Troubling Idols

Entering the tomb it was practically free for all. Groups were formed amongst companions and there were those who were a loner, traversing the tomb on their own.

Wang Ling called it a tomb, and its name is the Tomb of the Golden Fist Mesas but it was more a fortress as its size was so big that it can be compared to a mountain. He had not seen a God before but according to the Gray Figure this place was owned by a Middle-God.

And before entering this place, the Gray Figure had assured something to Wang Ling. It said that its presence is going to be indispensable when it enters rooms such as this one.

From within Wang Ling's body, the Gray Figure sat atop his Chaotic Origin Foundation and as he sat there cross-legged he sensed the flow of the Qi around him, "Turn right to the next corridor."