The first sub-job


I woke up at 10:00

2 house until the game launches I beater eat and take a shower.

30 minutes left lets get ready.

5 minutes left can't wait.

3 minutes come on!!

1 minute nearly there


[welcome to world]


[what would you like to be called]

''dwarf. (i'm a miner after all)''

[name selected]

[please create your character]

[you can change your face and body up to 10%]

''OK, I got this!''

Just got to make myself smaller, 173cm will do (i'm 185 in real life), thicker eyebrows, done, blue eyes.

''I'm done.''

[enjoy you gaming]


I ran up to the first person I saw and asked

''Sorry, do you happen to know were the blacksmith is?''

''You must be new here. just walk that way and you'll see a big stone building that's it.''

Responded the old man politely.

''Thank you! (being polite always works)''

What a energetic young lad.

Will running in the direction the old man pointed at I looked around and saw people pawing. Faster I have to go faster!

I can't let this opportunity slip.

but then I realized how em I gone buy a pickaxe if i don't have money. NOOOOOO!

Think, think, there has to be a way.


Yes, yes I have 1 silver in my inventory if I shoes the oldest and crappiest pickaxe and try to heggle I may just do it.

There it is the only stone building in the village I can here the hammering inside.

I stooped in front of the door wiped my swet .

It only toke me 3 minutes an 40 seconds to make my character, spawn, talk to the old man and come here.

Opening the door I saw all sort of tools and weapons randomly laying around , ignoring them I walked to the counter at the back. A young boy siting there looked back at me with a questioning look, well I do look suspicious, in such a small village of about 100 people it is rare to see new faces and there is the fact that I'm I obviously ran here.

You can do this keep smiling.

I walked towards him calmly stopping 1 meter away from the counter.

''Hello, I would like to buy a pickaxe. Do you have any for cheap? (rule number 1 of haggling never say how much money you have)''

''Yes we do have some just made, take a look.''

Name : pickaxe

rarity : common

attack : 1-3

durability : 24/24

''it's just 3 silver and 50 copper.''

''No, no I just want a cheep one it doesn't need to be new. I don't plan on using it for long any ways.''

''We have a couple of over here.''

He pointed to a barrel fol of rusty pickaxes

''They are pretty much useless.''

Name : pickaxe

rarity : common(barely)

attack : 0-2

durability : 4/24

'' How much for one?''

''1 silver 50 copper.'' replied the boy.

''How about 75 copper?''

''No at least 1 silver.''

''What? They are just here collecting dust here. 80 max''

''Deal, pick any you want.''

lukly you can see the stats of any item of uncommon rarity and below otherwise I would have mist a real treasure. Merchants have a skill that aloe them to see the stats of rare items only appraisers can identify epic and above items.

Name : decent pickaxe

rarity : uncommon

attack : 2-5

durability : 9/33

''I'll take this one. Here is your money.''

I took 80 copper out of my inventory and handed it to the boy.

''See you.'' That was the only response he gave before ignoring me.

Well f..k you to.

I didn't realy care, I even felt bad for him for a moment he sold a uncommon item fore next to nothing.

The best ting about this item is its skill, only uncommon items and above have skill's but rarely are they passive like this one.

Miner instinct: common ore in a radios of 3 meters may light up ( only the owner of the pickaxe can see the light).

One of my concerns was that mining relaid mostly on luck so withe bad luck mining 5 ore of any kind (the requirement to get the miner sub-job) can take very long but now I'm golden.

Without a second tot I ran out of the store. Only to realize that I forgot to ask were the mining area is.

I can't go back in now what will they think. Looking around I saw a elderly lady walk out of a house. I walked towards her.

''Madam do you happen to know if there is a mining area nearby?''

''O hello dear, yes there is just walk till the end of the rode and go left, you'll see a forest path not to far just follow it and you will find it, the man used to go there to mine quite often back in the day but now the youngsters are just getting more and more getting lazy.''

''Thank you.''

I said as I waked away

''Your welcome.''

Sprinting out of the village i saw what can only be described paradise a small hill about a kilometer away devoid of any vegetation.

What a beauty, I don't know how else to describe it. Being unable to hold my excitement trowing cation to the wind, I ran not caring that it may be danger's out site the village my entire plan depended on this, any game has a special rewarded for the first person to do something like discovering a new are or getting the first main-job it may not be special but it is always useful.

And this one is the same I hope.

Ariving at the hill what greeted me was a small light to a little to my right, its the miners instinct. This is the place, a mining spot, there was no info on how to mine online so I just hit the light with the pickaxe again and again and again.

And at the third hit.

[you got one low quality iron ore]

''well, thank you.''

From there it was easy, I just walked on around the hill until another light appear and mine it.

Ones it appeared hit it 3 times and got another one. D o it 3 more times and:

[you have mined 5 ores successfully, would you like to become a miner?]



[you now have the sub-job apprentice miner]

[you got the ore appraise skill]

[you are the fist person to get the sub-job miner]

yes here it comes, let it be something useful, please god let it be useful

[you got title: mining prodigy]

''Yes!!!A title!!'' I tot it would end there but no.

[you are the first player to get a sub-job]

[you got the skill ore fusion]

''o hell yeas''

lets check this out

ore appraise

rank: common

tier: 0


user can appraise common ore

''Just as it said online, not very useful but if it reach level 10 and become tier 1 it can also apprise uncommon ore more then that was not specified.''

title: mining prodigy

ones equipped raises ever miner sub-job and related skill one tier

''Equip the title mining prodigy.''

ore appraise

rank: common

tier: 1


user can appraise uncommon ore and below

ore fusion

rank: legendary

tier: 1


cane fuse 2 ores of lower quality to create one of higher quality up to high uncommon

(skill's are divided in 7 ranks: common, uncommon, rare, unique, epic, legendary and mythical.

every skill has a tier every time the skill goes up a tier from 0 to 6 it evolves.

the tier of the skill depends on the level of the skill

tier 0: 1/10

tier 1: 11/25

tier 2: 26/50

tier 3: 51/70

tier 4: 71/85

tier 5: 86/95

tier 6: 96/100)

(ore's are divided in 7 tier: common, uncommon, rare, unique, epic, legendary and mythical.

every rank has is divided in low, normal and high)