Genesis III

Chang Ping was moving alone away from the others. 

The others were tracking down Qinyang by piecing together remnants of life in the air.

Cultivation in essence was borrowing the power of the world to prolong life. Because the abyss was full of death energy, it was significantly easier to follow the tracks laid down before them.

A Sage once said that cultivating was to seek infinity in oneself and soul, The truest meaning of cultivation had long been lost. It was once to find enlightenment, but it was now only used to gain power. To become eternal and live amongst mortal men with their richest.

Cultivators follow the flow of life to conquer its chains. Because of this, Wang Yue and Wang Hong were going in every direction that they sensed anything that stood out from the rest of the Abyss.

Like hounds, cultivators followed the whiff of life. Wang Yue followed Wang Hong to search for Qinyang.