Selling the Shop

He saw his father, Wang Ping. Wang Ming couldn't believe that Wang Ping had the balls to come to this market. Especially after what he did last time. He had made a lot of trouble last time, Peng Tong should have blacklisted him already. Wang Ping was still a hundred meter's away so Wang Ming wasn't sure if he could see him. Was he here for him? Or did he have any other plans?

Seeing Wang Ping walking closer towards him, Wang Ming didn't know what to do. Should he face his father or leave now, pretend that he never saw him? But before he could think more about it, Wang Ping stopped in front of his son. With a big smile, he gave Wang Ming a hug.

"Hello my son, how are you doing! I see you're healthy now. Let me congratulate you, let's get a beer, me and you then talk about old times!"

Wang Ming didn't know what Wang Ping wanted, but he was sure it wasn't something good. His father had never treated him like an equal, for him to do it now meant that he wanted something from him.

"What do you want, Wang Ping? You're ballsy to walk around in Peng Tong's territory, after what you did last time. Let's talk here I'm busy I have things to do."


It pissed Wang Ping off his son, had turned become defiant, so fast. It had only been a more than a month ago where his son would listen to everything he said. Even if it was stupid and selfish. Calming himself down, Wang Ping tried one more time. It's crucial that he ropes Wang Ming in his standing in the HouZi Gang depends on this.

"Son, I know I haven't been good to you in the past. But I'm trying to rectify what happened between us. I just need a small favor from you, that's all. I've talked with Brother Hou, he's assured me he won't pursue you anymore as long as you do this for us and for me. I need you to set up a meeting with Peng Zhong, Peng Tong's big brother. I promise no one will know you had any part in this. We will even give you 1 million yuan, so you can take off or do whatever you want with the money. I know you're good friends with Peng Tong, but it's not him we want to harm but Peng Zhong it shouldn't matter to you."

"What? No. Why would I do this for you? I don't even need money."

Wang Ming knew it. What disappointed him the most was that his father didn't even bother to mask his intentions. He just wanted to use him, that's all he wanted. To secure his spot in the HouZi Gang. Even though Wang Ming's a sentimental person he's not stupid. Even if he wanted to help his father, he couldn't betray his little brother like this.

He had never met Peng Zhong before, but what Wang Ming has today, Peng Zhong contributed to it indirectly.

"No. Are you done? I need to go now."

Wang Ming didn't even want to see his father's face now after this. He had never changed. What rectify their relationship? This just made everything worse. Wang Ming didn't care anymore and walked towards Weng Ping's shop.

"Stop Wang Ming. STOP NOW! If you don't take this opportunity, my standing in the HouZi Gang will weaken!"

Seeing that Wang Ming kept walking away, Wang Ping tried one last time.

"STOP! Think about your life, the danger you put everyone around you in. If you don't help me the HouZi Gang will spare no effort in hunting you down. Please Wang Ming, I beg you. Just do this for me!"

Wang Ming just sighed and kept walking away. He had no more words for Wang Ping.

Wang Ping kept shouting at his son's departing back. How he would regret this, how he's an ungrateful bastard, but to no avail. Wang Ming kept walking away. He had to think of another plan then. He didn't think that Wang Ming would deny him. He had always been meek since young.

It took Wang Ming only 5 minutes to arrive at Weng Ping's shop. He felt like running after the meeting with Wang Ping. To run away from all his stress and emotions, which worked wonders. Arriving at the shop, Wang Ming breathed out any negative thoughts and entered.

"Hello, Uncle Weng! How are you doing today?"

Wang Ming had visited Uncle Weng everyday ever since Weng Ting got hospitalized. He tried to talk some sense into Weng Ping, that it isn't his responsibility hos Weng Ting turned out and the wicked deeds he had done. Wang Ming genuinely cared about Weng Ping, as he was one of the few people that hadn't judged him when he looked like a homeless man.

He still remembers the incident in the phone shop, compared with how they greeted him and Weng Ping. It was totally different. The woman in the phone shop desperately wanted him gone, while Weng Ping desperately wanted him as a customer.

"Welcome, Wang Ming. I'm doing ok."

Weng Ping sighed with a sour smile.

"Are you sure? Your face clearly says something else."

Wang Ming was spot on, Weng Ping wasn't feeling good he was having a headache and didn't know what to do.

"I guess, I can't hide it from you, Wang Ming. This last week has been a downward hill for me. First it was Weng Ting, then a woman in her fifties came here and wanted to sue me so I had to pay her 500 thousand yuan to end the case. Now someone beat up Weng Ting early this morning. He had barely healed from the old wounds, now he needs to get surgery for the new. It's going to cost 800 thousand yuan for it and frankly I don't have enough money. I've invested so much money into this shop, I don't want to sell it. But I still need 300 thousand yuan for the surgery I have to. There's no other way."

Listening to Weng Ping's rant, Wang Ming got very interested when he talked about selling his shop. Owning his own source of meat would be great for his restaurant, he could not only assure quality but later down the road get whatever type of meat he needs.

"Uncle Weng, I can pay you the 300 thousand right now for your meat shop, but I won't take over it. I know the offer is probably not satisfactory, but it's everything I can offer. I want to share the ownership 50/50 with you. I believe in this shop, it has a lot of potential. To compensate you even more Uncle Weng, the first year of sales you get 70% while I'll take 30%. You can keep operating the shop, but I hope you can listen to me about some changes we need to do."

Weng Ping felt reluctant even though he had a friendly relationship with Wang Ming, 300 thousand was probably 20% of what he had invested in operating this restaurant. But Wang Ming's terms enticed Weng Ping, especially if he had a plan to make the shop more popular. The shop is his baby, and this has been one of his biggest sorrows, that the shop didn't do like he felt it should do.

The most important thing for him to do now was also to get Weng Ting his surgery as soon as possible. Weng Ping could try to get a bank loan, but the chance of the bank granting it would be low. His income over the last 12 months had been abysmal. He could also pawn the store, but not only would he get a horrible price for it, most likely he wouldn't be able to pay back in time, which meant he would lose his shop.

"I'm interested, I don't care too much about money. The dream I've had for my shop ever since I've opened it is for every family in this city to come to my shop to buy meat. If you're rich or poor, it doesn't matter we still have what you need. If you can convince me that the changes you want to make to my shop, can make this happen, then I'll happily gift you shop for free."

Wang Ming didn't think that Weng Ping would be that hard to negotiate with, but this made it more exciting.