Clothes make the man

"I'm here to buy a phone not to beg and even if I were a beggar, wouldn't I still be a customer as long as I pay? Give me the Mii Black phone, the one for 500 yuan."

Wang Ming felt heated answering the saleswoman. He couldn't fathom why someone would be so judging. But even if he was a beggar that needed a phone, wasn't that also business for them? Why does the saleswoman have such an attitude?

"You buy a phone?" She said while snorting.

"Even if you have the money, how do I know if your money is clean? Maybe you stole it or the person who gave you it stole it? Sorry but it's dirty business so please get out of the shop." Then she started shooing Wang Ming away by using her arms to shove him out.

"Out, out, out!"

Wang Ming felt dissatisfied but didn't feel like arguing anymore, If they didn't want his business he could just go somewhere else. There were a lot of other shops out there, he tried to hold it in but when he saw other people judging him based on the saleswoman's words, his anger bursted.

A couple that was listening in, then took part in the fun and said loudly so everybody could hear. "Look at his clothes, exactly what a beggar would wear. Didn't his mother teach him about proper etiquette? Doesn't he know poor people shouldn't mingle where the rich are? And disturb our lives? I bet his body smells like fish since he hasn't bathed in so long."

Even though Wang Ming had just showered an hour ago and changed clothes, the clothes were just not up to the 'rich' standard. These people will always bully the weak and the different. Wang Ming wanted to ignore everything, but the way they taunted at laughing at him was too far.

Using his right arm, he stopped the saleswoman that was pushing him towards the door. And the other he used to slam all of his money, which he had organized neatly into a stack. There were roughly 25 thousand yuan in it.

"I have money right here! It's not me that is poor, it's you!"

It shocked the saleswoman and the couple seeing the money. The couple knew they had kicked a metal plate, so they went quiet and pretended they had said nothing. They even smiled now happily at Wang Ming. But the saleswoman didn't want to let it go and tried to push Wang Ming out.

Since she had already been rude to Wang Ming and tried to throw him out of the store, he would probably not choose her to sell him a phone. This meant that she would not gain commission from the sale and another employee would get that money. She didn't want anyone else to benefit from this potential sale, so she kept trying to push him out.

But even with how hard she pushed Wang Ming, he didn't budge. She then looked at his eyes. And felt lightning had hit her, Wang Ming had beautiful eyes, probably the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen, but the angry look he had in them scared her. She felt dazed looking into his eyes.

But snapped fast out of it. She wasn't a teenager with little experience. Since she couldn't force him out with her strength, she called for security to come. She had to hurry before someone came back to the shop. Currently, she was the only employee in the store so she could do anything she wants.

"You move now! If you don't get out of the shop, I will call security. If they come, you will probably not only lose your money, but you will probably get beat up! I will give you 10 seconds to get out of here! You should know that Wang gang protects this place, and the owner of this shop is a great friend of Wang gang's boss!"

Still feeling angry, Wang Ming kept staring at the saleswoman. But after hearing her words, he realized maybe he was a bit too rash and impulsive. He knew nothing about the shop's background but made trouble in it. If the shop owner's unreasonable then he could cause Wang Ming a lot of trouble, but Wang Ming knew he was in the right so he wasn't deterred. Shops can refuse to sell to anybody, but not insult people and get away.

Since Wang Ming had done nothing special either if the store wanted to sue him the most that would happen were for him to compensate a bit of money. Wang Ming knew he should just retreat and let it go, but his pride didn't let him. If he kept running from his problems what would become of him?

So while the saleswoman was counting down, Wang Ming ignored her and kept staring straight at her eyes, like a wolf staring down its prey. Remembering she said something about Wang gang, he remembered the rules of the FengZhong market.

Anybody that makes trouble will get beaten up. Wang Ming felt anxious when thinking about this, but then he wasn't really making trouble, was he? But If worse comes to worst, he would have to make them call Peng Tong. This was his territory, so there were probably no problems he couldn't fix here.

"Three, get out of here right now you still have time!"


"One, you're dead!"

The saleswoman then called someone. He didn't know who, but most likely it was someone from the Wang gang. Everybody in the shop had now also noticed the argument that was going on between Wang Ming and the saleswoman. Some of them supported Wang Ming and wanted to persuade him and the saleswoman.

But they didn't dare when they heard the saleswoman mentioning Wang gang, messing with them was to play with your life. Even the manager who had just gotten back to the shop had noticed the situation and moved out to mediate the situation.

He went to the saleswoman and asked her what was happening. After hearing the story, he felt dissatisfied by how she had treated a potential customer. She should know by now that many wealthy and powerful people like to dress like normal people, some even go further and dress like poor people.

It's better to treat everybody like kings, then to mistreat the poor looking them and potentially disrespect a powerful person. And seeing how calm Wang Ming was, it scared the manager, that maybe Wang Ming was a powerful person. He wanted to save the situation before the Wang gang came. If the Wang Gang comes, then everything would be too late. The manager wasn't a kind person by any stretch, but all of his experience had made him careful and cautious.

"Hello, Young master, my name is Mu Feng, I've worked in this shop for over 15 years, when I started working here they sold Mokias, not smartphones. The biggest goal of my career is to not leave any customers unhappy. This whole situation seems like a misunderstanding. Might I ask what is your name and occupation?"

Asking these questions was to establish if Wang Ming had a background or not. If he didn't have a background, Mu Feng would let Wang gang deal with him. But if he had, he would serve Wang Ming the best way possible.

"I sell food on the streets. I just needed a phone, but your saleswoman here acted like a total bitch. Is this how you guys do business by discriminating and threatening customers? Don't call me young master, my name is Wang Ming."

Hearing Wang Ming had Wang as surname made the manager scared, since he thought maybe he had relations with Wang Gang. But then remembered hearing from his boss, that the only person who could have Wang in their names from Wang Gang was only the leader and his successor.

And the Wang gang still had not found a successor, and since the leader of Wang gang is Wang Zou, he was sure that Wang Ming had nothing to do with Wang gang. And there weren't any big families in this city with the surname Wang. So he felt assured that Wang Ming had no background.

"Ok, you need to stay here till Wang gang arrives so I will need to close this door."

Wang Ming was shocked and even felt numb, seeing Mu Feng changed his attitude so quick. Wang Ming realized that Mu Feng only wanted to find out his background by asking him the questions earlier. And since Wang Ming had no background, he showed his real face, a sly bastard.

But how could Mu Feng know that Wang Ming still had a hidden card, Peng Tong? So Wang Ming said nothing and waited. This was a life lesson for Wang Ming. People are going to judge him based on how he looks and dress. And that you never know what a person thinks on the inside. He can be kind and smile at you but secretly plot to backstab you.

Everybody was feeling tense in the shop. Even the other customers wanted to leave, but the manager had locked the doors, so they had to wait. They were afraid of being implicated in the situation. The manager had established that Wang Ming didn't have any background but couldn't help but feel tense. The saleswoman though was haughtily laughing at Wang Ming.

Only 2 minutes later the door opened, the leader of the group then let out a big shout that scared the people in the shop

"Are you big brother Ming?"