
Waking up the next day, Wang Ming felt confused after opening his eyes. He was still sitting in his wheelchair, which meant that he slept in his wheelchair. Looking in front of him, he saw drool marks on the table in front of him. Looking around, he finally realized that he was in his restaurant..

He couldn't remember how or why he slept in the restaurant, so he gave Peng Tong a call and hoped that he remembered. Wang Ming now also remembered why he doesn't drink, it's because of the day after. When Wang Ming heard the loud noise the phone made when the call connected made his head hurt real bad. He could feel waves of pain coming every couple of seconds.


"You alive, Little Brother? Do you remember how I got home yesterday?"

Wang Ming was talking slowly and softly, almost like a whisper, since he had a parched throat and his head hurt.

"Ugh, I'm alive, big bro. Everything okay with you? You said you could go home by yourself yesterday, so I got a taxi home."

Peng Tong wasn't doing any better than Wang Ming actually he felt a lot worse. He felt like his brain was about to burst out of his head. He disconnected the call right after. Then went to puke out all the alcohol and food he had consumed with Wang Ming.

Hearing what Peng Tong said, Wang Ming tried to remember how he got home. But even how hard he tried he couldn't remember, so he stopped. Since it made his head hurt more than it already did. Not caring about how he looked, Wang Ming went out, even though he was still reeking of alcohol.

He didn't go home to the room he rented, but went to a congee shop. He had heard from many of the uncles that worked for his father's restaurant before, that congee is one of the best hangover cures. Since it fills your stomach and hydrates your body, which would kill two birds in one stone.

It didn't take long for Wang Ming to locate a congee shop that didn't have too many customers. He ordered a chicken thigh congee with lots of greens and a pinch of chili. The chili would be great at waking him up and warming his body, not only this but the chicken thigh has a lot of proteins and fats which gives his body much needed nutrition which would also help to counter his hangover.

Usually Wang Ming would have gone to a shop with many customers, since they were popular for a reason. But not wanting to wait while having a hangover he bought from a shop, he could get the food fastest possible.

Getting his order, Wang Ming felt surprised to see how smooth the texture of the congee was. He intended to take the congee back to his restaurant, but seeing how good it looked, he ate it right away. Opening the lid, there was a sweet and meaty smell that came out of the bowl. Just the smell made Wang Ming's stomach rumble and his mouth drool.

Taking the spoon with a shaky hand, he scooped a spoonful and put it in his mouth. Tasting the congee Wang Ming felt like he was in heaven. The congee had a silky smooth consistency, the chef had cooked the chicken thigh to perfection, so it was tender and almost melted in his mouth. The greens made the congee taste that much fresher. He didn't know how the chef made the chicken so tender. It was so tender, like how high grade beef would do.

He didn't understand why a great shop like this would have so few customers the price was cheap too. This was probably the best congee he had ever tasted in his life. Wang Ming finished the congee in a matter of minutes. Feeling curious, he asked the chef about his secret for the meat, but the chef only smiled at him and said.

"Sorry, you do not qualify."

Wang Ming didn't understand what the chef meant with he didn't qualify, but it was probably his special recipe so he probably didn't want to share it. So disappointedly he shrugged his shoulders and left.

After eating the congee Wang Ming made his way back to the restaurant, but for every meter his wheelchair moved the better he felt. When he arrived at the restaurant he didn't feel hungover anymore, he felt impressed and appreciated the uncles that told him about the hangover cure.

But what he didn't know was that his body worked a lot faster than normal humans. It meant that after getting fuel, his body worked at top speed to remove all toxins from his body.

Feeling much better and seeing that the meat would arrive in roughly an hour, he started preparing the kitchen and himself for a long day. Though he had to shower first and thankfully the restaurant has two locker room for employees which each had a toilet and a shower. One for males and one for females. He felt impressed by the fact the restaurant had showers as he had worked for a few restaurants before and none of them had showers..

Seeing that the restaurant had all the facilities needed, Wang Ming figured he could just stay in the restaurant instead of renting a room. Renting the room would cost him roughly 1000 yuan a week. Since Louzheng works for him now, he has to use that money to pay Louzheng instead. Living in the restaurant would definitely be the best option. He could buy a blanket and sleep on his wheelchair while laying his head on the table. Later he could also buy a mattress to sleep in the locker rooms.

After showering and cleaning the chicken and warming up the ovens, the meat finally arrived. Thought it wasn't Uncle Weng that came with the meat but Louzheng. Wang Ming felt happy about his decision to buy a smartphone, since he could do bank transactions with it. It made paying Uncle Weng and others much easier.

Though right after Louzheng arrived he sent him away again, this time to get all of his things at the room he rented. Since he didn't come back to the room yesterday, they most likely held all of his belongings as "deposit". So he would need to pay for the room one last time. Giving Louzheng the money to pay for the room, he could now focus on making the food.