
I rushed home. I never thought that someone could do this for money. I was so pissed off. I directly went to backyard. I kneeled down in front of Angel.

"I am sorry bunny. I allowed someone to kill you. I blamed mommy for that. I am so sorry." I cried.

"I didn't know that it would happen. It was my mistake and I blamed mommy." I cried and cried and cried. Then I decided to go and bring her home. I went and got inside the car. I drove and reached the destination.

Yesterday when I was coming from restaurant I was thinking about something I told to Chaaya.

"I would adopt 100 kids and keep them with me." I was thinking why can't I adopt one. When I was driving back home. my car was broke down. I got down and was checking what was the problem. But I was not able to find. So I called car mechanic and John to help me out. I was leaned on my car and observing the surroundings. My eyes glued on one building with lot of trees. I started walking towards that building. I entered inside. It was an orphanage. I walked inside. I was thinking whether that was a coincidence or fate. I was thinking to adopt someone. I ended up her. I was thinking about that and walking towards the main building. Someone called from behind.

"Hello Sir. How can I help you?" I turned look at person who call me.

"Hi. I am Eric. I want to see the kids here." I said and looked around.

"This way sir" I took me inside.

I met an old woman. I think she was in charge here.

"Hi mam, I am Eric. I want to see the kid here"

"Sure sir." She said and took me inside the place where kids would be.

"How many kids are her? Can you manage with the fund you raise?" I asked her while walking.

"We don't get much funds sir. Only few people would donate. We have only 50 kids so. We don't get much funds." She answered.

When we entered inside there where around 40 to 45 kids. They were all cute. They were all running around and play. It was nice thing to see. I walked to room. There was one cradle in the middle of the room. I walked towards that and the old lady followed me. I went near to the cradle and saw. I was mesmerized by what I have seen. There was a small girl child lying inside. I turned towards the old lady.

"She is Aileen. We found her at the Orphanage gate in the morning a month before. That time she was just an one day old." She said.

I turned towards Aileen. Aileen which means light. Her eyes had the light to match her name. She was cute girl with big brown eyes, black hair and a her lips had a natural pout. If you ask me the meaning of cute and beautiful, I would show her directly. If bunny would have born, she would be like Aileen.

"Can I take her home? What is the procedure for adoption? I asked the old lady. But my eyes glued on the cutie.

"Sure Sir. I will finish all the procedure by tomorrow." She said.

I called John and asked him to come to the orphanage. He came after sometime and I informed him to take this orphanage under our company and provide proper facilities for the kids who are living her. Then I went back with him home.

Today I was going to pick Aileen. I would have family soon. She could ease my pain. She could make me happy. When I saw her eyes, I saw the light which can take me away from the darkness I was into. I went to the orphanage and finished all the procedure.

I went inside the room where they kept Aileen yesterday. I took her from that cradle. My hands were shivering. I felt like she would be my lifeline forever. I took her home. I took her directly to Angel. Angel would be happy to meet her sister.