
"Are you okay now, boy?"

"Leo… don't call me boy, that's disrespectful to my name."

"… okay, Leo, that was my fault, are you okay now?" 

Leo nodded, Wang Ling quietly placed his hand atop the child's head then whispered to him, "Then that is good… have you eaten yet?"


"The sound of a grumbling stomach answers for you. Stay here, I'll retrieve some food." 

"Where are you going? You are still hurt."

"I'm going to hunt some food, this body may be damaged, but it is healing just fine. Me staying here will not help, I have too much energy to burn, I must go and find ways to keep my body moving."

Wang Lings stood up from where he sat, he saw the mountain vegetables and the basin used by the boy to nurture him, and he intended to do the same. Besides, Wang Ling had no ability to leave the boy.