Aspiration Pvt LTD

The next day, I got up too late. Previous night was very tiring and I didn't sleep for till 3 am in the morning. I was very lazy to get up from bed. I was simply turning in the bed. Suddenly someone called me from hall.

I went out to check who was that. It was Eric.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in confusion.

"I came to get what belongs to me" he said with a mischievous smile on his face.

"What do you mean?" I was so confused that I don't know what was happening.

"I don't like to waste time, you have two options"

"Go on"

"One is marry me or I will take all your properties"

"You are joking right"

"As you think"

"How will you take all our properties? There is no way you can do that"

"I didn't think you would be this naive baby doll. There's a way. Your dad signed a lot of agreement with Excellence corporation. If you breach any of those, the penalty will be more than what you have right now"

"We didn't breach any contract"

"But you can't prove it and yeah you can't fight against Excellence corporation. You have 2 hours of time."

He went near to the door and turned, "This going to be the price for yesterday's slap. I will show you how the living hell will be".

He left the place. My dad and mom were standing in a corner crying.

"We will leave this place now. We don't want anything" my mom said in-between her sobs.

"We can earn everything one day. But we cannot fight against Excellence corporation and Eric. We will leave Dear" my dad said faintly.

"I already taken a decision dad, I am gonna marry him, Whatever the price is"

"No, we will not allow it"

"I should do it, no matter what. I know dad Aspiration is your dream. You struggled a lot for it".

"I can't do this but"

"I don't know how he is with other girls dad. But he is actually gentle with me. I know everything will be alright one day. if not, I will come back to you as your daughter again"

I left that place and called Eric.

"Hy Baby doll"

"I am ready for the wedding"

"I know. Everything is ready. Come to Excellence corporation".

I directly went to Excellence corporation. I don't know what will happen next. But I have to face everything to save Aspiration. I can take any risk to save it. It's like our kid. Dad was working day and night. I can't do anything reckless.