Taking Out The Trash

The leader looked at Wang Ming and laughed out loud while mocking him. He thought that Wang Ming was afraid of them, that's why he was spacing out. But Wang Ming was only thinking about what had happened and how stupid he was.

"Look at him, looks like he's ready to piss himself. No worries, little man as long as you pay us nothing will happen to you."

Hearing the man's words, Wang Ming didn't know if the man was delusional or not. Many people would probably be afraid of him and his people, but Wang Ming wasn't one of them. Wang Ming was confident in his newborn strength and fighting skills.

He easily dealt with the people from HouZi gang before, so he didn't think he would have any problems with these guys. They looked like good for nothings, and the only thing they had going for them was that they looked scary. Though what Wang Ming didn't understand was how did they dare to this, in the Feng Shong market. If Wang Gang knew about this, they would probably beat them to death.

Seeing that Wang Ming still didn't give a reaction, the leader took the 1st move and pressed Wang Ming for money.

"Hey, you in the wheelchair. If you don't want me to break your arms, and report you to the police. Then give me at least 10 thousand yuan. Looking at your clothes, this should be nothing, right?"

The leader tried to coerce and intimidate Wang Ming, as there's no way he would report him to the police if he did, then it's probably them that the police would catch and not Wang Ming. Though he wouldn't mind breaking Wang Ming's arms.

The leader was smiling smugly, but then looked confused at Wang Ming when he started laughing.

Wang Ming found it funny that the leader was threatening him. Call the police? Wang Ming would gladly see him call the police Wang Ming did nothing what could they even call the police for. But the funniest was a scrawny thug wanted to break off his arms.

He didn't know how he could accomplish it. The leader would be shocked if he looked underneath Wang Ming's clothes and saw his rippling muscles. But since Wang Ming didn't have a bodybuilder type of body but an athletic type, made it harder for others to see that he had muscles.

"Why are you laughing, are you crazy? Boys, get him and take his money!" The leader has had enough, so he sent his friends to beat him up and take his money. He didn't think that they wouldn't be able to beat a man in a wheelchair.

There were many people looking at what was happening, but they didn't care. Since they knew the leader of the group was famous for doing these kinds of things. And notorious for taking revenge on anyone trying to intervene. The only reason he dared to do anything like this was because of his doting uncle, which was a part of Wang Gang. No civilians would want to make trouble with the ones protecting this market.

The onlookers sympathized for Wang Ming, but all people for themselves the saw what happened to Wang Ming. When he tried to help. But the outcome wasn't what he thought it would be. The men who ran at Wang Ming fell to the floor one after another. In only a matter of seconds the three men were all lying on the floor, being hit only once by Wang Ming each.

Seeing the men running towards him, Wang Ming calmed himself by taking a deep breath. As they approached him Wang Ming felt like they moved so slowly, he could easily see what they were trying to do. Two ran up in front of him while one tried to flank his back, but before the man could even flank him. Wang Ming just hit them with his fists, punching them once in their faces, knocking them out cold.

Seeing his people all falling one after another terrified the leader. He thought that this would be an easy gig. But seeing his three friend fall so easily made him nervous. He wasn't any better than them at fighting. The only reason he was the leader was because of his uncle.

His uncle's Peng Tong's right-hand man, so which meant that his uncle could cover for him as long as they were on their own turf. If he did nothing excessive like murder or rape, he had nothing to fear.

Looking at the terrified leader, Wang Ming was ready to pounce at him. The leader was a true scum, trying to beat up and rob a handicapped man. Wang Ming decided he would break the man's arms so he wouldn't do anything like this ever again. It would serve as a warning.

Pushed into the corner, the leader didn't have any choice but tried to pressure Wang Ming with his identity and backing.

"Do you know who I am? I am I'm Mai Cheng while my uncle is Mai Jiong Nu. He's Peng Tong's right-hand man. Stop right now and I won't press this issue any further. Otherwise, if I call my uncle, you are dead."

Seeing that Wang Ming didn't back off and even grabbed his neck and dragged him out of the bar, Jiong Nu panicked instantly taking out his phone to call his uncle. Wang Ming saw it but didn't stop him. It was his way of repaying Peng Tong, by cleaning up the rotten apples he has under him.

Getting to know Peng Tong, Wang Ming understood that not all people from the underworld are bad, some do nasty stuff, but he thought that Wang Gang's a pretty righteous underworld gang. Like how there are bad people in the underworld, there are also bad people dealing in politics and corrupt police people.

Jiong Nu was walking around with his team and patrolling around the Feng Shong market, throwing out all the troublemakers. Everything was going well today, and there had been no one that made trouble. But then his phone rang. Checking his phone, he saw it was his nephew. This nephew of his was already 30 years old but didn't have a job and only made trouble.

But since his brother- and sister-in-law died early. There was no one that could take care of him since young, and he had to take over the job. Feeling sorry for his nephew, he has always been doting on him, which made him to what he is today. Fooling around with his worthless friends and harming society.

Seeing him call Jiong Nu knew it wasn't anything good. This nephew of his only called him when he needed him to wipe his ass for him. Sighing, he accepted the call.

"Uncle! You need to help me. A man in a wheelchair beat me and my friends up. He even dared to harass my girlfriend you have to give me justice. He dared to make trouble in our territory in the Feng Shong market. Even if you don't do it for me you have to do it for our Wang gang's reputation!"

Hearing what his nephew say, Jiong Nu didn't want to help him initially but when he heard the man made trouble in his territory. He couldn't sit around and do nothing.

"Ok, where are you now? I will come immediately."

"I'm at The Night Bar, come fast or else I don't know what he will do to me!"

Wang Ming was listening to Mai Cheng's conversation and couldn't help but rolling his eyes when he heard what Mai Cheng said. He was talking like he was the victim, and Wang Ming was the villain. Though he didn't care much, it didn't matter what lies Mai Cheng fed the person he called. Instead, Wang Ming went inside to get Mai Cheng's friends out.

"You want revenge, right? Then stay here while I get your friends, or you can be a chicken and run away."

Mai Cheng's face couldn't help but become red. Since Wang Ming had said exactly what he was going to do. He was going to run away the moment Wang Ming let him go, but since he had called him out like, his pride didn't let him run away now.

"Who said I'm running away? Wait till my uncle comes and see who runs away!"

Carrying the rest of the thugs out, Wang Ming thought about why these guys made trouble for him. Since he thought Peng Tong had distributed his picture to all of his underlings, so no one would mess with him in the Feng Shong Market. But what Wang Ming didn't know was that Mai Cheng wasn't truly in the Wang gang, but was just relying on Jiong Nu to make trouble.

Laying the four men on the ground outside near Mai Cheng, Wang Ming realized the girl earlier had run away.

"So where is your uncle?"