I have all the rights to touch her

The next day we went to meet my mom and dad. My dad didn't like what he has done 3 years before. But for my sake, he accepted him as a son-in-law. But they didn't talk to each other. I forced Eric to talk to my dad 3 years before. He tried so many times. But my dad ignored him. After I left home for 3 years, I was sure that my dad would be more angry than before. So I stopped asking them to talk with each other. My dad was right. If someone would do the same thing to Aileen that Eric did to me, he would be angrier than my dad.

My mom was happy about us. But Still dad is not happy. I tried to convince him but he didn't listen to me. Mom was happy to see me Eric and Aileen together. And I was happy to see them after a long back. We went inside the house. But when we entered, dad stood up and went inside his bedroom. I came after so 3 years. But he was not even came near me and hugged. I looked at Eric. He was carrying Aileen. Eric smiled at me and walked past me. He went near to mom and hugged her.

"Mom, I am damn hungry. What did you prepare?" He asked. Mom smiled at him and said, "I prepared everything which you like".

"You people have food. I will go and meet dad" I said as I walked towards my dad's room. I entered inside and closed it lightly. "Dad, how are you?" I asked him. He turned and looked at me. "Oh, you are back." He said sarcastically. "What happened to you dad? Why are you behaving like this? Eric is your son in-law. If you don't want to talk to him, atleast you can sit there with them." I said worriedly. "I don't want to look at that bastard. That son of a bitch is not my son in-law." He shouted literally. "Stop this dad. Stop all this nonsense. He is my husband. I will not allow anyone to insult him." I shouted in the same tone as him. "He took everything from you, your family, your property, everything." He said. "He gave back Everything dad. He gave back more than what he took from me. He is better person than what you think" I said slowly. "See dad. I love him. He loves me more." I tried to make him understand. "He threw you out of his home, because he loves you" His tone contained a huge sarcasm. "He didn't throw me. I left his place" I shouted at my dad. "He didn't try to find you" Dad was so adamant. "He tried but Was not able to find. I shouted again. "He is a bastard who fucked half of the girls in the city." He was crossing his limits. "Shut up dad. He is not a bastard and you know nothing about him" I shouted at my maximum voice. Eric and Mom came running towards dad's room. "What happened baby?" He came near me and hugged. "I dare you to touch my daughter" my dad shouted at Eric. "She is my wife Sir. I have all the rights to touch her" Eric said angrily. "I should have known that you are interested in my daughter when you were helping her to pursue her dreams. I should have known that when you got her college seats from New York and here. I was a fool that I thought you were just help us" He said angrily. "Atleast you know that you are fool. Stop this Robert. He is our son in law. He helped out daughter in so many ways. He built her career." My mom was so angry. "We will leave now Eric. Mom, if you want to see us, you come to our home. No one is respecting my husband her. So I will never come here." I said and dragged Eric out.