Is he dead?

"How close are they? Can we escape from this place without being seen by them?"

Wang Ming felt himself starting to panic. He could fight his way out of here if they were unarmed. But since they had weapons, he didn't have confidence in winning at all. What could he do? How could these guys even have guns?

"They're right outside, I freed myself and got into this room barely before they saw me. What should we do, Wang Ming?"

What could they do? Wang Ming thought. There was no way they could fight against guns, should they just hide? Wang Ming had a revolver himself, but only one bullet in it.

"Qiao Meng, you have any ideas?"

Qiao Meng didn't know either. She couldn't fight because of her wound, they had also taken her gun and phone away from her earlier. They really had no way to fight.

They all felt despair, Wang Ming checked out the room and found no other exits except from the door they had entered from. They had to exit through that door, which could lead to their death. But they didn't have any other choice, it was this or stay inside this room forever. But it was only a question of time until someone noticed Louzheng was missing and Gang Gou's underlings checking up on him.

Gathering Qiao Meng and Louzheng Wang Ming then told them his plan.

"We are fucked. We only have one choice, and that's stepping out of that door. The plan is that I will leave this room first, if you hear noise after I do, then just stay inside here until you find an opportunity to escape, I will make the most noise possible to draw all the guards to me. Can you guys walk?"

Seeing them both nod, Wang Ming let out a sigh of relief.

"That's good. Now if I walk out there and don't see anyone then we will all try to sneak out of here together. I'm going to tie up Gang Gou so he can't go anywhere, then we move."

Walking towards Gang Gou, Wang Ming thought he was unconscious, but he wasn't. He had listened to the conversation and knew their plan. With a wicked grin, Gang Gou shouted out as loud as he could. Wang Ming didn't expect that Gang Gou faked passing out, hearing him scream Wang Ming in a split second grabbed the whip, yanked it out of Gang Gou's ass and then shoved the part of the whip that had just been in his ass into Gang Gou's mouth.

Tasting his own poop and blood, Gang Gou wanted to throw up. But since the Whip was gagging him, he couldn't throw up or make any sounds. He tried to fight against Wang Ming but couldn't, Wang Ming pinned him down like a professional wrestler. He didn't even budge a centimeter.

"Now be quiet! Unless you want another taste of your own poop."

Hearing Wang Ming wanted to shove the whip down his throat again, Gang Gou felt terrified, he didn't even let out a single peep anymore. He had gotten a mouthful of poop down his throat already. He didn't want it again.

Not hearing another sound from Gang Gou, Wang Ming felt satisfied he then took his hand over Gang Gou's mouth and shoved the whip back into Gang Gou's ass. He screamed when he felt the whip once again penetrating his ass, but since Wang Ming was holding his hand over his mouth, so no sounds came out. He then used the whip to tie up Gang Gou just like a chicken.

But before Wang Ming walked away, he took off his socks and stuffed them inside Gang Gou's mouth for extra security. Now ready, he walked to the door and peeked out slightly. Seeing no one on the other side nor hearing any sounds, Wang Ming opened the door and sneaked out.

Qiao Meng and Louzheng could only pray for Wang Ming's success, as they couldn't contribute any other way. Though they would watch Gang Gou so he did nothing funny. Louzheng felt pissed seeing Gang Gou, he wanted to beat the shit out of him, but if he did, then Gang Gou would most likely scream so he didn't. Instead, he relished in Gang Gou's current state.

Qiao Meng had never felt this useless in her entire life, she couldn't do anything to save herself nor Wang Ming. If it wasn't for her pride, then she would have called for backup and they wouldn't have been in so much danger. Had she just listened to Wang Ming to her seniors, but then here they are. She hoped that Wang Ming could clear a path for them, else they would be dead.

Wang Ming looked left and right after closing the door behind and saw no one. He could hear sounds of someone talking but couldn't see where they were. Taking the chance, Wang Ming sneaked towards the guarded door he had entered from earlier. He saw no one, but the voices were louder now, which meant that he had to be close to the people talking.

Opening the door lightly to not make any sounds, Wang Ming saw who Louzheng had talked about and who he had heard. Behind the door stood 5 men, all equipped with a pistol and an earpiece. Which made them look like soldiers or police officers.

Wang Ming felt a sliver of hope. Maybe they were reinforcements? But then he heard them talk with each other.

"One, what do we do with the corpses? I don't know why we got assigned with such a boring task. Why'd we even cooperate with these thugs from Houzi Gang? We could have just killed Wang Ming in his restaurant."

"Three shut up. Walls have ears. We do anything we get assigned by the boss stop bitching like a woman on her period. Before I shove my cock down your throat. Understood?"


"Now for all of you we need to find Wang Ming, Three killed all the people from HouZi Gang before we could question them. So we don't know if Wang Ming is here yet. There are signs of someone fighting here, but I couldn't confirm who or how many fought, only some bloodstains. Keep your eyes peeled, check every corner understood?"

"Yes, One."

Seeing the 5 men split up, Wang Ming could finally breathe again. He had held his breath, afraid that his breathing would attract attention. But before he could open the door to sneak out of the factory, Wang Ming could see the man that had been reprimanded, walked towards the door, Wang Ming was hiding behind. Hurriedly closing the door, Wang Ming tried to find a place to hide but realize there was no place to hide here.

Hearing the footsteps louder and louder, Wang Ming realized he only had a few seconds to hide now. Seeing no hiding place, Wang Ming took a deep breath and hid to the left of the door. Seeing the door opening up, Wang Ming grew nervous. He could hear the man fiddling with the door, then saw him step in towards the room.

Wang Ming could see his feet now to his left, but since the door swung open towards Wang Ming, the door blocked Wang Ming's vision of the man. Luckily the man didn't close the door behind him and instead let the door shut by itself so he didn't see Wang Ming.

After the door closed, Wang Ming got a good look of the man. He looked exactly what Wang Ming thought a soldier doing an infiltration mission would look like. He had dark clothes on from top to bottom, but he didn't have a rifle instead he had a pistol in his hands. He had an earpiece in his ear and even wore a hat so it would be harder for others to see his face.

The man then stepped further into the room, towards the direction where they had chained up Louzheng earlier. Wang Ming sneakily followed the man, but he had to be a few meters behind him since he didn't want the man to notice him.

But he couldn't sneak anymore when he saw the man had found the secret room, Louzheng and Qiao Meng were hiding in.

"Interesting, what do we have here. I look around for Wang Ming instead I find a bound up man, a handicapped man and an injured woman. Are you guys doing a play? Who are you guys where are Wang Ming? Answer me before I put a bullet in all of your heads."

Qiao Meng and Louzheng became white as a paper when they saw a man they didn't know opening the door. What happened to Wang Ming? What would they do now? Gang Gou wanted to scream for help, as he recognized three's voice, he had heard this voice before these guys were their partners. But no words came out of his mouth except from muffled sounds, since he still had the socks in his mouth.

"Now I give you three seconds before I shoot the BDSM guy."


Hearing him start his countdown, Gang Gou felt panic. He needed to let them know they were allies, but even with how hard he struggled, he couldn't get the socks out of his mouth.



Before the man could count down to one, Wang Ming jumped on him grabbing his neck from behind and trying his hardest to choke him. Wang Ming felt so much adrenaline at this moment that even when the man struck his stomach and ribs with his elbows, he din't feel a thing. The only thought in Wang Ming's head right now was to knock him out.

But even though Wang Ming's strong, he still lacks in technique. He didn't hold the man's neck properly, so it took much longer to choke out the man, since he still got in small puffs of air. The man tried to fight Wang Ming, but even after hitting Wang Ming multiple times, he didn't get any reaction.

So he tried to contact his crew by tapping on the communication device, Wang Ming had no other hands so he couldn't stop him. But luckily Qiao Meng had slowly been crawling towards them, when she saw the man trying to tap the communication device. She launched her attack, grabbing the man's arm with both her arms and bit down on his arm, which made him scream like a woman.

This also diverted his attention, which made his chin go up a centimeter, which gave Wang Ming a much better hold over his neck. Flexing his arms, Wang Ming used full strength on his chokehold, finally after only 15 seconds the man stopped struggling and his body became limp.

Releasing the man and lowering him to the floor, Wang Ming realized that he had stopped breathing. Feeling panic, Wang Ming tried to press his chest multiple times, but yet he didn't breath nor move.

"Qiao Meng, is he dead?"