Wang Family Restaurant

Wang Family Restaurant

Looking at his restaurant, Wang Ming couldn't help but let a tear roll down his cheek. On top of the restaurant there was a majestic sign in wood, which said, Wang Family Restaurant. When he saw the word family, it hit him deep in his heart. Family is something he holds dear to his heart. He felt determined to make a big and happy family to compensate for the family he didn't have when he was a kid.

Everything would start right here. This is where he would make money to support his family, also where he would make contacts, friends and lovers. Moving towards his shop, he saw Sun Ha Hong coming out from the crowd of men standing in front of his shop. Sun Ha Hong greeted Wang Ming and said.

"Hello, Big Big Brother Ming. We came here today to help you with anything you would need for the restaurant to open. These are the orders from Big Brother Peng Tong, so please use us to your heart's content."

Wang Ming felt impressed by how fast Peng Tong got the news and prepared his men, since it had only been an hour since he signed the contract. But he didn't know why they called him Big Big Brother it sounded weird.

"Thank you. I will call Peng Tong and thank him later. I will also remember everything you have done for me, Sun Ha Hong. But why are you calling me Big Big Brother Ming? It sounded kind of weird?"

Sun Ha Hong was ecstatic at first when he heard what Wang Ming had to say, but felt scared after hearing his last word. Since it was his idea to call Wang Ming for Big Big Brother. Since Peng Tong was Big Brother Tong and Wang Ming is Peng Tong's Big Brother, then they should call him Big Big Brother Ming. Sun Ha Hong hoped that Wang Ming didn't take any offence..

"I'm sorry, Big Big Brother Ming! It was my idea after I saw you yesterday! I didn't think you wouldn't like it."

Saying his apology with his utmost respect and sincerity, he hoped that Wang Ming was a reasonable person. He had tried his best to give Wang Ming a good impression of him. If it's destroyed now, then his way up the hierarchy would also be gone.

Wang Ming felt that Sun Ha Hong overreacted, but he realized he sounded angry when he said those words which made him misunderstand, Wang Ming was just curious.

"No Need to apologize. It was only a question. It sounds weird, so call me Wang Ming. Even though I'm Peng Tong's big brother, I don't have any position in the underworld. It would only make people misunderstand."

Sun Ha Hong's face changed from scared to terrified after what Wang Ming said.

"NO, NO, we will call you for Big Brother Ming. Even though you are not in the underworld, you are the Big Brother of Peng Tong. How can we underlings of Big Brother Tong call you by your name? Big Brother Tong would kill us."

Seeing him so afraid, Wang Ming couldn't help but laugh. Since Sun Ha Hong was a big man roughly 180 cm high with a scar over his right eye. He looked like an intimidating guy, but right now he was kneeling on the ground and begging Wang Ming like a little kid.

"Ok, I understand, then call me Big Brother Ming. Now let's get in the restaurant. Only you follow me in Sun Ha Hong and disperse all of your men except five. If we need more of them, then call them later, so many people from the underworld gathered in one place, people will misunderstand that my restaurant is a place for gangsters to gather."

Nodding at Wang Ming, Sun Ha Hong went to do his orders and then followed Wang Ming in. Opening the door, Sun Ha Hong and Wang Ming had different reactions. Sun Ha Hong thought the restaurant would be a lot grander on the inside, from size to decoration, but it wasn't. The decorations in the restaurant weren't cheap but not expensive either, and it looked like that it could probably room about 20 people at max.

But for Wang Ming this was the perfect restaurant for him, and perfect for the name Wang Family Restaurant. When he came in the door, he already felt like he stepped into his house. It felt like home. It didn't look like he would need to renovate anything either, since it looked like everything was in perfect condition.

The lighting in the restaurant coupled with the furniture made him feel cosy. The furniture was also at the perfect price it wasn't too cheap that the quality was bad or too expensive, therefore unsuitable for children.

Moving further into the restaurant, he went into the kitchen. The kitchen wasn't in the back like many restaurants have. But it's in the middle of the restaurant which is a feature that Wang Ming loves.

Since it would make it easier for him to interact with all of his customers, they placed the tables and chairs around the kitchen in a square form. There were 4 tables in a straight line in each direction: north, west, east, south. So together there were 16 tables and 4 seats per table. There was also a thin wall between all the tables to give the customer privacy.

Looking around in the kitchen, Wang Ming found everything he could wish for in a kitchen. There was a normal electric oven which looked expensive and new, stone oven, grill, frier, two huge fridges. He saw a note on one fridge which said "Dry Age room in the back".

Checking the drawers, Wang Ming felt impressed by what he saw. All kinds of different knives and kitchen utensils perfectly lay in the drawers. Looking at the drawers, all of them had a name tag on them telling what they stored.

There was also a big cabinet filled with plates and utensils, the only thing he needed to do now was to test that all equipment worked and make a menu.

Though looking at Sun Ha Hong, he felt sorry for him since he had stood outside and waited for Wang Ming. And gathered many people to help Wang Ming, but Wang Ming didn't even need help. Since this was the perfect restaurant, everything that he needed or would need was already here. Wang Ming thought he would compensate Sun Ha Hong for his effort.

"It Doesn't look like I will need any help at all Ha Hong, hope you don't mind if I call you Ha Hong from now on. So you can take the rest of your people and go on with your business. Don't worry. I will call Peng Tong right away and tell him you did an amazing job."

When Sun Ha Hong heard what Wang Ming had to say, he wanted to say that there was definitely something he could do to help Wang Ming, even washing the floor would be ok. But then hearing that Wang Ming would talk to Peng Tong about him, he instantly changed and wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, to not disturb Wang Ming.

"Thank You, Big Brother Ming. I will get out of here right now. And no need to worry if you ever need something, just call me!" He then gave Wang Ming his card and ran out in a hurry, while barking at his underlings to come with him.

Seeing Sun Ha Hong go, Wang Ming pinched himself to see if he was dreaming. When he felt it hurt, he couldn't help but laugh out loud. Looking around the restaurant, Wang Ming thought almost everything was perfect. Though there was something which was missing, and that was the decoration knives. Thinking about them Wang Ming facepalmed himself, he had forgotten them in Louzheng's taxi.

Hurriedly taking out his phone, Wang Ming called Louzheng. As soon as the call connected, Wang Ming regretted putting the phone so close to his ear as he heard a loud noise like a car crashing deafening his ear.