Wrath II

When Wang Ling reincarnated, Qinyang saw visions of his current life. In her dreams, every night, she would sleep in hopes of meeting him, so that she could see him even if she could not feel his touch. She saw him with children and people, she saw him protecting others from any harm. He shouldered the fate they were given and she envied these people.

She didn't have anything to be envied of, she was well-off, and had a bright future, but seeing the father she never had care more for others not knowing she existed hurt. It hurt to see he was smiling, not knowing of her existence, it made her feel small, insignificant… unwanted by the one she yearned for.

So she sought him, set off in order to find and see him in person. He was not the man he thought he would be. He was kind, but he was also ruthless. Decisive and forgiving, he was a man who stuck to his belief, yet was not rigid to the point of being stubborn.