Feng Jiayi

It didn't take long for Wang Ming to arrive at the Tiger's bar as it was fairly close to the Feng Zhong market. He hadn't changed his clothes yet, so his clothes looked shabby but still presentable, as they were clean and in excellent condition.

He had never been to this part of town before, even though Wang Ming's family were fairly rich before, they wouldn't dare to mingle in these places. Here everything cost at least 3-4 times the average.

Though for rich people this doesn't matter, some even complain that it's not expensive enough. Some love to compete in who can use the most money in a day.

Tiger's bar up was just up ahead, but Wang Ming saw a huge line outside the bar. Walking closer he tried to spot Lang Lin but couldn't find her, Wang Ming didn't want to spend the whole night lining up just to get into the bar.

Taking out his phone to call Lang Lin, the moment he called her Wang Ming heard a cellphone ring in the back. Looking back, he tried to locate where the phone was ringing from. But couldn't since it was too many people, and their talking made it even harder.

"Hello, who is it?"

"I'm Wang Ming where are you, I'm at Tiger's bar but can't find you."

"Oh, you're here already. Wait, I'll get you we are in the bar's front."

After Lang Lin hung up, Wang Ming saw her wave from the line. She jumped while waving, which attracted the attention of many men in the line. Her boobs were jiggling with every jump. It also attracted Wang Ming's attention.

Who hurriedly ran to her side. He felt uncomfortable seeing so many stares at her with a predatory look. They were all looking at her like she was a tub of ice cream on a hot day.

Coming to the Lang Lin, he realized what she meant earlier with 'we'. Lang Lin wasn't alone, but with two women and three men. Wang Ming felt a little intimidated seeing other people. He thought it would only be her there, but he couldn't act like a wussy now. Giving Lang Lin a friendly Hug, Wang Ming said.

He didn't see it, but one man stared at him begrudgingly.

"I'm here. Now what was so important?"

Lang Lin's friends had invited her to a ladies' night out. But when her friends came, she realized that they not only had taken with their boyfriends but also brought a third man. She instantly knew that this was a setup, Lang Lin didn't know if her friends were on it, but their boyfriends definitely were as they kept pushing her towards the third man they had brought with them.

She didn't like people setting her up with men, it's the one thing she hates most in her life. It's her life she should be able to decide who she wants to date and who she wants to become friends with. Her father had tried a stunt like this before, which he never dared to do again as Lang Lin almost ripped him a new asshole. He had never seen her so mad in his life.

Looking at her friends she saw them smiling apologetically it seemed like they didn't have any say in this. She didn't blame them too much they're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Their boyfriends are rich and have excellent positions in their companies. So they have to do anything to satisfy them.

Lang Lin didn't want to hang with a man she didn't know, especially when she realized their destination would be Tiger's bar, a well-known couples bar. She's heard that they have a lot of intimate couple games, not only this but every table is a couple table which meant that she would end up with the man they had brought.

Unless she had a partner herself. She didn't have many male friends, but she had one she knew she could trust. Wang Ming, excusing herself, she hurriedly called him, saying it was important. She knew it was bad of her to lie to him, but she really needed him here if he didn't come, she might get taken advantage of by that man.

Going back to the group, they lined up to get into Tiger's bar. At first Lang Lin felt at ease that Wang Ming would get here in time, since the line was long. But the man her friends had brought over were a VIP at the bar which meant that they could cut over 95% of the line. They only needed to queue behind other VIPS.

This made Lang Lin worry as there weren't many people in the VIP queue, so it moved significantly quicker. She kept looking around but didn't see Wang Ming anywhere.

The number of people in front of her kept getting fewer rapidly. Looking at the man, he had an excited smile on his face. She didn't know if it was because he thought he would get to do anything with her, or it was genuine excitement to have some fun.

But then finally Wang Ming called her it couldn't have been in a better timing, as they were just about to enter the bar. Stopping the group, she jumped up to wave at Wang Ming to get his attention. She could barely see above the sea of people when she jumped, so she had to do it multiple times until she saw Wang Ming run towards her.

She could finally breathe a sigh of relief, even though she didn't talk directly to to her friends' boyfriends and the man they had brought. But she kept hearing them telling stories or bragging about the fact how rich they were, what they could and would do, etc. For other women, it could have worked but for her. She had met many young masters like these in the past, and they disgusted her.

Feeling Wang Ming hug her, she felt shy, as there hadn't been many men that had hugged her in public. But since their good friends she didn't think it was in appropriate, Wang Ming just gave her a chaste hug and did nothing over the top, which she appreciated.

Lang Lin then whispered into Wang Ming's ear as she didn't want the others to hear what she said.

"Sorry to call you here in a hurry, Wang Ming. My friends tried to set me up, Tiger's bar is a couple bar. You're the only male friend I trust that wouldn't take advantage of me."

Wang Ming didn't know why Lang Lin didn't tell him the truth from the start, instead she made it sound like an emergency. He would have no problem helping her, she had helped him before. She's also a great friend he had no reason to decline.

"I got you. But next time, just tell me the truth. You've heard about the boy that kept crying wolf, right? If you keep telling me it's important all the time, then I will stop believing in you."

Feeling embarrassed being reprimanded by Wang Ming. Lang Lin gave him a kiss on the cheek as an apology. But this made her even more embarrassed as she had on a faint red lipstick today. The kiss had left a mark on Wang Ming's cheek.

Wang Ming didn't know how to react after being kissed by Lang Lin. He felt like he had run a 50 mile run, as he could feel his heart beating in his chest. Seeing her motioning him to wipe his cheek. But since he didn't have any paper, Wang Ming used his shirt to wipe it, which gave his white shirt a big red lipstick stain.

"I don't think this will get off. But anyway, do you want to introduce me to your friends and maybe this male friend also?"

He had been so engrossed in talking with Lang Lin, that Wang Ming didn't even realize that her friends looked at them with impatience. Though one of them had a weird look on his face, when Wang Ming looked at him. He stared straight back at Wang Ming with an angry look. He then realized that this was the man that Lang Lin had told him about.

Grabbing Wang Ming's arm and hugging it gently, Lang Lin pulled him over to her friends.

"These are one of my few best friends, the girls that is. The one on the left is He Meifeng, together with her is her boyfriend Ren Meng. The other couple is Wan Ehuang, we just call her Huang [1] since she loves the color yellow the man besides her is her boyfriend called Yin Yan. Then we have their friend called."

Before Lang Lin could finish her sentence, Feng Jiayi introduced himself. He felt threatened by the appearance of Wang Ming, especially after seeing them so lovey dovey with each other.

"Hi, I'm Feng Jiayi, VP [2] of Feng Digitals. What's your name?"

"I'm Wang Ming, Lang Lin's good friend. I have a restaurant, if you ever visit Feng Zhong market then please eat at my place."

Feng Jiayi didn't care if Lang Lin and Wang Ming were together or not, he had heard from Ren Meng and Yin Yan that their girlfriends had a beautiful virgin friend. After seeing Lang Lin, his desire to get her virginity got even higher. She was gorgeous! Though in his eyes, after a woman loses her virginity, they also lose their value.

He prides himself in being a ladykiller. He hadn't met many women that could resist his charm and assets. For most of the women, if he just offered them money or benefits, they would all crawl into his bed.

But it seemed like this battle would be hard, as Lang Lin had an indifferent attitude towards him, but now Wang Ming would also pose an enormous threat. Though he wouldn't back down from this challenge, this just made everything more exciting.

He didn't worry too much either as he had hatched a plan with Ren Meng and Yin Yan earlier, he just needs to lure Wang Ming away to start it.

"Well, since the introductions are over. Lets go, we're holding up the line."