The genius known as Wang Ling I

A Spear, a Sword, a Saber, a Bow, a Halberd, a Knucklebuster, all of these are weapons. Weapons are tool and it is a tool to both protect and to destroy.

In the world of cultivation, weapons are important. Anyone can use a weapon. But not all can master a weapon.

Anyone can swing a sword, but not all can draw out the essence of the sword.

Anyone can thrust a spear, but not all can pierce the world with their spears.

Wang Ling was a master of three different weapons. However, even he has the main weapon of sword. He had mastered the sword to a ridiculous extent that even a God had to bow down to him when his sword is unsheathed.

In the past era, masters roamed the world unhindered, but because of his selfish wish of opening a brand new era. These masters who roamed the world with a sword or a spear on hand is mostly like dead now.

Ever since his awakening, Wang Ling had never thought that he will see such a genius this early. A young man who looked only 16 or 17 is wielding a spear to such an intent was simply amazing.

The young man's spear was pure and straight, untarnished by anyone's will other than his own. What this meant was that the young man only follows his own path, and this path can never be changed.

Wang Ling nodded at the young man in recognition of his skills and could not help but thing if the youths of this era was all like this. Wang Ling had never seen a cultivator other than himself.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Bang!

The young man in front of Wang Ling made his move and continued his movement like a dragon unleashing its might. The movement of the young man was tyrannical and overbearing, his spear was deadly and his spear intent was overwhelming.

Wang Ling reckoned that a normal cultivator of the same level as this kid wouldn't be able to stand three blows from his spear.

"It's beautiful right?"

While Wang Ling was watching the spear of the young man, the familiar voice of Butler Sun was heard.

"Who is he? His spear art is amazing, how can I have never seen him before?"

Wang Ling immediately asks Butler Sun who the young man was. Seeing his reaction and eagerness to learn the young man's identity, Butler Sun chortled and looked at the young man before answering him.

"Hehe, Young Master you really don't have to be so anxious. This is the Second Young Master of the Wang family, he is Wang Hong."

Butler Sun looked at Wang Ling waiting to see what reaction he will make.

"Second Young Master of the Wang family? That means he's my blood brother?"

Wang Ling was rather surprised that this young man was actually his brother. He had never seen his younger brother before, there might be little bits of memory of a boy who is by his side years ago.

The young man in his memory was a boy who always run while crying. In one of his memory, there was one time when the boy would run to his room and cry his heart our screaming he does not want to practice anymore.

The boy in his memory was referred to as Second Young Master. He wanted to remember more but he had no more memories of the boy/Second Young Master after Wang Yue appeared.

This bugged him a little so he went ahead and asks Butler Sun why that is so.

"Butler Sun, I seem to have some recollection of a boy always bawling in my room. However, at some point when Yue appeared, the boy never really came to meet me anymore."

Was he disliked by his own young brother? That's something he wanted to know. If he was really hated then he would do his best not to meet this young man anymore, he seems dangerous anyway.

Butler Sun who was standing beside him had an awkward expression. He looked like he didn't know how to explain the situation to Wang Ling. Taking a deep breath, he resolved himself to explain what was happening.

"Well you see, the Second Young Master was tricked by the master (their father) and was made to go into training. The master brought the Second Young Master to the Mistress' family and there, he was forced… he diligently trained his spear and cultivated his inner qi. It just so happens that when he was tricked into training, Young Miss was also adopted by the Mistress into the house and if not for her incapability to cultivate, she will most likely be sent to the Mistress' family to train.

"This was also supposed to happen to you, but because of your inability to words at that time, the people of Mistress' home was forced to drop the thought of taking you. Also, the main reason why the Second Young Master didn't come to meet you in the past has something to do with a promise with the Young Miss."

Wang Hong was a coward (bitch) in the past. However, after went to his Mother's family to train, he came back looking like a true warrior.

Hearing this made Wang Ling raise a brow.

[Father tricked him into training?]

Now that's a revelation he really needed to know. It seems like his father is also a unique person. A father who tricks his own son to train, and a brother who was tricked into training, what a happy family this is.

What is the promise he made? Butler Sun did not know. The Butler and the Young Master conversed with one another. They were having a rather pleasant and cheerful conversation, the topic was mostly centered on the Second Young Master.

"What are you guys talking about?"

At voice interrupted Wang Ling and Butler Sun's conversation. Raising their heads, Wang Ling saw Wang Hong look at him with widened eyes.

Wang Hong smiled at Wang Ling and then said.

"Big Brother, it is so good to finally meet you. I don't know if you recognize me but Butler Sun must have explained everything to you, my name is Wang Hong."

Wang Hong gave Wang Ling the feeling of closeness. He was his blood brother, but because he had been away too much from Wang Ling's side, Wang Ling still felt closer to Wang Yue compared to this person.

Wang Ling observed Wang Hong for a moment and what he found was very interesting. Wang Hong's body was really fearsome. From his muscles alone that looked like it was chiseled was enough to give Wang Ling an impression how hard-working this younger brother of his really was.

Wang Ling was slightly taller than a Wang Hong. He was about half a head taller than the muscular Wang Hong. Wang Ling smiled at this over enthusiastic younger brother of his and said.

"We were just talking about you. Butler Sun told me a lot of your recent endeavor, you have entered the Sacred Beast Academy correct? Hais, as you Older Brother I am ashamed to say that I don't have half your capability."

Wang Ling jokingly said as he looked at Wang Hong.

Wang Hong was enrolled in an academy called Sacred Beast Academy. The academy centered around the cultivation of man and beasts together. Meaning, the Sacred Beast Academy is an academy is for people who aims to be a [Beast Tamer]in the future.

The job of beast tamer in the world of cultivation was a specialize one. Just like how an [Alchemist]specialize in the art of « pill concoction », Beast Tamers has their own specialization of taming and fighting together with beast.

In the past era there were only a few Beast Taming Sect and Academy. Beast taming is a profession that burns money easily. If you get a beast, you have to feed it and even help it advance in cultivation.

In Wang Ling's perspective, unless the beast you are planning to tame is an all-powerful Sacred Beast that have the chance of reaching celestial stage then taming beast is really not that worth it.

Wang Hong heard Wang Ling's self-depreciating words and immediately interjected.

"Don't mind, Big Brother. You had your own circumstances and I have my own. If you were to cultivate with me at that time, we don't really know who will stand higher right now."

His words had no hidden meaning to and it was all meant to make Wang Ling feel comforted. He thought that Wang Ling was really depress about his past so he said these words.

Wang Ling doesn't really mind though. He was really a useless person in the past to the point that it was depressing. He was worst that a cripple person. At least a cripple can speak but even he couldn't do something like that.

Wang Ling showed a bright smile to Wang Hong and as if saying "It's alright" he laughed. Wang Ling then turned to look at him and noticed that the spear he had been using was nowhere to be found. Wang Ling noticed that he was wearing a ring.

The ring was etched with the insignia of a dragon. The dragon looked like it was alive and would rushed up to the heavens.

Wang Ling felt that his mind had wondered off. He shook his head to ward off this unpleasant feeling.

[Seems like he has a rather unique treasure.]

"Wang Hong, you were practicing Spear arts earlier? It seems like you have a rather deep understanding of the spear, you already comprehended spear intent? The spear art you showed earlier was also amazing, it was tyrannical as a dragon and fierce as a tiger."

Wang Ling spat out a subject he was really interested in. upon hearing Wang Ling speak about his spear intent, Wang Hong felt a little prideful and thumped his chest in the process.

"Hehe, it took me a while but after my hard work I finally comprehended spear intent. Wait, you were able to sense my spear intent Big Brother? That should be impossible, I tried to conceal it as much as possible so how come you're able to sense it?"

The spear intent he emitted earlier was not normal spear intent. In the eyes of normal people what he was doing would be ordinary maneuvers of the spear. They may see that his movement was flamboyant and beautiful but they won't be able to see its true essence.

The spear art he practiced earlier was called the[Dragonic Tiger Ascension Spear]. In truth the essence of this technique was revolves in the idea of: tyrannical as a dragon and fierce as tiger.

Although Wang Ling was not entirely correct, he was still able to see through a part of it. For him to see through his spear intent and a part of the essence of his technique. Wang Hong was looking at Wang Ling with unrestrained shock right now.

Even Butler Sun was the same. He didn't know that Wang Ling's eyes of discernment was this formidable? He didn't even know that Wang Ling was knowledgeable about spear in the first place.

Wang Ling only smiled and asked.

"What's wrong, is there something with what I had said? I was sure that I got the essence of the technique correct. Seems like I'm still a little uneducated. Little Hong, I'll see you later, I still need to do something. Butler Sun, I spent everything earlier but I got mostly everything that I need.

"Oh, I'll just go and eat lunch later. I want to try and cultivate after this."

Wang Ling waved his hands at his brother and Butler Sun, the two were left there with a bewildered look. Wang Hong turned to look at Butler Sun and asked.

"Butler Sun, did my brother ever practice the spear?"

Butler Sun shook his head and answered.

"No, the First Young Master only ever read books."

Wang Hong was shocked, did his knowledge about the spear came from books?