The Opening Day

Wang Ming, in his red traditional Chinese dress, stood outside of his shop waiting for his friends. He hoped later that when they ignited the firecrackers, it would attract some curious customers to the restaurant. He had already hung up the firecrackers at the front of the building, one on the left and one on the right.

He also hung up the ribbon in front of the store. He had prepared 5 scissors so he, Meng Hao, Lang Lin, Peng Tong and Fu Ya could cut it together. Having them cut the ribbon with him was a way for him to say that he considered them as close friends and a part of his family.

Waiting for 5 minutes he saw his first guest arrive, who was none other than Peng Tong. Today, Peng Tong looked good. Usually he only wears casual clothes. But today he wore a black suit, which made him look more like an investor than someone from the underworld.

Peng Tong looked like a VIP, especially with 50 of his underlings walking behind him all wearing a suit, but no one wore black the same color as Peng Tong. One thing Wang Ming didn't know though was how much stress he gave Peng Tong by inviting him.

After Peng Tong got Wang Ming's call yesterday, he instantly went to the closest clothing shop to buy a suit. But not knowing what looked good, he had to call reinforcements, which was his underlings. And after an hour they finally found the perfect suit for him, but then he had to get a haircut and lastly a present for Wang Ming.

Peng Tong initially thought that he could just give money to Wang Ming, but he had totally forgotten that giving money as a present in business could be seen as bribery. He didn't want to give Wang Ming any unnecessary trouble. Even though Wang Ming didn't have any political position, it could still get him in a lot of trouble.

Peng Tong thought for a long time about what other present he could give. But nothing seemed to be right, gold, and such could be a suitable gift but weren't as practical as money, especially since he knew that Wang Ming needed money. There was no point in giving Wang Ming gold if he had to sell it soon after he could just give him money as it would count as the same thing. ,

So instead he decided he would give Wang Ming a red packet. It was still money, but if it was in a red packet, no one would know how much it was so it would most likely not create any problems. Not only this but Peng Tong would bring about half of his underlings with him to 'show how much he respects Wang Ming.

"Congratulations Big Brother Ming! I not only congratulate you for your new restaurant but also that your're healed! This Little Brother doesn't have much other than a bit of money and some underlings. So I came with both today. I hope you can accept my red packet and my congratulations."

As soon as Peng Tong spoke, he and all of his underlings all bowed to Wang Ming and shouted congratulations. The people who were walking by thought there was a gang war that was erupting and tried to hide as soon as they heard the shouts.

But after a few minutes they saw nothing happened and realized that it was just a restaurant opening, which intrigued them. What restaurant owner had so much face and such a big background, that even the leader of Feng Shong market greeted them in person?

Seeing the spectacle in front of him, Wang Ming felt grateful. To become brothers with, Peng Tong is one of the best decisions he has made in his life. A lot of blood-related brothers weren't so close to each other as how Peng Tong was to him.

Feeling tears starting to form in his eyes, Wang Ming took the red packet and gave Peng Tong a big hug, to show him how much he appreciated everything. Wang Ming didn't want to open the red packet here, but Peng Tong's underlings wouldn't stop bowing until he did.

Opening the red packet made Wang Ming's chin drop. The red packet contained 88888 yuan, 8 is the lucky number because it sounds like Fa, which means wealth, fortune and prosperity. Seeing such an enormous amount Wang Ming wanted to give Peng Tong back the money but Peng Tong read his intentions and took the red packet and stuffed it in Wang Ming's pockets.

"Thank you, little brother. I have received your sincerity. I vow to you right here, that we will brothers till the day I die and even in our next lives we will still be brothers."

"Me too, Big Brother, Me Too."

After Wang Ming took the red packet Peng Tong, then made his underlings stand in a group of five and away from the restaurant, to not overcrowd Wang Ming's restaurant. There would be more people coming for the opening ceremony if there were 50 people standing in front of the restaurant then no one could see the restaurant and it could also intimidate any customers coming.

Wang Ming was in an ecstatic mood. With his great food and support from his friends, how could he not succeed? But a liter of ice cold water soon doused his ecstatic mood. Wang Ming's mood went from heaven and down to hell because of a group of 20 people marching towards them.

He didn't think too much of the group before, but when he saw Weng Ting was walking in front of the group, he knew trouble was on its way. The group stopped 10 meters in front of Wang Ming's restaurant.

Before Wang Ming could even ask what they wanted, the police group took out a baton in their hands and had a menacing look in their face while looking at him and Peng Tong.

The police group kept advancing closer and closer to Wang Ming and Peng Tong. Even Peng Tong felt threatened, so he whistled to his underlings and in 10 seconds they had all lined up behind and beside him. Peng Tong wasn't that afraid of the police, but knew that the underworld had to have harmony with both the police and people, else the police would eradicate them. Though it wasn't everybody from the underworld that understood this, and those were the people that harmed the society.

The police group then stopped 1 meter, in front of Wang Ming, Peng Tong and his underlings. The leader of the group called Bo Hou Zhang, which was Weng Ting's friend, came forward and said.

"Hello, I'm superintendent Bo Hou Zhang. I'm here today to catch Wang Ming. I'm here to arrest him based on him not only slandering Weng Ting, which made him lose his job and family. We also have proof and witnesses that you Wang Ming have sexually assaulted a 10-year-old girl. Please cooperate and come back with us, else we will have to use force."

This was just an excuse for them to bring Wang Ming with them after taking Wang Ming. Bo Hou Zhang and Weng Ting would drug Wang Ming, then throw him on the bed with a 10-year-old girl, and make fake evidence. Then there would be full evidence and the sentence would most likely be 10-15 years in prison.

After hearing what Bo Hou Zhang said, both Wang Ming and Peng Tong felt flabbergasted. Wang Ming didn't think they would be that despicable, wasn't slandering enough, but now they wanted to frame him for raping a minor? Looking at Peng Tong and seeing his shocked face, he hurriedly tried to explain the situation, and that they were only framing him because of Bo Hou Zhang being friends with Weng Ting.

But before Wang Ming could, Peng Tong looked at Wang Ming and smiled. Peng Tong knew someone had framed him. There was no way Wang Ming could be a person like they said. So Peng Tong felt determined to protect Wang Ming with everything he had. He wouldn't let them take Wang Ming away. Who knows what they would do to him?

"Brothers, this is my own problems not of the Wang Gang's. Those that don't want to take part can go now. But those that stay remember we are fighting against the police!"

But even after 10 seconds Peng Tong didn't see any of his underlings move, not even an inch. He smiled at them and said to Wang Ming.

"Big Brother, don't worry with me here, no one can take you away."

After Peng Tong said those words, they heard a loud laughter and looked towards the police group and saw that Bo Hou Zhang was laughing.

"Peng Tong, right? I advise you to stay out of this. These guys behind me are one of the best police squads in China they've earned several models in police competitions. If you want to know why me a superintendent can be their leader, or how a young man like me can be a superintendent. Then this mighty me will tell you, my father is the Vice-Mayor of this city, who would dare to offend him? If Wang gang messes with me, then I will get my father to eradicate you. By this time tomorrow, there won't be a Wang gang in Liaoling city anymore. I dare you to cross me, I will give you 10 seconds to get the fuck out of here."

Hearing his words, Peng Tong couldn't help but get nervous if his actions only affected himself he wouldn't mind. But if this caused Wang Gang's demise, then couldn't be rash. But what other way did he have? These guys are an elite police group what could he really do? But then he realized his only option, which was to quit Wang Gang. This way the police wouldn't have any excuse, but before he would do it. Wang Ming stopped him.

"Peng Tong, I don't want to implicate you. Get out of here I will fight this fight on my own, if I can't I will run and one day I will be back for revenge. GO now!"

After saying this, Wang Ming lunged forward and punched Bo Hou Zhang as hard as he could in the face, breaking his nose and teeth. Wang Ming had almost never been so angry as he was today. This should have been a great day for him, but now everything collapsed.

Not only did he have to fight his way out of here, but he would likely have to escape from Liaoling city. Wang Ming knew that there was no way Bo Hou Zhang would let him go if he went with them. They would likely frame him, which is a simple job for a police officer at his rank. So Wang Ming could only fight, even if he lost, he would lose in honor.

Being punched by Wang Ming, Bo Hou Zhang lost his mind. No one had ever hit him before, even his father hadn't hit him ever. Since everybody in the police force knew who his father was, they would always stand in front and protect him in fights.

But this time Bo Hou Zhang wanted to show off in front of Weng Ting. He also didn't think that one man would dare to resist in front of his elite police group. (Elite group inside the police force, not Special Forces). Feeling so much pain, he screamed as loud as he could.

"IT Fucking HURTS, Kill that motherfucker!"

Hearing his words, the police officers all readied themselves to charge on Wang Ming. These police officers didn't think about wrong or right because their trainer had trained them like soldiers. The only thing they cared about was to listen to orders. But before they could charge down Wang Ming, they heard someone shout so loud it made their ears hurt.

"Stop right now!"

Seeing his underlings stop Bo Hou Zhang got even more pissed and yelled.

"Who shouted STOP? Beat him to death too!"

But as he turned to see who had yelled, Bo Hou Zhang couldn't even hold his balance and fell straight on his ass. While the person who had shouted pointed at their face and said.
