Cute But Dangerous

When the car stopped, Qiao Meng went out of her car. Walking up slowly to the car window, Qiao Meng held her pistol out if they showed any signs of running, she was ready to shoot them.

"Stay where you are! If the car moves, I will shoot."

It shocked Louzheng and Wang Ming to hear what she said. They thought they could come out of this situation easily by paying money. But seeing how serious she was, he was afraid that she would take them to the police station. Seeing the gun the police woman were holding made them both terrified.

Why would she pull out a gun just because they sped? It made little sense for either Wang Ming or Louzheng. So they just waited for her to walk up to the car and didn't dare to make any big motions, afraid of her shooting them. Wang Ming couldn't help but shout to the policewoman but in the softest voice possible.

"We won't run away, please put your gun away we don't want to get hurt."

Hearing their words, Qiao Meng snorted and kept walking towards them, holding her gun up. Even though this was her first day at duty, she wasn't born yesterday. She knew that as soon as she put the pistol away, they would start driving away.

"Don't even bother to try. Just sit still in the car, and I won't shoot!"

Seeing that he couldn't persuade the policewoman, he just sighed and waited for her.

Finally, after she had circled around the car two times, the policewoman seemed satisfied and knocked on the windows, signifying them to roll down their windows.

Seeing her knocking on the window, Louzheng complied by rolling it down.

"Do you know how fast you were driving just then? Give me your driver's license and registration. You in the passenger seat give me your ID."

"Sorry, mam, I don't know. I think maybe 20km over the speed limit. Not that bad. Could you let us go with a ticket?"

While Louzheng was talking to the policewoman, Wang Ming passed him his id to give to the policewoman. Looking at the policewoman, he noticed she was gorgeous. She looked more like a model than a policewoman. While she looked at their id's and paper, Wang Ming couldn't help but examine her further, his eyes drawn towards her body.

She had an athletic body, but what stood out to him the most was when she turned away from them. Her ass, it looked like a big peach. A 10 out of 10 bubble butt, It shook every time she shifted her weight from one leg to the other.

She had a perfect body for running slender but strong legs, a great athletic upper body, the policewoman's name which he found out by looking at her chest, to see her name tag. Was Qiao Meng. Her chest didn't appear to be big, but what Wang Ming didn't know was that her breast had always been something that bothered her.

Since it would always hurt every time, she ran and exercised. So she had started ever since she began at police school, to press them down with both bandages and a sports bra, Qiao Meng had seen it in a movie, and it worked for her, so she started doing it ever since.

But the thing that attracted him the most was her face. She had a stone cold face and expression, Wang Ming didn't know why but it made her look so elegant. When she stopped their car, her face and smile sent shivers down his spine. Qiao Meng would be the perfect girl for people that want's a beautiful woman and a hard conquest.

When she looked at Louzheng and Wang Ming's id's, she saw nothing wrong. Louzheng's history was clean, he was also honest in saying that he only speeded about 20 km/h. But since this was the first time she stopped a car, she didn't want to let them walk for free. Taking them back to the station would probably be the best decision. To scare Louzheng, so he won't speed ever again.

"Ok, everything seems good, but I will have to take you guys back to the station for some talk. Do you know the way there? If you do, then drive first and I will tail behind you, If I see you try to detour even just a little, I will run you off the road. Then take you back in cuffs, understood?" She said with an evil smile.

Hearing her words, Wang Ming and Louzheng both thought it was a devil behind that smiling face, and couldn't help but shudder. Wang Ming wanted to ask if he could go since it wasn't him that broke the law. They should only detain Louzheng. Buthe couldn't betray his friend, not like this. It was also him that got Louzheng in this mess. So Wang Ming would follow Louzheng to the police station, but first he needed to give Meng Hao a heads-up call.

"I think Louzheng knows the way since he's a taxidriver, but can I make a phone call first? I was going to meet a friend, but since I will be late for the appointment, I want to tell him, so he knows. Is it ok?"

Thinking about it, Qiao Meng felt that it's reasonable for him to do so, so she nodded at Wang Ming. "Just do it fast."

Getting Qiao Meng's approval, Wang Ming then called Meng Hao, entering his number Wang Ming sighed. It should have been a great day today, but his hastiness had destroyed everything.

Meng Hao waiting in the same room. It was 10 past 10 now, but Wang Ming hadn't arrived yet. He felt anxious that Wang Ming had found another place to rent, or he had pieced things together and didn't want to meet him anymore. The first is more plausible than the second, though, since almost no one knew he's gay.

Taking up his phone, Meng Hao was just about to call Wang Ming when he saw that Wang Ming had called him instead. Feeling both excited and scared, he accepted the call and tried to act as natural as possible. "Hey, Wang Ming, why aren't you here yet? I said 10 am, not 10 pm!"

When Wang Ming heard Meng Hao's voice, Wang Ming couldn't help but sigh again. It sounded like Meng Hao was angry, which meant that the deal was most likely off the table.

"Hey, Meng Hao, I'm sorry, but the traffic police stopped me for speeding, and I have to go to the police station with my friend Louzheng. So I can't come to the appointment on time. Is it ok if we reschedule to the afternoon?"

Hearing what Wang Ming said made him furious, not because of Wang Ming being late, as Meng Hao attributed it to him being stalled by the police officers. But because some random police officer tried to detain his crush. "Where are you now? I will come and fix everything, don't worry. It's not your fault. It's the police's fault. Tell the police officer to wait for me."

"I'm just outside Lance cafe roughly 200 meters down the road. Thank you, Meng Hao!"

"Excuse me officer Meng, but could we wait for a few minutes, my friend is on his way here."

"Who is your friend? And what can he do about this? You broke the law, so now you have to take responsibility!" Qiao Meng felt angry when seeing that Wang Ming wanted to stall the time. She had more things to do today and didn't like him wasting her time on something like this.

"Just give us 5 minutes, and you will know what he can do. Please give this card to your senior officer in the car. He should know my friend" Wang Ming then took out the card that Meng Hao had given him before and gave it to Qiao Meng. He wasn't sure if Meng Hao could do anything in this situation, but since he was so confident Meng Hao had to have a great backing.

"I will entertain you for now, but don't even dare to run. I know who you are and have your national identification number. If you dare to run, I will chase you to the end of the earth." Seeing their shocked faces, satisfied Qiao Meng walked back to her senior officer Luo Ruiqing and gave him the card.

"Senior Officer Luo, the speeders, gave me this card and told me that this person would come and fix everything."

Luo Ruiqing didn't think too much, since this was just a minor case, and the most that would happen was that they would take them back to the station and yell at them a bit before releasing them by paying a fine. But when he saw the name on the card, his face paled, then as fast as his breath allowed him, he shouted at Qiao Meng.

"Release them NOW!"