at the way as the girl was walking to the appointed room.

Noticing the Richard didn't take any sort of interest in her, she stopped seducing him then stood still indicating that both of them have arrived in front of the room as she opened the door while telling Richard to go ahead first.

"Here are the room, si-" said Alice before suddenly she was cut off by Richard.

"Okay I'll go in first while you wait for your friend to return..." said Richard as he gets close to Alicia hovering over her shoulder which made her stiff before Richard continues talking but enough close to her ear.

"And after she returns maybe we could..." as he whispers before walking ahead of Alice "I going to go take a rest for a moment and wait for her outside"

"... YES, SIR!!! RIGHT AWAY!!!" shouted Alice in excitement as she quickly closes the door enough for others to mistaken it as slamming the door shut.

"Good, never thought she would leave alone... " as he walks to the windows and opened it "Okay, better take some rest now and I need it for later," said Richard as he gets to the softest sofa and slept while lengthened the tie once more as he slept.


After closing the door Alice slowly fell to the ground while the rear clings to the door while covering her head with her hand and her mouth since it was the first time anyone gets close to her so close enough that she couldn't think straight being close with him, not only where she was embarrassed just being close to him but also seduced by him where such thing is the first time for her profession.

"That guy? is too much for me" as she whispered in shame while at the same time her face turned red as she covered it with her hand.