Empress Dowager

It was a brand new day as the sun rose from the east, bird chirping at Xiaofan's window.

She stretched and yawned lazily.

"My lady...Your bathtub has been prepared." She heard the maid say.

She didn't answer then turned to sleep again, "My lady?" Maid Yue called.

"Hunh? Look the sun hasn't risen yet..."

The older woman looked around and shook her head. "My lady, your bathtub has been prepared."

Xiaofan sat up in a huff and glared at the older woman, "Can't you see I'm trying to catch some sleep?"

"Some sleep?" The woman thought, "You've had enough of sleep. Your bathtub has been prepared for you!" Maid Yue voice was surprisingly strict.

"Bathtub, bathtub bathtub... Where's my brush?"


"Yes brush, I need to brush first! You are rushing me but didn't prepare a brush for me."

Maid Yue was utterly confused.

Xiaofan noticed the woman mind was muddled, as she bared her teeth at the woman then used her index finger to indicate.

It finally dawned on Maid Yue as she breathed a sigh relief. "Oh... But it's called chew stick."

Xiaofan furrowed her brows then tilted her head to the side, probably contemplating the fact that she can't use brush anymore but stick and maybe add salt to it as toothpaste. A fact she needed to put into consideration.

She was yet to get used to the heavy clothings on her and now she also has to brush with sticks? How annoying? She stood up and started undressing right in front of all her maids.

She was about to take the second robe off when Maid Yue called her. "My lady!!!" The older woman rushed forward, picked the robe on the floor and put it back on her then helped her to the bee(bathroom which is also called bi in China ancient time).



The Emperor who resided in the central palace had been summoned by the Empress Dowager.

"Your Royal Majesty, the Emperor has arrived!" The maid at the door announced his arrival.

"Let him in."

The door opened and he strutted into the inner chamber, the wooden floor well polished with chocolate brown oil paint and smooth under his feet. The decor of the room reeked of nobility, her golden marbled chest stood firm before her.

She sat straight, showing off her noble etiquette. She looked strict with her stoic expression but infact gentle at heart. Her eyes sharp and direct, the Emperor might be known as the man with an unreadable expression but he wasn't able to match up to his mother. She looked bold and cold but only the insiders knew she was as meek as a lamb.

"Royal Mother." He bowed and greeted. "I have been so busy with the Imperial court that I wasn't able to visit in these past few days."

She didn't reply to his greetings nor his statement, with his head still bowed he called out to her again. "Royal Mother..."

"Emperor Ju-Long." Her stern voice came through.

The latter who wasn't expecting such reply quickly looked up, his eyes showed his surprise but he concealed them almost immediately.

Her eyes didn't leave his nor did his eyes left hers. It took him about a minute to blink and look away. He might be the Emperor but she is still above him! She had the highest power in the kingdom even if he was the one dishing out orders. "Apologies on whatever it is I have done wrong to provoke the noblest lady..." He paused and drew in a breath. 'It was better to apologize than add oil to the already lit lamp!' He thought.

She turned her head away and scoffed.

He stated at her dumbfoundedly and wondered what he did wrong. Not knowing what to say, he stood there awkwardly. He licked his lips and looked around the same he has been countless times as a child, even as an adult.

"Lift the ban you placed on Xiuying! If you can't and won't visit her, I can do it! If I can't, her mother can do that!" Her voice much sterner than the last statement she made.

He was surprised, who would have thought she called him for such a request? "Mother..." A voice interrupted him from behind.

"Brother Long." The melodious voice was so identical to his mother, how he wished she could talk to him sweetly like she always did, but sadly she was mad at him.

"Address him as the Emperor he is, since he has decided to detach himself from us all. I never trained my child to be merciless toward women!" His mother's cold voice came through again, sucking his soul out of him little by little.

The owner of the voice that had called out to him earlier came forward and bowed at him but he ignored her. His eyes looking straight at his mother as she avoided his gaze like a plague.

"Come sit," His mother said, her tone much more softer now as if she hadn't been the one speaking before but those two words weren't meant for him. The figure beside him moved forward toward his mother.

"Princess Nuying, if you could please do excuse us! We are..."

"We are done talking sire!" She emphasized on the last word making it sound heavy. "All you have to do is lift the ban so I can visit her myself! It's that simple!" Empress Dowager stated.

"Mother... What has brother Ju-Long done?" Princess Nuying asked.

"I just told you to address him as the Emperor! Don't tell me you have short memory!!" Princess Nuying who has never been scolded with such harsh tone by anyone was gobsmacked. She was the only princess since her grandfather's reign and because of that she was doted on by everyone. Even her father's consorts treats her well, so being scolded out of the blue by her mother made her cower.

"Mother you don't have to lash out on her, it's my fault, my mistake, punished me instead!" Ju-Long said.

She ignored him. He swallowed hard, bowed at her then left.