Pill Concoction and Gender Equality

Wang Ling crouched on the ground and waited for Xuan Wen to regain his consciousness. Wang Ling went out of his way to make his consciousness return and he was not going to let that effort go to waste.

Smacking Xuan Wen's head a couple of times, Wang Ling woke him up.

With a groan, Xuan Wen tried to take out his head from being buried on the ground. He had a hard time doing so but someone pulled his hair up dragging his face off the intimate space he shared with the ground.

"That hurt, do it a little more gently you bastard… wait!"


His head was once again banged into the ground. This time, he did not lose his consciousness and as he was once again lifted, the pain he experienced was put to the side.

Wang Ling stared at Xuan Wen's pitiful outlook and showed a disinterested expression, "Do you want some more? I can make hurt you more ways than you could imagine, if you wish to cause trouble, I will make sure to entertain you."