"It is always weird to regrow arms, I know it is mine, but it just feels different than before, you know? You get the feeling, right, All-Father?" Qinyang asked as she changed with Wang Ling's back turned to her.

"I don't know, I haven't grown an arm in so long so I forgot the sensation. But I remember it not being a problem for me."

"Really? I imagine the All-Father would have no problem sacrificing an arm or a leg in a fight, considering how you fought the two earlier."

"Don't get it wrong, kid, I will do anything to win even if I have to cut off my limbs. The only difference between us is that I can't regrow my limbs as fast as — hmm, that's weird, why am I telling you this? I know I have gotten softer and talkative with age, but… why am I telling you all this?" 

"HA! It must be because the All-Father and I have gotten closer… this… we… we might be becoming friends."