The First Young Master of the Wang family II

"You don't look too good over there." Bai Xue asked after seeing Wang Ling's face twitch after hearing the news about the matters of Red Peak Mountain, "Are you by any chance not liking the idea of meeting your brother?"

Wang Ling shook his head. His expression heavy and feelings and emotions even more. Something flashed past his mind and he became downcast. His usual attitude of a calm and collected expert was nowhere to be seen.

He reminisces something and delved deep into his memories. Soon, the wine and food came and the first thing Wang Ling took from the waiter was a jar of good wine to accompany his unpleasant emotions rising from deep within his heart.

He drank the wine slowly and felt the line cutting through his throat. Drinking and savoring the flavor of the wine, he looked at Bai Xue and answered her inquire, "No, I am not brooding over such matters. It's just that… I didn't think that place remained in this era."