Any wedding bells

Two glasses of mango juice and some minimal snacks were set on the counter beside the two girls. Nasike raised an eyebrow.

'Alcohol might land me in a hospital bed and you are a minor', Khalayi answered and turned her head towards the bubbly lady who was sauntering to the pole.

Binti-Rembo, shortened to Binti held the pole like it was her partner for life, as if they were born together. Her body moved around lithely and confidently, as one of her foot was hooked around the pole, making her body swing around lightly. The dance was more of artsy as opposed to seductive yet it attracted every persons attention. She climbed up the pole and spinned around like a bird freed from its cage. Her eyes carried a passionate gleam while her demeanor was more of calm as opposed to inviting. Instead of arousing desire, it was more calming and captivating. Nasike's eyes that were fixated on the pole were interrupted by the lithe figure that had by then stopped mounting the pole and completed the dance.

'You just corrupted one more person', Binti said.

'Nah, more like aroused curiosity', Khalayi opposed.

In her mind, Nasike wanted to scream that she could hear them talking about her but refrained from doing so.

'Care for a drink', Binti raised her manicured hand and settled it on Nasike's nape softly rubbing around it and turning her head towards her and muttering seductively. Nasike blinked dazedly, trying to figure out what was happening.

'Hands off, she is incorruptible', Khalayi slapped Binti's hand away and pulled her to her side, away from her roommate. She was wondering whether it was a good idea to let her see Binti on this day.

'Dont mind her, she seduces everyone, men and women'. Turning to Binti, she drilledd, 'last time I checked, you were into men'.

'Someone worth making me change my preference came about', she winked.

'Save it for someone else, the attention I mean.'

After the comment, the Binti turned to a more serious discussion with Khalayi. As they droned about work and school, Nasike's eyes wandered around the club, it was entertaining yet calming.The pole looked inviting but courage failed her. However, she wondered how a young girl like Khalayi was familiar with the place.

After her reincarnation, Khalayi discovered that the 18 year old had the mindset of an adult. The club began 3years ago when Khalayi was 15. It was partly a place to entertain and partly a place to rehabilitate the women who had faced all kinds of abuse from domestic violence to sexual assault. It was partly therapy and partly a place to rehabilitate. It might have been unconventional but her tact was never conventional. It was also a place that geve her second family an opportunity to not only exact vengeance but also to heal. They met all kinds of people. Men who openned their eyes to the kind side of society, intellects, business men and even gang members who every person dismissed as criminal and cruel. And men who confirmed just how cruel the world can be, poised men who turned into masochist beasts when no one was watching. The real you is the person you are when no one is watching. The phrace seemd to be true for every patron of this club. The running of the club was left to the women that had been lifted from the throes of helpless resignation to fate. They were brilliant women who could achieve anything if the opportunity was given. That is how the club had grown to the height it achieved to date. Not every woman was scarred or a victim. Some were just women who wanted to give strength to their counterparts.

Binti was one of them, the women who gave their strength to others. She was a pychiatriast who had established her own office soon after graduation. Her grades, observant eye and superior human relations skill built her a niche among students and the staff who would counsult her. By the time she cleared her undergraduate, she had a file of atleast 40% of the university population. Medical establishments that wanted her skill were rebuffed. It was during one of her sessions that she realised that most of the patients referred to her were being payed for by the club. After two visits and a talk with management, she became a frequent guest. Much to her chagrin, she encountered Khalayi who was relieved as the founder. It was not easy to read what that child was thinking. Her quest to psycho-analyse her mindset saw the two individuals build an unbreakable friendship.

As much as Binti was used to Khalayi helping out people, she had never taken a lasting interest in them. Her bullying never lasted either. However, her treatment of Nasike bordered to a big sister protecting her younger sibling. Moreover, she was never the type to link up with innocent and naive young ladies. Seeing her barely veiled protective stance raised Binti's curiosity which she decided to satisy later, away from Nasike's presence.

Khalayi had decided to refer Chiri and Christy to her for counselling. The two ladies were pitiful since the school counsellors would at most scar them instead of helping them heal. The dust had died down but Christy, Chiri and other victims of the vile teacher were still hounded by the unwanted memory. Young as they were, they had to spend their teenage years to satisfy the greed of a man they did not like. The discussion ended with a tacit agreement to assist them rebuild themselves.

'Any wedding bells' Khalayi broke from their serious conversation on a light note.