
Holding two sword-shaped World Treasures, Wang Ling stood against the four Deities with shaky control of his qi. Far from his usual masterful maneuver and smooth transitions to meridians. He was a bottomless source of power, the only thing that separates him from Bai Xue was the degree of control to use said power.

Bai Xue had all of the millennia before Wang Ling's return to control the All-Mother's Qi, and Wang Ling now stands before the Deities attempting to reel in the Chaos—


The crackling of lightning echoed; the room now covered with Wang Ling's killing intent. The crimson turned dark, and the azure lightning wrapped around Wang Ling's arms and then both the swords. His earlier jumpy nature is now nowhere to be seen.

He no longer smiled, but he's much more confident now facing the four Deities in their Primeval Forms. His unique eyes reflected several paths… Wang Ling ignored them knowing they would change the moment the fight begins.