Star List

Taking his dish out from the heat box, Wang Ming puffed his chest up. He tried to show everyone else his resolve. The only thing on his mind right now is to give the best presentation he can and snatch a place on the star list. The judges' table looked so massive when he stood in front of it, so far the judges did little judging at all except for the first round. 

For the past two rounds they have had no input at all and were just spectators. Right now he truly felt the judges' power, as his fate lie in their hands.

Placing the plate on the table Wang Ming had purposely used a lid to cover the bowl, as he wanted to trap all the aromas inside, effectively creating an aroma bomb. He wanted the judges and everyone else to smell the delicious sauce and have their mouths watering from it. 

Like a small kid waiting, trying to prank his parents, Wang Ming stood excitedly for them to open the lid.