
A pair of swords were created, containing the attribute of the two higher realms and the two forces that dictate different paths.

Wang Ling observed the swords in his hands, he was feeling weak, but he chose to stand up. He motioned a swing with the ordinary length sword, and with a swing, the air being torn apart was heard.

Wang Ling infused his qi to the sword on the sword and began altering its length, and weight. Wang Ling tried extending the sword and noticed it does not have much difference. He tried widening it and then its thickness.

With the thickness and width altered, the sword was no longer a sword but a block of steel. He reverted the sword to its original form and then tried altering its weight.

Increasing the weight of the sword several hundred times, the sword now weighed as much as five hundred swords. The hundreds of thousands of swords he had used to create this piece should number at 200,000 thousand.