I am pregnant

After 2 months...

I have not seen Eric after our wedding night. He comes home too late and leaves too early. I didn't get a chance to talk to him. I wanted to understand what was he thinking. We met hardly 6 times altogether. Now he imprisoned me in his house. He himself is not coming and meeting.

In this 2 months, I learned something. Even though he rude and unbearable, his maids are always polite and respectful towards him. I thought it's just that they are working for him. But there are some other reason beyond that. Anyways, I don't care about it.

Recently I am falling sick frequently. Whatever I eat, I vomit. I don't know what it is. My menstrual cycle also delayed. I might have PCOD. But suddenly the realization hit me. I had sex with Eric. I did get my period for long time. I might be pregnant. I need to check out.

I went to hospital and got confirmation that I am pregnant. What I have to do now? Will he accept our kids? Should I tell him? I am really nervous. I want to meet him. Tell him what is going on.

I directly went to Excellence corporation. This is my 3rd time. Whenever I come here, one or the other bad things would happen. This time I don't want anything bad to happen. I just want to tell him that I am pregnant and ask him what I have to do with this kid.

When you know that you have another soul inside you, that will be the happiest moment for all the women. He will decide whether to keep this child or not. But zero hope on him. He will ask me to abort it. Because he can't see me happy. I can't run away from here.

I entered into Excellence corporation. When I went to 12th floor, His secretary was there. Same girl I don't want to see. I was about to enter into his office. But she stopped me and she did not allow me to get inside.

"I want to meet my husband. Leave me" I muttered angrily.

"He is in a meeting. You can't get inside" She said faintly.

"I need to meet him. I have to meet him" I shouted at her.

"This is our order. You can't meet him" She said with a arrogant grin on her face.

I took the medical report and slammed it on the near by table.

"Give this to your boss. If he doesn't come and meet me today, I will decide everything about this kid. He would not have any right to take a decision about it" I turned around and left the place.