Who are you

"Hello, miss policewoman. What brings you around here?"

The reason Wang Ming didn't want to meet this policewoman again is not because he hates her for the last time. But Wang Ming didn't like to interact with the police, since it could cause him a lot of trouble. Though since she stopped in front of him, he couldn't be rude.

"Hi, Wang Ming, we meet again as a good policewoman I feel obliged to tell you that. You won't be able to find any taxis in 5-10km around the hospital. The mayor banned taxis to come to this hospital for the next three months because of an incident that happened a week ago. Multiple taxi drivers fought with each other when arguing about who would take the customer, injuring both themselves and patients. The only way back and forth is to take the bus, which goes in roughly an hour."

Wang Ming couldn't believe his luck. First was the incident at his restaurant. Now he can't even get a taxi? Sighing, Wang Ming saw only one solution to this, unless he wanted to wait an hour. Looking at Qiao Meng's face, Wang Ming couldn't help but notice her grin.

Her face told him she enjoyed Wang Ming's misery. Thinking about it, it wasn't hard to Wang Ming to know why. It seemed like Qiao Meng had a poor impression of Wang Ming, since last time Meng Hao used his background to bail Wang Ming out, and for a person like Qiao Meng who put justice above all else Wang Ming was like a villain in her eyes.

"I know that we have had our misunderstandings miss policewoman. But could you please do me a good civilian a favor? And drive me to the FenZhong market? If you don't want to do it, then I will give you another reason."

Qiao Meng felt intrigued, so she gave Wang Ming a chance. She was desperate to get out of the traffic division and get a promotion to the justice department, where she would solve homicide cases. With Wang Ming's relationship with Meng Hao, it would only take a word from Meng Hao to make her dream come true. Qiao Meng didn't like to use the backdoor like this, but to realize her dream and to save people she felt it was necessary. It's the lesser of two evils.

"Someone framed me and poisoned the meat I used in my restaurant, I have two suspects already. If you can help me solve this case and apprehend the perpetrators, I can give you my word that I will do everything in my ability to satisfy one of your wishes. It's not bribery but appreciation for your help."

Pretending to think about it, Qiao Meng tilted her head to look at Wang Ming. Looking at him, she appreciated how well built he is. Since Wang Ming was wearing a tight white shirt, Qiao Meng could see the muscles behind it. Though she couldn't see his abs it wasn't hard for her to imagine how they looked.

Though her gaze made Wang Ming feel uncomfortable, it almost felt like she was slowly undressing him with her eyes. It incited some dirty thoughts in Wang Ming's head, especially as he saw her slowly lick her luscious lips. Imagining Qiao Meng looking at him with tender eyes and slowly biting her lips made Wang Ming's heartbeat elevate and his body sweat.

Pinching himself, Wang Ming calmed down and asked Qiao Meng once again if she would help him. He also silently took a few deep breaths to calm himself.

"Eh, Miss policewoman. Do you want to help me? If not, then I have a bus to get."

Realizing that she was staring at him, Qiao Meng played it off by coughing and said.

"Yes, yes, I was just thinking. Get in the car and we will move out now."

Hearing her agreement, Wang Ming brightened up and ran towards the other side and sat down inside the car.

Seeing him run, Qiao Meng finally remembered that last time she met him, he was sitting in a wheelchair. But looking at how nimble he was, it didn't look like he had been in a wheelchair at all. Could a person recover so fast in only a week? She thought, but since she didn't know how critical Wang Ming's injuries were before and coupled with, she wasn't close to him at all. She didn't ask.

Getting in the car, Wang Ming told her to drive towards the Feng Shong market. He felt anxious, since Wang Ming felt that the more time they used, the more time they gave the perpetrators to get away. He hoped that Weng Ping had nothing to do with this, and that someone only threatened him, or it was somebody else who did it behind his back.

Wang Ming had developed a good relationship with Weng Ping, after visiting his shop so many times. He didn't want to find out somebody close to him was actually a wolf in sheep's clothing, like his dad and various other people in his life.

After 25 minutes they arrived at the market parking area, Wang Ming got Qiao Meng to turn on the blue lights and drive faster since he had a bad feeling. On the way, Wang Ming had filled her in on what had happened and who he suspected. But after telling her about what had happened, she had an indifferent look on her face and would just answer him with "Mmm" every time he tried to talk with her.

Getting out of the car, Wang Ming made a hurry to Weng Ping's shop. Arriving at the shop, Wang Ming felt a terrible feeling in his gut. The feeling was like when you have lost 5 times in a row while gambling and now you go all in trying to win everything back. He could feel his heart pumping.

Arriving at the shop, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. Vigilantly Wang Ming opened the door, but before he could Qiao Meng pushed him lightly away and opened the door instead while slowly taking out the pistol. Wang Ming was glad that she did it discreetly, so the passing people wouldn't notice.

Opening the door, they both went inside. Weng Ping's shop wasn't too big, so they could see the entire shop from the door.

Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary here, but it was still opening times, and Weng Ping was nowhere to be seen. Seeing that there was no danger here, Qiao Meng put her pistol back to the holster and went around to look.

Wang Ming walked up to the counter and saw a piece of paper that had his name on it. Feeling curious, he grabbed it and read the content out loud.

"Hello, Wang Ming. You shouldn't know who I am, but maybe later we will get acquainted later on. It all depends on your skills and wits. As a greeting gift, I have prepared something special for you in the cooler in this shop. You will find further instructions there."

Reading the content of the paper, Wang Ming couldn't understand what was happening. Who in the world would target him? Why would they even bother to target him? The only persons he knew that would do this were Weng Ting, HouZi Gang and Bo Hou Zhang.

Wang Ming ruled Bo Hou Zhang quickly since he was too afraid of Meng Hao, as for Weng Ting he was still on the run. So the only one left would be HouZi gang. But would they go to these lengths to mess with him? They are thugs and gangsters, couldn't they just ambush and kill him?

"Do you know who this could be, Wang Ming? It seems like this person not only wants to harm you, but play you to death."

Wang Ming had no idea, so he only shook his head. Folding the letter and putting it in his pocket, Wang Ming then walked towards the cooler and hurriedly opened it.

Opening the cooler, their eyes widened in shock. The sight stunned Wang Ming, Qiao Meng was cooler since she wanted to become a homicide officer, this was something she had been long prepared for. But regained his wits when he heard Qiao Meng screaming.

"Call the ambulance NOW!"