
Katekyo Hitman! Reborn!

Background noises and music of the Reborn series played in the background. The room is dimly lit with orange light from a simple and convenient table lamp. An apple brand touchscreen laptop, the source of the noise is set on a mahogany study table. The chair beside the study table is pulled out carelessly and clothes are strewn on the floor. A slight figure covered in a blue duvet with the head settled on a white pillow lay peacefully, stirring and turning occasionally and kicking one pillow to the ground. A man silently crept in the room, closed the laptop, adjusted the chair, turned off the table lamp and set the pillow on the bed.

Ever since Khalayi had come back from her grandmother, she was different. The bubbly yet kind young lady was withdrawn and had been spending most of her time in her room binging on anime. She refused to go back to school citing sickness. His convincing power had declined to -00000.01.

With a permissive grandmother as her guardian and a steady source of income, more than enough to cater to her for a lifetime, convincing her to go to school proved harder. However, her appetite did not spell 'unwell'. It consisted of binging on junk and skipping on meals because either she had eaten too much sugar or eaten too much salt, according to her. She could not be convinced to take soup either.

The door creaked back, connecting with the doorknob. Khalayi had stirred up the moment she felt the presence of a person in the room. Regardless of how discrete Uncle Vinny was, her sharp instincts could not ignore the presence of a foreigner in her room.

Uncle Vinny was her carer, as an orphan and lone child, all she had in this world was Uncle Vinny, her grandmother, and her money. Her parent's past investments covered her slightly extravagant needs. The current world of money, freedom and next to no supervision had taken the 27year old soul in a teenager's body slightly perplexed but mostly exhilarated. Rather, appealed to her hidden sense of seeking adventure. There was so much mystery behind the kind-looking face.

Nastanje woke up a week ago in an unfamiliar bed in a villa at the country-side. The villa had a bourgeoisie feel. The room she woke up in had a large translucent sliding glass door that led to a balcony providing a view of serene and restful environment; a hill with exotic trees could be seen from there. It looked like a man-made forest since the exotic trees extended to the villa. The morning light was reflected by the swimming pool whose water shimmered a bright blue, mirroring the sky. The tranquility could not break the restlessness she felt after waking up in a strange place. When she was surveying the environment, her restless feet had led her to the balcony, regardless of the painful limbs. It was not shocking that her limbs were painful because, well she had been in an accident. What she could not comprehend was how the hell she had found herself in this place.

Caught up in her own world, the feeling that someone had opened the room and was standing near her jolted her back into reality. An elderly lady with salt and pepper hair, outgoing and baggy dungaree jeans and homely smile looked at her with fond eyes. Eyes that spoke of love, care, and a spoiling nature. A light breeze blowing by made the elderly lady frown a bit.

'Let us get you back into the room, it is cold outside. Are your feet still hurting? Why did you go so far out into the forest? I know you are strong and adventurous; can't you be a bit more careful? I only have you now', the old lady chided softly, her left arm snaking through Nastanje's back to her right arm while her right arm held her left arm, warmly embracing her and leading her to the bedroom.

'Khalayi, is anything on your mind? Did you forget your name and brains somewhere after the fall? You are awfully quiet. The bath is ready. Am around the corner, just give me a call if you need anything', the elderly lady said as she settled her down to the bed and went out of the room.

Left alone, Nastanje attempted to get her thoughts in order. Why was she being called Khalayi. She was in an accident in a busy street, not some forest. Her body felt sweaty and sticky so she made her way to the bathroom. Passing by the mirror, she saw a slightly tiny version of her.

'Just how much weight have I lost and how long have I been out,' she wondered as she continued to gaze at herself in the mirror. She felt that something wasn't right, the her who lost weight usually had an edgier and sallow jawline, not a youthful face. It looked like she had transformed into her younger self. It did not make sense, because, even if she had gone back to the past, she would not be in a villa with a kindly old woman calling her Khalayi. Warm water in the bathtub made her body relax but the cycle of thoughts still bugged her restless self. Stepping out of the tub refreshed, she dried herself and put on the clothes by the bedside. She descended down the stairs lined with lifelike paintings down to the living room carpeted in red with antique furniture and a strikingly unique grandfather clock. She slowly headed to the dining room, unsettling the elderly lady who chided her for walking around yet she was still weak. She smiled and stated that it was no big deal and she needed to walk around a bit after sleeping for so long.

'What do you mean sleeping for so long, you were brought here yester evening after being rescued from the fall', the elderly lady said.

'It must have been a light one. See, am still standing strong', Nastanje joked.

The old lady sighed helplessly and grumbled about stubborn children who begot stubborn grandchildren who make her life difficult. Nastanje, now responding to the name Khalayi sat down for breakfast, taking her meal silently as she tried to figure out how she became a grandchild to the old lady. She was careful to address her without mentioning her title, till she figured out how she got here and why she looked younger than usual. A little bit more talking with her grandmother made her realize she had been reborn in her doppelganger's body. Doppelgangers were just a theory in movies, but now, she was living the theory.

She covered herself more and sunk into slumberland after watching uncle Vinnie go. Her new identity was the last thing on her mind.