
"What do you mean, Shifu?"

Even though Zhou Liwei knew that his Shifu had caught on, he couldn't admit to it. As long as he kept feigning ignorance, the man couldn't fault him. The first rule he had learned when he joined this school is to never abuse Wing Chun, to always use it for righteousness and justice. You will only use Wing Chun when you absolutely have to, and only for a just cause.

"Do I need to clarify? Shouldn't you a top-tier instructor know better?"

"Shifu, I'm only doing this for Xiao Lan. The man harassed her! It's for justice."

"I see justice."

The old man had a mysterious smile on his face, Zhou Liwei didn't know what to think about the smile at all. Did he agree with him or doesn't he?

"I know it's an unfair battle since I have many years of martial arts training, so I'm giving him the best rule set, aren't I?"

The old man just laughed, hearing Zhou Liwei's excuse.