You lack something

Wang Ling looked down and saw the Second Princess of the Empire. He sighed as he looked at her kowtowing. This princess had been coming over for a straight and continuous days.

She would ask for an audience with Wang Ling but will eventually be turned down by the Shadows. This days, it was Qigang's job to ask her to leave but the Second Princess was patient and would wait in front of the front door until midnight comes and she be dragged back to the imperial palace by Chang Yun.

However, she will eventually return to the mansion before the sun could even shine. Chang Ping was determined to have at least one meeting with Wang Ling that she does not even care about her status.

She even started coming over alone to make sure that she could show that she was serious about this matter. The Second Princess of an empire kneeling in front of a mansion to seek audience with the Young Master of the Wang family was already outrageous.

But what's more outrageous is the fact that the Empire was keeping quiet about this matter. The imperial family of an empire must show that they were illustrious and must keep a certain amount of dignity. For them to let the Chang Ping continue do this kind of actions truly baffled Wang Ling.

Other than that, this past few days Wang Shu Qing had been frequenting the imperial palace after lunch. When he asked him why, Wang Shu Qing simply answered, "I'm drinking with my good brother."

Wang Ling was unsure who that good brother Wang Shu Qing was talking about but that didn't really matter.

"Please, First Young Master Wang Ling, I am begging you to teach me the way of the sword." Chang Ping said as her forehead was continued touching the ground.

Wang Ling saw her actions and shook his head. Chang Ping was simply too tenacious, if he doesn't do something about her then she would continue coming here until the day he leaves.

That's just the best case scenario. The worst case scenario is that she will follow him to the central region and continue asking him about teaching her the sword. Wang Ling didn't want that kind of headache to appear in the future so he chose end this matter here and now.

"Princess Chang Ping, do you even know how ridiculous actions are? As the princess of an empire do you not have any kind of pride and finesse on yourself?"

Wang Ling asked Chang Ping who answered with her forehead still on the ground.

"Being a Princess of an empire is nothing but a title. Me wanting to learn the sword is my own wish and does not have anything to do with my status." Chang Ping answered with a solemn voice.

"Sigh, you want to speak with me correct? Then raise your head, speaking with someone (that is not an enemy) is something that I do not want to see. After all, your empire has helped me by lending my family the YinYang Heavenly Pool for my own use. Stand up and follow me, I am hungry so let us talk over this over lunch."

It was already way passed early morning so the bread he ordered Qigang to prepare was going to be his lunch. Wang Ling turned around and started heading to the garden so he can eat.

Chang Ping who had been kneeling on the floor stood up quickly after hearing what Wang Ling's instruction. She followed closely behind Wang Ling. Not daring to make any sound as to not displease this genius in front of her, Chang Ping as quiet throughout the entire way.

Soon the two of them reached the garden where the canopy and his lunch was located. Right now there were two servings of food on the table. It was apparent that Qigang had prepared enough for Wang Ling and Chang Ping.

Wang Ling took a seat and instructed Chang Ping to take one as well. He was the one who took the initiative and offered her to take a seat as he feared that this girl would continue standing up if he didn't say anything to her.

"Eat, you are a foundational phase cultivator and from what I know you have not eaten since this morning. Eat if you want to have a proper conversation with me later."

Wang Ling made her eat as he made sure to use what she wanted from him as bait to make her obey. Although many people will have a foolish smile on their faces if they can make a princess obey like this. Wang Ling was not feeling happy at all.

Although Chang Ping was a beauty who has an almost perfect countenance, that amounts to nothing if she is considered as a nuisance. While eating, Wang Ling began contemplating about the matter regarding taking a student in.

[What a bother. I really don't want to take anyone in as a student right now. If she asks me at least a hundred years from now I may consider it but right now is still too early.

Although her temperament is not bad, but from the previous incident where she went sneaked into the YinYang Forest also means that she is spoiled and mischievous. Taking care of a bratty student is not my cup of tea.

There's two choices for me. Have her leave and ask her not to return, but that will only bring me to the current situation where she will return to my doorsteps every day.

Second is, make her give up by telling that she's not worthy. Or maybe… I can use that method?]

Wang Ling mused as he took a bread from the plate in front of him and started eating. He ate bread and drank soup, he was feeling refresh as the nutrients of the soup carried nourished his body and quickly regained strength of his body.

He was full now and full of energy. He looked at Chang Ping who had also finished eating. He drank some tea to clean the taste off his mouth and then started the conversation so he can this thing over.

"Alright, let's get this over with. Second Princess of the Piercing Heaven Empire, Princess Chang Ping, do you really want to learn the sword from me? I am someone who is weaker than you and only has one arm, my future in the sword is already limited with me being someone who had only practiced for a short few weeks.

"Do you really think that follow me is going to open a new path for you? Your family is the royal family of an empire and if you asks your father, he should be able to invite someone who has a better cultivation than me. That person should be able to teach you better when compared to me.

"Taking all that into account, do you not think what you are doing is nothing but playing around? You said that you want to become powerful but you disregarded your own cultivation just to ask an audience with me. That alone makes your goal look like a joke."

Wang Ling stated the facts and started questioning Chang Ping's actions. What he had just said were all true. With the power of the imperial family of the Piercing Heaven Empire holds, they should be able to easily call upon experts from every corner of the Blazing Wing Continent.

What's more is that there's a possibility that an expert is already inside the imperial palace who can teach Chang Ping. Also, why did she had to come here every day instead of cultivating? That was something Wang Ling found really hard to understand.

Chang Ping listened to Wang Ling's statement and started rummaging inside the 'scripts' she had been compiling mentally if she ever meets with Wang Ling. However, she could not find the right words to answer Wang Ling and in the end, she answered with her true words.

"First Young Master Wang Ling, the reason why I asks for your tutelage is of course is not to play around. When I saw your sword skills in the YinYang Forest I could feel the profoundness of each and sword strike you unleashed.

"Yes, you have lower cultivation but that doesn't matter. I believe that if you were not afflicted with that strange disease of yours, you would have long transcended to sainthood. Also, the missing arm First Young Master Wang Ling does not make you any less, there are numerous experts who travels the lands with a missing limb and many of them could make the earth tremble with their indomitable might…"

Chang Ping post as she revered at the fact that Wang Ling was someone who have a missing arm yet his might was still surprising. He was tyrannical yet elegant at the same time, he was capable of killing savage beast as if it was nothing but cutting grass.

"Also, I do not cultivate because I have met with problems in cultivation. My cultivation speed is getting slower by the day, I want to use the laws of sword to supplement my lack of cultivation. If I can grasp the essence of the sword, I know that my cultivation will soar.

"Please, I am willing to give you anything, just teach me. I have done everything and this is the only path I can take."

Chang Ping pleaded, but this only caused Wang Ling to form a frown. If her cultivation talent was indeed poor like she had stated, then there were many ways on how she can improve.

Go and roam the continent of Blazing Wing. Go gain valuable experience through life and death experience. Fight and face everything that comes you way with a smile on your face. Laugh at the world as you inch closer to your goals.

What this phrases means is that venturing the lands will enable you to witness various things. Once you broaden your horizon, then you will be gain enlightenment on what you lack.

Exploring the realm was what Wang Ling did in his past life in order for him gain some resources to supplement his cultivation. He scoured the lands for benefits and will gain enemies along the way.

He will be hunted and experience life and death experience. But when he survives the benefits he reaps is the knowledge and experience he gains. Wang Ling was looking at Chang Ping with judging eyes.

There were numerous paths for her to take. This is just the most convenient and safest path so she is following this. Wang Ling shook his head and looked seriously at Chang Ping's eyes.

"What you are pertaining as having no talent for cultivation might be true, but there are many paths that you can take other than this. Leave the empire and traverse the lands scouring for the path that only you can take.

"What you spoke about not having a path to take is nothing but utter nonsense. There are a myriad path that you can take, but because your horizon is narrow you can only see the easiest and safest path in front of you.

"I can already see what kind of person you are Princess Chang Ping. A sheltered princess of an empire who had been protected by her parents and siblings all this time, of course your horizon is not that big…."

Wang Ling was just about to continue speaking but Chang Ping interjected.

"W-why are you slandering me? I only asked to learn the sword and yet you are giving me lessons about m horizons being narrow. Like I said before, please test my talent in the way of the sword before judging me. I know I can make you proud."

Chang Ping had an extremely embarrass on her face and black lines were already forming on her forehead. She looked at Wang Ling who was calm and collected and felt a burning desire to smack his face.

However, a part of her resonated with the slandering words he had spoken. She might not notice it but the only reason why she is rebuking his words is because she didn't want to have her confidence shattered by this person.

However, Wang Ling cared not for her opinions as he continued his speech.

"….You lack experience and the right temperament to cultivate the sword. Your heart is unstable and you cannot face your wrongs, you might be a genius, yes, but your achievement will be extremely limited if you continue to act like a genius like this and constantly start blowing your own trumpet.

"Pride and confidence is good, but too much is only arrogance…. Come with me."

Wang Ling stood up before Chang Ping could even say anything. He walked away with Chang Ping following and took a stone nearby that was about the size of an adult's fist and held it with his right hand.

The stone looked ordinary and held no distinctive features to speak of.

"You wish to learn from me correct?"

Chang Ping instinctively nodded her head.

Seeing her answer, Wang Ling threw the stone up and then took out the sword he kept inside his storage ring. He waited for the stone to fall right in front of him…

Slash…. Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

A gust of wind suddenly erupted as the stone that was thrown up gently landed on the ground. He took the stone from the ground and passed it on to Chang Ping.

What used to be an ordinary stone now have a five sword marks all over its surface. He then passed the stone to Chang Ping.

Chang Ping received the stone and looked at Wang Ling with bewildered eyes. She wanted to question him but he only stated.

"Grasp the mystery behind that stone in a week. If you can grasp it I will teach you, but if you can't, stop looking for me every day."

Chang Ping was given an assignment.