
Wang Ming felt goosebumps up his neck, feeling Meng Hao's breath so close to his ear. Meng Hao's words were a kind of weird of him to say. A person usually said those words to their partner. Imagining Meng Hao acting cute when he whispered into his ear, made Wang Ming nauseous.

"What do you mean?" Wang Ming said to Meng Hao, he got suspicious of Meng Hao. They aren't close friends, but Meng Hao treats him so well. Does he have any ulterior motives? Wang Ming thought. But even what Meng Hao wanted or what motives he had, the restaurant's too important for Wang Ming.

Hearing Wang Ming's question, Meng Hao understood he had said his thoughts out loud. Facepalming himself, he laughed to cover up his nervousness and said. "I'm just joking around Brother Ming. I like to joke around with my friends, hope you didn't misunderstand. Is it ok for me to call you Brother Ming?"

If any other person who knew Meng Hao heard what he said, they wouldn't believe it's Meng Hao. Everybody knew Meng Hao to be a serious person. So he didn't have many good friends. The only persons he would joke around with were with his father, grandfather and uncle. He would be nice to his friends, but never joke around.

"No problem, we will be good friends from now on. Thank you for giving me the chance to rent your restaurant!" Wang Ming understood that Meng Hao is like Peng Tong. They would be cold to people they don't know, but kind and warm with people they regard as close friends.

Entering Lance Cafe, Wang Ming felt impressed by how modern and pretty the place was. Looking around, he saw lots of entrepreneurs, students from prestigious schools and overall only rich people. Wang Ming felt out-of-place being here, but at least today he wore an appropriate attire so he didn't stand out. He wore the pink suit he had bought the day prior, and it definitely worked its wonders.

When they made their way through the hall to the room, Wang Ming could see that many looked at pointed at him and Meng Hao, but since they whispered to each other, there was no way for him to hear what they said. But it seemed like the pink suit was an excellent choice, as it didn't seem like any of them looked at him with dissatisfaction in fact some girls there even had stars in their eyes.

When Meng Hao and Wang Ming made their way to the VIP room. The people that was dining outside, almost all of them. Talked about Wang Ming and was curious about who he was, not just because of how Wang Ming looked, which really stood out to them.

But the people were also curious about his identity and why Meng Hao would push the wheelchair for him. Meng Hao is famous in the business world, and everybody wants to get closer to him and his family. So many wanted to find out more information about Wang Ming, to use him to get closer to Meng Hao if they were close.

When Wang Ming opened the doors to the VIP room, his eyes widened. The VIP room at Lance Cafe was out of this world, He didn't have too much knowledge about decor and interiors. But the table really stood out to him since his father had once bought a cherry wood table to place it in his restaurant.

The table that his father bought also had an exquisite design, which a known woodcarver had made. But the table in the VIP room looked so exquisite it also had a beautiful color and design. The table his father bought was worth 5000 US dollars, but this would easily be 10 times of that price.

"This room is incredible! It should be very expensive, though. What did the room cost? I will pay you back when I get money."

When Meng Hao noticed Wang Ming's face expression and heard what he said. Meng Hao felt satisfied it seemed like Wang Ming liked the place, but frowned when Wang Ming asked about the price. Meng Hao didn't want to tell Wang Ming the price at all, but seeing that he was insistent on paying him back, Meng Hao surrendered.

"The requirements to the VIP room of Lance Cafe is to have a net worth of 10 million yuan, and every time you use the VIP room you have to at least pay 10 thousand yuan, even if you eat and drink for 5 thousand yuan you still have to pay 10 thousand."

Hearing the price, Wang Ming's body froze, the prices were significantly higher than what he thought. But it also makes sense. They made the room for VIP's to their vanity. The furniture alone here was at least a few million yuan.

"I can't pay you back now, but let's add 10 thousand yuan to the contract. I don't want to owe you anything or take advantage of you more than I have already done. So please let us sign the contract."

Wang Ming wanted to sign the contract instantly as it seemed like Meng Hao liked him and had no plans to refuse him. Though what he didn't know was that he had screwed up Meng Hao's plans. Meng Hao had planned a beautiful date for them, but what he hadn't taken into account was Wang Ming's eagerness to see the restaurant.

It would be inappropriate for Meng Hao to hold Wang Ming here longer than needed and not seem suspicious. He could say that he needed to get to know Wang Ming more and wait to sign the contract to meet him more. But doing this would make Wang Ming dissatisfied.

What he was most afraid of is that Wang Ming finds another place to rent, thus losing his chance to meet him more. Meng Hao would cave into any request Wang Ming wanted for now, he needed to rope Wang Ming in slowly. Before signing the contract, Meng Hao excused himself to the toilet where he took off his suit jacket.

To do 50 push-ups to make his muscles pumped with blood to make them look bigger. After he did it, his muscles instantly looked a lot bigger than it was just minutes ago. Walking back into the VIP room, he also casually flexed his arms and chest muscles, then said.

"Since it seems like you are in a hurry, let's get a coffee then sign the contract. I won't hold you for long. This shop serves very famous coffee called Civet Coffee, it's rare and is the most expensive coffee in the world. At this shop, it cost around 1000 yuan per cup." Hearing Meng Hao's words, Wang Ming felt his hands sweat and head hurt. A 1000 yuan for a cup of coffee? He could get a good cup for 10 yuan, which would be 100 cups from the money used on 1 cup here.

But since they were already here and the room cost 10 thousand yuan, it made little sense for Wang Ming to not order a cup. Looking at the menu, Wang Ming ordered everything they had on the menu. He wasn't that hungry, but he wanted to widen his knowledge. Many items on their menu catered more to the upper-class and western people, which could be knowledge he could definitely use when he opens his restaurant.

Seeing that Wang Ming only looked at the menu and not at him, Meng Hao felt disappointed but determined, so he pushed even more. Meng Hao 'unbuttoned the top 2 buttons on his shirt, to entice Wang Ming and became happy when he saw that Wang Ming stared at his muscles. He got even more excited by Wang Ming's next words and action.

"Wow, Meng Hao. You got incredible muscles, could you teach me? I would love to get bigger, I got muscles too, but I feel like they are small compared to you." After saying this Wang Ming unbuttoned his suit and pulled the front of his shirt up revealing his chiseled abs, Wang Ming wanted to get bigger pecs as they weren't as big as he wanted, but they were big enough for Wang Ming to do Pec dance.

Chugging a cup of water, Meng Hao tried to calm himself down. Since Wang Ming looked skinny in the face, Meng Hao didn't think he would have such muscles behind his shirt. Feeling flustered, Meng Hao didn't know what to do. So he unconsciously said the only thing they both had been thinking of.

"Let's sign the contract."