My body!

Wang Ming woke up feeling cold sweat over his entire body. Looking to his right he saw a towel, grabbing it he started cleaning himself up. But then he froze, Wang Ming realized he could move his arms again. Looking at them, Wang Ming saw the voice wasn't joking. It had completely healed his arms, though he had big nasty scars running down both his arms.

Trying to move his legs, Wang Ming felt dejected to see that he still had no control over his legs. Luckily, at least they didn't hurt anymore. He then remembered before it sent him off from his dream. There was a light beam that hit his forehead, which had imparted him with some information. For now, the only thing he knew was that his legs would most likely be better later.

Feeling better, Wang Ming realized his body was screaming at him he needed to relieve and feed his body. Wang Ming didn't want to shout, as his father didn't like loud noises in the house.


But even after shouting for a while, Wang Ming couldn't hear his father at all.

Looking around the room to find anything to support himself, Wang Ming was happy to see that there was a pair of wooden crutches in the room's corner. Using his arms to crawl to the corner of the room, which was roughly a meter away.

Grabbing the pair of wooden crutches, Wang Ming looked at them. They were crude and old, but they were better than nothing. Raising himself up with the crutches, Wang Ming felt surprised by how easily he could lift himself up.

Thinking it would be a lot harder, Wang Ming almost fell down because he used too much strength pushing himself up. Lifting himself up, he felt so good and so strong in his arms. Going to the bathroom, Wang Ming realized he needed to sit down to pee. Wang Ming felt embarrassed as his father had told him that peeing while sitting down is what females do. But seeing no other way, he sat down and did the deed, vowing to never talk about it.

Making his way to the kitchen, Wang Ming looked at the digital clock on the wall which said the 20th of June, the clock was roughly 5pm. He could hear the street bustling outside with people going out with their families and others done with their work going home. Reading the date again, it shocked Wang Ming to see that it was 20th of June.

A month had passed by since Brother Hou beat him. His father must have fed and taken care of him this past month, which warmed his heart. Maybe he had just said those hurtful words in anger and he didn't mean it, him and his father had been together ever since his mother died, there's no way his father doesn't love him, he thought.

Taking a seat, Wang Ming tried to think about what had happened in his dreams. There was still so much he didn't understand about everything. How could it heal his arms like that? His body healing so fast had to have something to do with the dream and the voice.

But even though how much he tried to figure out something, he just couldn't get anything, nothing made sense for him. But it was as the voice had learned of his struggles, as Wang Ming suddenly felt his head starting to hurt a sea of information were entering his head.

Wang Ming didn't get much, as something had locked most of the information in his head. When he closed his eyes, he could see an enormous door with multiple locks on it. Though before Wang Ming could even wonder what lied behind the door, a thin pamphlet flew out behind the door. Looking at it, Wang Ming could see the title said: Dao of Cooking for dummies.

Opening the pamphlet, the first page said: To cook great food from great ingredients is nothing noteworthy, to cook extraordinary food from trash is the authentic way. Even though the words looked like an old man with shaky hands had written them, Wang Ming could still feel the wisdom from it and power behind every stroke of the pencil.

Turning the second and third page, felt pleasantly surprised to see that there were guidelines and tips for the Cooking Dao. How he should proceed with his path and when his legs would recover. It seemed like for him to further his Cooking Dao he would need to open multiple restaurants, but also he would need to strengthen his body via training and fighting.

It also explained how it healed his arms, the Dao of Cooking cultivation method needs to rebuild his body. Which it did under the month Wang Ming was in deep sleep, though it doesn't seem that he's proficient enough in Dao of Cooking yet so that's why his legs are still crippled. But it also mentioned that he's not far away from it, Wang Ming felt grateful for the voice for giving his life a new chance.

Letting out a deep breath of relief, Wang Ming felt happy that he wouldn't be a cripple for the rest of his life, he would become a much stronger version of himself. It also explained why his arms and body were so much stronger. Hearing his stomach rumbling, Wang Ming realized his body was getting weaker by the minute because of the lack of nutrition in his body.

Putting the pamphlet down which magically vanished after he put it down, Wang Ming made his way to kitchen. Making his way to the kitchen, he saw his reflection in the mirror and the sight shocked him. Walking closer to the mirror to look at himself, what he saw was a handsome man, with sharp looking eyes that burned with ambition and motivation. It seemed like his shoulders, chest and arms had grown at least 5-6 centimeters. Bending down to pull up with his t-shirt with his teeth, Wang Ming saw a ripped 8 pack, which was something he had never had in his entire life.

Thankfully, he was wearing baggy clothes, else he wouldn't have fit in the clothes at all. Wang Ming wanted to admire his body more, but his stomach won the battle. Opening the fridge in his kitchen, Wang Ming realized how hard it is for him to function without a wheelchair, since he had no way to support his body while using only one arm. Wang Ming had to sit down on a chair and place it in front of the fridge for him to open the fridge.

After opening it Wang Ming felt nauseous seeing the contents of the refrigerator, there were only moldy meat in the fridge. The worst is that there's so much mold in the refrigerator it's filled with green dust. Hurriedly slamming the refrigerator door, Wang Ming was gob smacked by how the refrigerator almost fell to the side, but the wall had saved it, leaving a dent in the wall.

Seeing this Wang Ming realized he needs to control his strength better, with the power in his arms he might kill someone if he isn't careful. After seeing what was in the refrigerator, Wang Ming didn't feel too hungry anymore but knew that his body needed fuel.

Looking around, he found a few noodles packs lying around, not in the mood to do anything fancy. He just cooked it in boiling water and put the flavoring packets in, even though the noodles weren't anything special. It tasted amazing, Wang Ming hadn't eaten in a month, so in only a few minutes he had devoured the noodles.

Finally finishing the noodles, he looked at the clock to see that it was already 8 pm now. Three hours had gone by, but his father was still not home. He would always be home at this point and drink alcohol.

Going into the living room Wang Ming sat down on the floor having his back towards the table. Closing his eyes, he thought about his childhood. When his mother was still alive, it was the best time of his life. He had doting and caring parents, also since his father owned a restaurant chain, he had a lot of leisure time whenever he didn't need to take care of business. He would be home playing with Wang Ming.

But then everything changed when his mother died in a car crash when he was 15. Wang Ming could still remember when he saw his mother for the last time. In the coffin face white as the dress she was wearing, but even then even when she was dead she had a serene smile on her face.

Almost like she was happy to go, or happy to go as long as she helped someone. A car hit her when she was helping an elderly lady to cross the roads, throwing the elderly woman to the side as soon as she saw the car, but wasn't fast enough herself to get away. His father tried to press charges, but the case just died out and they never found out the identity of the person behind the crash.

After it happened, his father slowly changed to someone Wang Ming barely knows anymore. His father interacted lesser and lesser with him until they only met once a year. Then even worse, his father jumped into another relationship with his secretary, which ended up with him losing everything he owned to that bitch couple.

Opening his eyes and sighed, Wang Ming didn't want to think about it anymore, at least not for now. Looking at the table, Wang Ming realized that there was a letter on the table which had his name on the front. Standing up with his crutches, Wang Ming took the letter and opened it up. After reading only a few lines, Wang Ming felt his heart hurt, he had never felt so betrayed before ever.

"My son, my bastard. I'm sorry for what happened between us after your mother died, but you reminded me too much of her. But I have left the house and you. You are just too reckless, too young and dumb. I can't have my life implicated just because of you. I have gone to live in another city and will rebuild my restaurant there. Our father and son relationship ends here, presumably if you can ever get out of your bed and find this. I left you with 100 yuan. You probably won't need more than this since you can't move anyway and will die soon. Goodbye, my son for the last time."

Wang Ming felt the tears he had held back for so long finally streamed down his face. Even though he didn't want to show weakness, there was no way for him to stop it.

"That bastard, after everything I did for him."

Wang Ming had taken care of his father ever since he had become an alcoholic, the last 4 years, Wang Ming had dropped out of high school to work to take care of his father. Over 80% of the revenue he earned every month went to the house and his father, Wang Ming, never had time for everything else, only work and taking care of his father.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Ming vowed to one day take revenge on anyone that had ever hurt him. His father, Brother Hou, the bitch couple and the man who fucked up his life.

"Just you wait…"