The Taxi

Looking at his clock, Wang Ming saw it was 4 pm. "Rush Hour…" Wang Ming grumbled. He could see a sea of people walking on the streets. Wang Ming didn't want to 'walk' to the market as it would take too long, so he had to hail a cab. But after losing the cab fight multiple times, Wang Ming grew irritated as he kept waving toward the taxis that were rushing past him.

Finally, there was one that stopped right in front of Wang Ming, however, before he could get into the taxi, out of nowhere appeared a large man that pushed through and seated himself in the car before Wang Ming could. The man was a lot bigger than Wang Ming, even with his increased size. The man had bulging muscles and had to be at least a foot taller than him. Comparing the man to Wang Ming was like comparing a bear to a lion.

He had to at least be 2 meters tall as Wang Ming's 180 cm, but would still have to look up to look at the man's face. The man had a fierce and cocky look on his face, like he didn't care about anyone. Normally, Wang Ming would have let this slide, but he had waited for a long time already, and he didn't know how long he had to wait if he didn't take this taxi.

So he tapped the man on the shoulder, which felt hard and firm, and said.

"Hey Man, I hailed the taxi would you mind getting off? It's difficult to find a taxi at the rush hours, especially with my legs, would you mind?"

Wang Ming tried to guilt-trip the man and hope that the man would sympathize with him. But all he got was the man saying "No, I'm Meng Hao." the man just didn't care at all, even though it was a casual reply Wang Ming could clearly hear the strength in his voice, this man weren't something to be trifled with he thought.

But the anger got the better of him, he was seriously pissed, so instead of doing what he normally would to yield, Wang Ming got to the other side of the car, opened the door and sat down. Seeing Wang Ming sit down, the man had raised his eyebrows in bewilderment.

Usually Meng Hao wouldn't bother with a taxi, but he was in a hurry today. His real-estate company would soon have its opening ceremony. He would usually drive instead of getting a taxi, but today his car broke down, so he had to take a cab. He had been trying to get a cab himself for a few minutes, but when he saw Wang Ming finally got a cab, he saw his opportunity.

Noticing that Wang Ming was slow, taking his chance, he ran towards the taxi and sat in the car. He didn't think much about it since there weren't many people that would dare to confront him in this city. Especially not for a cab, it just wasn't worth it.

What he didn't expect was that instead of trying to get another cab, Wang Ming sat down on the other side and tried to get him to get off the car. Even if people didn't know his identity just by looking at his body, most would steer away from him, afraid of being beaten up. His family is one of the most influential families in Fen Zhong city.

Meng Hao was getting angry since a random poor man was wasting his time. Meng Hao was usually not an unreasonable man, but he needed the taxi. So he grabbed Wang Ming, ready to throw him out of the taxi, but then Meng Hao got a good look at Wang Ming's eyes. Meng Hao had seen a lot of handsome people in his life, Wang Ming was definitely handsome, but his eyes were special. He had never seen such beautiful eyes before. The eyes screamed passion and love.

They had a beautiful dark color Meng Hao almost felt like it was a black hole sucking him in. He felt like he was drowning in Wang Ming's eyes. Meng Hao had a secret only he and his father knew, he's gay. He didn't want other people to know it since it would be bad for business and his friends wouldn't accept it.

Thinking about his father, Meng Hao hurriedly looked away from Wang Ming's eyes, feeling a cold sweat on his back. He had never met someone with such eyes before. He wanted to take another look, but was afraid that if he looked again, he wouldn't be able to look away. Is this what they call love at first sight?

Now smiling at Wang Ming, avoiding his eyes, Meng Hao apologized.

"Sorry, mister I'm in a big hurry so I took your taxi, if you don't mind we could share the cab. And as an apology, I'll cover the fare. Where do you want to go? Once again, I'm Meng Hao."

Wang Ming didn't know what happened, but Meng Hao suddenly changed his attitude 180 degrees. The worst part was the Meng Hao tried to act cute? But he decided not to comment on it. Wang Ming was sure that he could win a fight against a normal man, but against this bear of a man, he wasn't confident. Extending his hand, Wang Ming said.

"Thanks, I'll take you up on the offer, My name's Wang Ming, and I need to go to the market but not here. Could you take me to the market on FengShong street?" FengShong street was 30 minutes away, it's an upscale street and not under Brother Hou's control.

Meng Hao then took off his seat belt and scooted one seat to the left, which made him bump shoulders with Wang Ming, then put his hand on Wang Ming's shoulders.

"From now on we are friends, Wang Ming, if you need anything call me here's my number. Like our ancestors once said, 'No discord, no concord' It's fate for us to get to know each other like this."

Then, Meng Hao gave a card to Wang Ming which said: Meng Hao son of Meng Zhong. It also had a telephone number on the other side, which Wang Ming figured was Meng Hao's number.

Arriving at the market on Feng Shong street, Wang Ming felt relieved, Meng Hao hadn't stopped talking since they started riving and kept asking him questions on the trip. As if he had a girlfriend, how he got hurt, what does he work as, but Wang Ming didn't know Meng Hao so he answered vaguely. He tried to be as nice as possible as Meng Hao could be a good connection.

Meng Hao told him a lot about himself also, like that his father was rich, and he was opening up a real estate company to compete with his father. Even though Wang Ming just listened and said nothing, Meng Hao kept talking more and more.

"I've arrived at my destination, lets meet another time,"

Said Wang Ming as he hurriedly opened the door and went out.

The FengShong market was much definitely better than the FanLang market. The market was a lot cleaner than FanLang, and Wang Ming could see lots of big shops and rich people walking around. Though the biggest difference Wang Ming could see were that there were no thugs running around.

Never been at this part of the city before, Wang Ming asked around and found out that the biggest Kitchenware shop at The FengShong market were a few hundred meters away and called Meng Kitchenware.