Chapter 4

Xiao Yu stand on the finish wall of his dukedom and see his growing city. Xiao Yu almost finish raiding all the bandit groups only left some medium and small group. He also use his nature manipulation to propagate the land, he also set up a group of 100 knights and Hunter to patrol the surrounding area removing all the spy sent by Carrie. Suesha 4th sister-in-law of Xiao Yu, also manage to reach tier 2 and had been made as a lieutenant with a hundred men at his disposal. His sister-in-law Qiyin and Camilla were helping Housekeeper Hong on listing the name of each person and population count of the territory, while Suehan and Siwen manage the agriculture and education of the people. Now Xiao Yu has 20,000 ( tier 1) guardians, 20,000 Lion Town soldiers (steel armored), 5,000 elven archers (tier 1), 5,000 wind wolves cavalry ( tier 2), 4,000 dwarven riflemens (tier 1), 3,000 heavy armored knights (tier 1), 10 Paladin (tier 2)(tier 3), 20 mages (tier 2), and 6 hero.

Lion City becomes so big that it has to build another layer of wall it is now a 2 walls city. Xiao Yu built towers and equip it with 3 dwarft cannon each, he also build orc demolishers on top and bottom of the walls to provide support to his men. Xiao Yu made a former bandit Fox as his adviser/intelligence officer as he is the one to inform him of what kind of bandits they were attacking and their fighting prowess, this made it easier for Xiao Yu to battle this bandits. Xiao Yu have more reserve forces inside his Myrad painting but they're not yet finished their training so that's a no go. He want all his troops to be able to follow his order and to be commanded with absolute loyalty. All rare materials ( bone of beast, essences, metals, artifacts, and herbs) are keep by Housekeeper Hong on a special warehouse while merchant products were use or reseller on other kingdom. This materials is the trophies that Xiao Yu get through clearing the bandit that attack merchant caravan and villages of other cities.

After a month of marching the 50,000 soldier's and Carrie finally could see Lion Town and where surprise because it could not be called a town any longer and was much bigger than their capital city. The enemy could see majestic towers that have variety of sizes. Carrie's General Howard decided to prove the defense of this city, the next thing happened filled the heart of enemy with horror as their soldier not even reaching 1km from the wall turn to a bloody mist. Carrie was also surprise for a second but still order half of the 50,000 soldier to attack the walls, one of the general tried to persuade him to stop the attack but what meet him is a blade in his throat. Carrie ordered that once they win this war all of the family member of that general be slave and the women to be brought to be sex slaves. The soldiers and other General follow in horror as they see what happen to sex slave in there city and seeing their family member being one will broke their heart.

Having the Paladin and priest lessen the casualties of Lion City but still they have a hundreds of death and a thousand injured, but they kill 15,000 of the first attacker but the pressure to the wall is to great so he assemble the 10,000 Guardians in 100 platoons and command them to form turtle formation by linking their shield together forming a box they walk slowly but even if the enemy come charge at them their formation will not be broken. Xiao Yu leading the counter attack manage to kill the remaining attacker on the wall. The gate of Lion City where opened and thousand of wolf riding soldier attack Carrie men on the side on the front is the thousand guardians in formation. Carrie cannot end the attack here cause his father would surely remove him from the list of heir to viscount.

20,000 troops of Carrie tried to escape but were caught and brought to the City, while a measly 3,000 manage to escape with Carrie back to his father. After the attack the town were in festive mood as their lord give them beast meat and ale to drink. The enemy soldier's become slave, but some of them kneel to Xiao Yu so he absorb them to his town and told them that they were still under watch and if they do something wrong that would cause disturbances they will be captured and put with the other slave. As days past the Lion City continuous to flourish. Housekeeper Mo was surprise at first when they arrive outside the tall wall of Lion City they taught that it is big but hollow on the inside because how could a declining Noble Duke afford to support this huge territory if he doesn't have enough soldier and peasants. Housekeeper Mo and his 100 guards wait outside the city, they fear that they could be Rob in their sleep so how could they knew how rich and powerful this city is. The next day Xiao Yu meet the servant of Wang family and ask them what's there purpose in coming here, Servant Mo told him that he was here to fetch their young miss because her mother is sick. But how could Xiao Yu not know that they only wanted her sister-in-law to remarry again to a more influencial family. Xiao Yu told Housekeeper Mu to wait for 2 days, because they will prepare some gifts for her sisters and mother.

After 2 days come to the entrance of the city to fetch their young miss, servant Mo ask Siwen to enter their carriage, Housekeeper Hong told them that their 5th miss didn't like to ride others carriage so he called the carriage of Lion City. Housekeeper Mo was surprised that the carriage of Lion City is being pulled by 8 silver wolves which is a tier 3 beast, this kind of beast is not easy to tame and one of this wolf can kill all of his guards. Xiao Yu came out of the gate and promise his sister-in-laws and Housekeeper that he would bring back his sister-in-law Siwen. As the group their group went out they were meet by 500 orc raiders, 500 elven hunters, 300 spell breakers, and 1000 human knights all wearing tier 1 silver armors bearing Lion City seal and flags to escort them. Grom , Tyrande, and Antonidas all reach tier 5 and act as bodyguard for Xiao Yu and Siwen.

While they were travelling to Feng yan city they saw two small creatures being chased by some wild dogs. Xiao Yu petty the two beast so he save them, wash and cure them. He was surprise that this two little creature doesn't have fur but tiny scales they both look majestic one is red with cute golden pattern while the other one is green with red pattern. Tyrande told him that they were dragon but not a complete dragon as they need a heart of a real dragon to be one. Xiao Yu were well like by the two little dragon and treat him like their elder brother. Xiao Yu put them on his Myrad painting and ask Antonidas and Tyrande to give the 2 heart of the real dragon to both of them.

After the ordeal of blood the 2 little dragon becomes a real dragon. Xiao Yu name the red one Xiao Long (a boy) and the green one Xiao Mei (a girl), what surprise him more is that the Myrad space now produced 10 dragon so Xiao Yu decided to tame them but that didn't go well as the dragon were all tier 5 beast and almost die after fighting one alone. He call all the summoned hero to his painting and bully the dragons one by one until they submitted. Now Xiao Yu have 10 tier 5 dragon and two tier 2 dragon at his disposal.

The convoy reach the first city that have a good relationship with Wang clan and they decided to stay here for a night the people we're surprise when thousand of troops enter the city with shining silvery armor and thought that a prince of sky Lion dynasty visited. Xiao Yu decided to let his group stay in a hotel and left the other troops outside and only bring 10 of each race as body guards. As Xiao Yu was drinking he was hit by an arrogant girl thief that wanted to steal from him. Leah hit Xiao Yu but missed, there he learned that he just kick an iron bucket when an Aura of a tier 4 swordsman erupted on him. After capturing the little thief girl named Leah, he put some enchanted necklace around her neck and put on the bracelet that was supposed to control her but nothing happen at first. Antonidas explain to both of them that they are now in a master servant relationship and if Leah kill Xiao Yu they will both die.

Xiao Yu only wanted to scare Leah, said sorry on putting her in such predicament so she told her that he would find a way to remove it from her neck. Leah told Xiao Yu that it is also her fault for provoking him and say that she will ask his mage friend if he can remove it. Uncle Theodore could you remove this slave binder on my neck ask Leah on the old man, sorry Leah but this old man is not yet strong enough to remove it. Leah you should just wait for three years and it will be remove by itself. Theodore: Leah who is the one that put you that necklace can I meet him? Leah: yeah old man you can meet him his not a bad person but because I tried to steal his baby dragons and hit him 3 times on the face he put me this curse necklace oh!! I forgot he also command an army of orc and elves.

Theodore came on the inn that Xiao Yu was staying, while drinking Xiao Yu's wine. Xiao Yu seeing this old man appear from no were now and release an Aura of a tier 7 Archmage a dangerous person. So he ask the old man what he want and tell Xiao Yu to let Leah accompany him in his journey and will give him two favor if he agrees. Getting a favor from a tier 7 Archmage was a great blessing it's like having a backer and no one can offend you. Xiao Yu readily agrees and Theodore told Leah to accompany them on their journey as he could feel that this man would shock the world.