Wang Family III

"How may I serve you, Young Master?" Butler Sun asked with a soft voice.

Wang Ling didn't say anything but took the items the maid brought to him and went to find a seat that was just a couple of meters away from the doors.

Wang Ling urged Butler Sun to follow him and the two of them went to take a sit before Wang Ling starting the conversation, "Butler Sun, do you think you can do me a favor?"

"Of course, Young Master, whatever you may need and we will do our best to bring it to you."

"Good, then, I have some things I want for you to collect. You can bring them to me as soon as possible but also for a later date." Wang Ling started taking out the items he had asked for and began grinding the inkstone.

Wang Ling placed the paper in front of him and used the brush to effortlessly write on the paper with elegance. He was doing some impressive calligraphy right now and Butler Sun was entranced at how steady his strokes were.