Chaos Begins

In the light of Xie San's slip of the tongue regarding a Portal, Bai Xue is slowly enjoying herself in tormenting someone from the Xie Clan. She had severed all his limbs, crushed his genitalia, and took one of his eyes.

His body was bloodied all over but no blood could be seen on the floor, there was no trace that something happened if they cannot lay their eyes upon Xie San who was at his last breath.

Xie San's breathing was disoriented and the markings of the tears of blood that he had cried made his pathetic sight surface. He was in pain but he cannot die because of the medicine Bai Xue gives him.

He was in pain that even the [Reorganizing] method of his Master cannot hold a candle against this pain. He was in pain and he had been begging for death for the past few hours, "Please, kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me."