
Out on the streets again, Wang Ming felt like tired but had a smile on his face. Thinking about what just happened in the shop made him smile. It made him realize he craved a family of his own. Wang Ming also felt sad because he thought he had a good relationship with his father, but he didn't.

Wang Ming sighed and promised himself that he would do his best to make sure that when he got a family. He would do everything and more to ensure that they would live happily.

But to have a happy family, he needs to have enough money to provide for them. He didn't think he needed to be rich to have a happy family, but he wanted the best for his wife and children. But he barely had enough money to provide for himself.

Wang Ming knew that the only thing he could make money on was food, at least for now. But with only 10000 yuan, he didn't know if he would have enough money to rent a location to set up a restaurant. Even if he could find somewhere to rent for cheap, he would still need to renovate the place, buy supplies and ingredients. Unless he rents a restaurant, but for that he didn't know if he had enough money. He would also need money for permits and deposits.

Both options would leave him broke, which was an enormous risk. If he didn't do well the first month, he wouldn't have any money for rent. If Wang Ming rented a location, he would most likely sleep at the place. So not having enough money would also mean that he would be out on the streets. Seeing no other way, Wang Ming called Peng Tong to see if he knew of any cheap places.

He should know of somewhere cheap to rent, or maybe he could let Wang Ming sell out on the street. Though Feng Shong wasn't like the Fan Lang market, it didn't have a place for food carts. There were only restaurants that sold food in this market. The only reason he could sell his food on the street here before was that the market festival was ongoing.

Taking out his phone, Wang Ming hesitated to call Peng Tong. They had only known each other for one day. Wang Ming felt like he had done nothing for Peng Tong yet, but kept using him. He had done nothing for Peng Tong at all, but here he was already calling in favors. But thinking about his situation, Wang Ming bit clenched his teeth together, took a deep breath, and pressed call.

For every second, Peng Tong didn't pick up the phone, the harder Wang Ming's heart-beat, he could feel the heart beating in his head. He felt like his heart would burst out of his chest when the call finally ended, and Peng Tong didn't pick up. But Wang Ming also felt relieved he didn't. Now he could tell himself that he at least had tried to call Peng Tong for help.

But, just as Wang Ming had calmed himself down. His phone rang, and the caller was Peng Tong. He felt his heart starting to beat hard again, but since it had happened, then it had to be fate.

"Hello, this is Peng Tong, who is this?"

Wang Ming calmed himself as much as possible, but his voice still came out a little shaky. "Hey, little brother, are you busy? Do you have some time to talk?"

When Peng Tong heard what the caller said, it puzzled him. Who was the guy calling him, he even called him little brother? No one he knew called him little brother, even his big brother called him little Tong. "Who are you? Don't call me little brother. I only have two brothers, Peng Zhong and Wang Ming, and you don't sound like any of them."

Feeling mad and playful that Peng Tong didn't recognize him, Wang Ming wanted to toy with him. But Wang Ming could also understand why he didn't recognize his voice since his voice was very timid just now. But since Peng Tong acknowledges him as his big brother, then it was no reason to hold back anymore. Wang Ming decided he could only compensate and treat Peng Tong well later when he becomes rich.

"Why wouldn't I call you little brother? When all the birds (Women) in Feng Shong market all say that your brother is little. They even laugh at you behind your back, calling you Eunuch Tong."

"Who are you? And WHO said that my brother is little, let me tell you it's HUGE." Peng Tong was ready to disconnect the call, he was getting angry and didn't want to bother talking with a person he didn't know. He didn't know why he bothered to accept the call in the first place, he reminded himself to not receive calls of unknown numbers anymore.

Feeling that he had taken it far enough, Wang Ming stopped. Laughing out loudly, Wang Ming said in a mocking voice. "Hey Little Tong, it's me, Big Brother Ming. I called you to ask you for a favor. I know we just met, but could you do something for me?" This time Wang Ming talked in his usual tone.

"You, Mother F..." Replied Peng Tong, but then he calmed himself. It has been long since anybody messed with him like this, and it felt refreshing. Ever since his big brother, Peng Zhong, got an influential position in the Wang gang, they had slowly drifted apart.

Peng Tong was thankful to Peng Zhong, giving him an excellent position in the Wang gang, and all that he had now been because of Peng Zhong's hard work. But they didn't interact with each other anymore like before. But Wang Ming soon filled this void in him.

"What do you need, Big Bro? We haven't known each other for more than a day. But we are brothers for life now, so if you need something, then don't hold back. I also told my underlings about you, so you should not have any problems with the Feng Shong market. Even if it's not in the Feng Shong market, most people from the Wang gang will also give you some face. Since giving you face is the same as giving me face and giving me face. Of course, everything within reason, but I don't think you are a bully or an unreasonable man."

Peng Tong is a loyal person, so when he made Wang Ming his brother. He committed himself to treat Wang Ming with sincerity. Of course, Peng Tong also expected Wang Ming to do the same to him. And at least for now it looked like Wang Ming did. He even used 500 yuan to pay the taxi driver to find him a hotel, even though he's not rich. He helped the taxi driver to fight against thugs, even though he didn't need to. Peng Tong liked that he's righteous and brave when he saved Lang Lin.

"Thank you, Little Tong, I need somewhere to sell my food and do business. Do you know a place cheap and good? Or if that's too hard, could I just sell food on the street in the Feng Shong market?"

Peng Tong didn't think that it was only something so simple Wang Ming needed. Since he was the boss of the Feng Shong market, he knew of every vacant shop and restaurant in the market. There weren't that many that's vacant since the Feng Shong market is popular.

But then he thought of one that would fit perfectly. But the owner's problematic. The owner is a friend of Peng Tong, but he was very peculiar and only did things that he wanted to do. That's also the reason the restaurant's vacant, it's because he's waiting for the perfect person to rent it to.

There was no way that his Big brother could sell at the street anymore, what would others think of him if they knew that his Big brother was selling food outside on the streets and he did nothing about it?

"Big bro, I have a restaurant that's perfect for you, but the owner is a friend of mine, so I can't force him to rent it to you. He's a very peculiar man and only does things that he wants to. But I can give you his number, I hope you can convince him. If he agrees then don't worry about the rent, I will pay for it for you since I know you don't have a lot of money. This is his phone number XXX XXX XXX XX, good luck Big bro, oh and his name is Meng Hao."