The so-called Truth


Leo froze, his back drenched in a cold sweat as his heart raced like there's no tomorrow. Irta Lopus was glaring at him with a sword inches away from his neck, the reason? Wang Ling just admitted something he shouldn't have.

"Let go!" Irta shouted as he further increased his strength.

"You know you can't get past me, let me finish my words before we — oh for the love of." Wang Ling grew exasperated at the sight of Irta swinging his fist. 

Leo froze at the sight of this but Wang Ling did not stop Irta, instead, Wang Ling just spoke, "Leo, did I teach you to be a coward?"

A simple set of words set off Leo, a sword appeared in his hand and like a snake, the boy maneuvered his hands and grabbed the oncoming fist. He caught it, but the power behind it was too strong and sent the boy flying and crashing on the wall behind him.