Wang Ling wakes up

None shall touch him or his people and even if the words of the grey figure was false, the chance of Qin Ao harming his family will become apparent. So, Wang Ling shall kill any liability that may appear.

His mind returned to normal after his comment and noticed his body was in flames. He saw this and smiled and thought, [She can already move about without my command. That is good.]

For some reason, he could tell that he was calm. Too calm in fact. He could not tell why but Wang Ling was surely beginning to change once again. Knowing if that change is good or bad is something up for debate even to himself.

He was awake, but he chose to close his eyes and enter his mindscape. After waking up he suddenly remembered a time when he saw a grey figure inside his mindscape. He wanted to see if the grey figure was there.