
In some nameless forest, Wang Ling was sitting on top of a tree while Bai Xue was happily manipulating her flames into cooking the meat that was in front of her.

Wang Ling sighed as he compared the three powers they had destroyed and the Chaos Union.

Bandit's Den, Devil Revering Sect, and the Shadow Claws Sect were easily destroyed to the ground. Although their forces were different, they were fundamentally the same as they all have a fixed location.

Wang Ling only needed to kill those who were staying inside those sects and get it over with. Death could easily be achieved if they just went to a sect that had lower strengths than they had.

Many say that destroying sect was not so simple, Wang Ling was once one of these people. He said this because qi used in destroying sect was astronomical. In the past, he would always use up his qi if he was not careful about his way of spending it.