Domination VI

Three figures were quickly moving inside the Thundergod Academy. It was an old man and two beautiful ladies.

"So you're saying my Ling'er is running through the rankings of your academy one after another since the third hour of midnight?" Xiao Fei'er showed a disbelieving look as she questioned the sanity of the old man, "Are you sure old age is going through you, Old Lu?"

Lu Tao waved his hands in irritation as he argued, "Ugh, shut it. No matter how old I am, I am not going to go senile. I was still the previous Principal of this place, so you should treat me with respect when we are here. Why don't you call me… um, Old Thunderlord?"

"Don't waste your time Old Lu and just tell me what is currently happening. What do you mean he's decimating through your rankings? Did he enter the 80th rank or something?"